Sunday, January 29, 2017

Beth on Board to Shill for the AHA

In a press release dated January 27, the annual Hero Dog Awards show, sponsored by the Lois Pope mafia and the American Humane Association (AHA), will again feature the hosts James Denton and Beth Ostrosky Stern. The AHA is no stranger to controversy as they are funded by the Screen Actors Guild to obtain an automatic seal of approval on all TV and movie productions featuring live animals to certify that no animals were harmed even though a quick Google search shows that it's a matter of record, that many animals were not only harmed but were maimed, denied food and shelter, and those that didn't survive the filming had their dead carcasses hauled off the set and disposed of.

Since 2014 Beth Stern has been the shill for the AHA while claiming in the press that she is an animal rights activist yet fails to investigate the very organization she represents by hosting their annual bogus award show to pretend they do anything but collect a sizable paycheck from movie and TV studios to place that standard canned statement at the end of the credits certifying that that no animals were harmed during the production, when it's all a fake, oh just like Beth, a fake and a phony. Yes, just like the phony Miss Self-Proclaimed Vegetarian who somehow finds something to scarf down when Mr. Stern orders that giant dinner from Nobu, a fish feast & fry eatery in New York for the desperate D-List celebs wanting a mention in Page Six or to be photographed parading in and out of the place on the online media sites.

The AHA is an organization that we wonder exactly what their function is other than collect public and private donations while getting hefty salaries from the entertainment industry to hide their dirty secrets about how animals are treated during productions. Beth Stern also works for the Hallmark Channel in her capacity as a useless dead air filler when the major television networks show sports or entertainment events and the Hallmark Channel always comes in at the bottom of the barrel after all other TV shows in existence which is where the Hallmark Channel belongs for airing this disgusting diversionary tactic for the AHA called the Hero Dog Awards, to make it appear they care about any animals let alone dogs and give them meaningless awards each year as a nice tax write off for all corporate entities concerned.

Some might remember James Denton from that old old TV show called Desperate Housewives where the gossip was that the biggest diva on that set was James. Sources are alleging he's a coward in need of dough and has to host the AHA Hero Dog Awards show to pander to the AHA since he wants to keep working on television in his role as a loser working for the Hallmark Channel. An inside male source has alleged he was cruised by Denton at a bar in Hollywood and said he would prefer to host the Hero Dog Awards show with Howard Stern appearing in a gown and high heels instead of Beth Stern. 

The AHA thinks they can sponsor some bullshit dog awards ceremony and no one will notice they allow other dogs to get terrorized on a movie set, like the German Shepherd who was forced to do dangerous stunts in the new film "A Dog's Purpose". PETA was on board protesting the opening of "A Dog's Purpose" in Hollywood while Beth's purpose is getting her fathead on television no matter how she does it or who does what or how much the Daddy Stern Agency has to pay to get her ass on TV. Beth claims to be an animal rights activist yet will never step her huge foot into Hollywood to protest a studio's abuse of dogs or any other animal when PETA has the film to prove it.

2016 Hero Dog Awards, Los Angeles, CA.

#bethstern #ishowardsternstupid
#aha #loispope #jamesdenton
#herodogawards #denton #hero  #dogs

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rich Pervert's Wife?

So if a [now defunct] online news and gossip site calls Howard Stern a rich pervert, what does that make his current wife? A pervert's stooge with a penchant for smut? 

No one could understand how Mr. Bragger on the Radio who harped on and on about all the celebs and models that were after him when he was married to wife #1, could come up with such a nobody that kept celebrating her 30th birthday for wife #2 and claim that she was a bona fide and legit globally famous model, that she walked in all the fashion runways of the globe, yet all we can find of Beth's pre-rich pervert days are photos of her modeling plus-sized lingerie and man pajamas for MagicSilk catalogs and various other unnamed lingerie companies out of New Jersey that placed Beth in a few random and obscure black and white newspaper ads and that's it before the rich pervert Howard Stern finally had to pay for her rarely vertical bizarre bikini layouts in the now defunct magazine FHM and in her solo bikini calendars where professional photographers tried to make the already 30+ year old giant woman look like she weighed under 140 lbs. and didn't have a left lazy eye, horse teeth, a wide ass and short calves.

Other reports have cited a total amount of 30 million dollars for Howard's initial three year contract to work as a judge on AGT, providing Howard was able to complete the entire three-year period. Since Howard's so old, the network thought he would quit due to the exhaustive taping schedule. Howard's fourth year [2015] was the final nail in the coffin and NBC was finally done with the rich pervert and sent him back to his little satellite and AGT was moved back to N.Y.

Hmmm, makes sense now, as no legit famous and wealthy and/or beautiful girl would be caught dead in public on a date with Howard Stern let alone marry the rich pervert. Pretty girls go after bigger and better game, not a wrinkled stooge who ended up sitting on a burnt out satellite dish with delusions of grandeur, having wanted to add a channel to the XM dial instead of just basically existing on Sirius with his two struggling channels while having subscribers pay extra to listen to him across platforms, but who knows, as even Howard has stated on his satellite radio show that he doesn't know if it's one company or two but we do know he's stuck with his two loser channels and there are no plans that anyone knows of to expand those. There are annual budget cuts, staff who are fired or laid off permanently, Stern's kitchen at his studio went dark as is the entire studio for about 18 days a month, his studio is slowly being dismantled to save on maintenance costs while his rarely seen sidekick Robin Quivers had her wig repossessed until her next pay check.

No one knows how much the Stern/Buchwald team made from the Hogan lawsuit since The Hulk is [or was] repped by that company and that's why we had to suffer through endless and boring Hulk interviews on the Stern show along with that shemale Hulk called a daughter who thought she could sing. But, sources are alleging that Howard can now afford to keep Beth occupied on the Hallmark Channel for years to come. Kittens that were bred in a field in Florida are shipped to Beth to appear in those Hallmark Channel's bogus kitten game shows where the cats are abused by forcing them to play for hours with cat toys before they are dumped onto foster homes and animal shelters while Beth claims they were all adopted.

So what satellite radio DJ is having problems with the book he's ghostwriting with a certain tabloid investigative reporter? It seems to be stuck on the tarmac waiting to take off since a certain writer has press released he is doing a documentary film about the big Angelina & Brad breakup and divorce saga since finding out radio DJs are not relevant and nobody really cares what they claim to have done while married or in between marriages since the whole thing is a boring mess and someone has to cough up some dough to buy some stories from someone who actually did something in their life and not just hide behind a desk and microphone waiting for their sidekick to stop dying from staged cancer while pushing their nobody second wife in everyone's faces and forcing staffers to pretend to be in love with the selfie monster who never modeled anything for anyone except in the D-List nobody circuit of model wannabees trying to snag a semi-mogul who will make them famous.

Obviously the list is too long for both of these two winners since they seem to have bedded all their costars in all their films with Angie going both ways which I think is no secret to anyone except her since she keeps getting body parts hacked off and then put back on again since she's gender confused.

Pretty hilarious that even Beth's own PR company has no clue who she is or anything about her personally. Alison Brod has been hired to get Beth something, anything, so she can be photographed somewhere and gets her into loser nothing events, like a jewelry launch party for a wealthy do nothing girl with rich parents or that day trading company that lets certain D List celebs desperate to look like they're doing something for charity to answer phones for a day. Beth loves that job since she is an expert telephone terrorist hunting down dead air to fill on daytime talk shows.

No, Alison, this isn't Beth's sister. Beth has no sisters only brothers. Below is a photo of Beth from 2014 with Alison Brod and Beth's sister-in-law Amy Gretzinger, the woman voted most likely to fuck up the order of Beth's photos that are posted on Instagram. You know, like the time awhile back when Beth had photos posted of her big dumping session of some cat onto a real foster home, only to later post a photo saying she is taking the cat to be neutered. This stuff happens all the time on Beth's Instagram site since it's a jumbled mess and they post dozens of photos per day of the same cats to make it appear Beth is busy when she does nothing but sit around in between her beauty appointments with her cosmetic needle master.

While the real supermodel and super mogul Heidi Klum was back on the set to promote the European makeup line Astor, where she has been their creative director since 2010, Beth Stern was back on the set of the Hallmark Channel watching a cat take a piss in a basketball hoop. 

Beth is busy sitting around so the Hallmark Channel can film more stock footage for their continuous video loop of a bunch of cats forced to play with cat toys. Beth is the dead air filler spokesperson for the Hallmark Channel when actual sporting events are aired on the major networks. Beth has problems with dealing with tasks that are above floor level and has to sit or lay down whenever she is being filmed which makes it difficult for Beth to get work on television, so she's stuck with the cat gimmick while Heidi is soaring to super stardom since well, she's famous and Beth isn't.

#heidiklum #bethstern  #howardstern #bethostrosky #meowmadness
#animaleagueisstuckwithbeth #nsal #alisonbrod  #brod #amy

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Howard Stern's Boob

The boob Howard Stern married is struggling to keep all her fairy tales straight since her life is so busy with posting dozens of useless photos everyday on her Instagram site and waiting for the phone call from a daytime TV talk show of when they've got some dead air to fill and Beth is just the one to fill it, so she can't be expected to keep the scripted stories correct in her head all the time.

On Tuesday, Beth appeared on Access Hollywood Live, a daytime filler TV talk show for NBC where Beth stated live that she and Howard Stern went to bed on New Year's Eve at "8:05" p.m. when on her Instagram site she clearly stated the time was "8:55pm". So which was it Bethie? Oh who cares, since no one can trust the bogus media sites of the Stern couple. They just post gibberish on their media sites to pretend Howard can stand to be with any boobs, let alone the fake ones residing on Beth's boy chest that are always in different stages of their cosmetic surgery reconstruction. [Example of Beth's Instagram jumble: BFP January 14, 2017, Beth's Bogus Life].

Beginning in December 2016, Beth Stern has not been seen on the Stern satellite radio show and appeared in an audio-only format. No photos have emerged to prove she was actually in person during her segment on December 7, 2016 when Beth claimed she took this photo [below] of Howard during her appearance on the show. Reportedly Beth refuses to have her image on the Stern show since she isn't being paid for her "appearance", so she is audio-only until the Stern show is again sold to some profound moron company who will pay to air it on TV or cable or somewhere so Howard can be paid twice per show. One paycheck for the audio version and one paycheck for the video version of the same performance. 

On Tuesday's stale Stern satellite radio show, he just had to mention that little telephone mix up. You know, how he said he turns off the phone at night so he can sleep? Umm, why not just mute the ring and let the calls go to voicemail? Why the charade Howard? Oh right, you've got to pretend you still live in that Manhattan man cave you bought years ago while still married to your wife Alison [I can say her name; I've got no gag order] and she found out how? Wasn't it via her accountant? All water under that bridge where that troll lives that writes all your fairy tales for you, the one where you had to name your alleged first child after, with the second wife, a man's name of Noel, as in Noel COWARD, right Howard? Just asking. What was I saying? Oh right, as this blogger has maintained, since around November/December of 2014 Howard has new digs and needed an extra hour commute time starting in 2015, to make it into that studio to be live on the air at 7 AM instead of 6 AM. The satellite bigwigs still mandate that Howard show up to and be live on the air, Mr. Almost A Billionaire has to hike it into work every week and eat crow since he works for wages and is not the boss of his domain let alone its master. 

So, we've got the cover story, OH I turn OFF the phones at night!! Didn't get that call from someone trying to reach Howard at the Manhattan penthouse when he's not there, gotta have that cover story that the phones were turned off and Howard has no voicemail. Bullshit. Why not have the phones muted all the time and have all calls go to voicemail? When will Howard admit he doesn't live at the Manhattan penthouse apartments? Remember he purchased the apartments beneath the penthouse apartments to house Beth, but both use them as corporate HQs for their various business ventures one being that pet adoption gimmick they set up with the North Shore Animal League and the same-sex group home in Florida masquerading as an animal charity that breeds kittens for Beth called Dogs and Cats Forever animal sanctuary [scroll down the sidebar of this blog to remind yourself that Howard and Beth Stern donated a sign to that obscure charity].

Beth's got a couple of shows to promote for
 that Hallmark Channel since they are stuck
with her permanently and would
have to stage their own death to be free of her.

Wait, we've got the hilarious storyline that Bethie never pushed the button to turn the phones on in the morning! Oh, another little Fibber McGee story and Molly forgot to hit the button since she doesn't live in the Manhattan Penthouse either and Howard Stern has never heard of muting phones and voicemail.

Soooo, who is writing these new bits for the Stern show this year? We've got a new segment folks!!! Diss Beth and laugh at her antics called "Howard's Boob"!!!! Are we liking Beth and Howard better now? OH, another on-air spat! Wow, the seniors at the group home bumping into walls must love this banter from the Sterns. Remember when Alison Stern used to call into the show and they had their little fights on the air and scripted discussions, didn't we love that? Howard is trying to get people to like him again by dissing the wife...again...on the air and we all have to love Beth for her little stunts that tick off Howard. 

Remember the first one this year, that she keeps yelling into her iPhone's computer system saying "Suri" instead of "Siri" [ref: BFP January 20, 2017, Howard Stern's Plugs]. Second one this year was on Tuesday, January 24 when poor Bethie didn't know how to push a button to turn on the phone system at the Manhattan penthouse apts.

Neither live at the Manhattan digs but use them as corporate offices and may spend the night when Beth has to get up at dawn to have her wig and makeup done for the camera when she haunts daytime talk shows searching for dead air that she can fill at a moment's notice, or when the dull duo kick it to Florida for their Botox bump-ups and fresh wig and plug sealants.

We just can't wait for the third "hilarious" stunt of that Beth O and what she'll do next! Wow, Howard, time to pay real cash for real writers and a real sidekick that doesn't have to pretend to be dying every two seconds to explain why all those weight loss gimmicks have failed or who is forced to worship that nobody faux model you married that you met in the backroom of a Chinese take-out. 

Oh, how's that evil Jimmy Kimmel character coming along? Is that still in development by Howard's team of moron interns from the planet Millennial? 

What about that long time Trump friend and supporter Lois Pope? Will she dump Beth Stern from hosting her pet project, the Hero Dog Awards this year? Howard Stern publicly supported Hillary Clinton for President over The Don which could cost Beth her big job with the American Humane Association (AHA) and the Lois Pope Foundation hosting their award show each year in L.A. since 2014. Beth loves shilling for that AHA where they do nothing to protect animals on the sets of TV shows or movies and simply sign off on all projects claiming no animals were harmed when many reports in the press prove otherwise.

#howardstern #bethostroskystern #noelclare
#jimmykimmel #howardsmadatjimmy #loispope

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Things That Get to Howard

You might be keeping your own list of the pet peeves of Howard Stern, but this is a step up. It's the stuff that really "gets" to Howard Stern and I have collected only a brief list of the stuff that he can't compete with. He can't equal the certain celebrity or wealth status of genuine moguls in this nation in addition to his failure at marrying a mainstream, legitimate model who was featured in a top magazine such as Sports Illustrated and at the very least, marry a woman who looks like she was born female.

Howard can't take famous wives of moguls. The now super famous Melania Trump started out as a meager model in Europe yet she rose to the ranks of appearing in Sports Illustrated magazine and obviously, married a genuine mogul who got her on the cover of the February 2005 edition of Vogue magazine wearing her wedding dress. Her husband went on to fund her various hobbies like designing her own line of timepieces and jewelry she sold on QVC. Well, who would've thought a girl from Slovenia would become the First Lady of the U.S., something that Howard cannot take. Trump not only has the cash in the bank to back up his mouth but he did make his wife famous and now she is the top model of the globe with top designers wanting her to wear their clothes unlike the still not famous and lumpy Beth Ostrosky Stern. 

Howard can't take genuine moguls. Howard wishes he had the constant free publicity and hubbub that has always surrounded Donald Trump without him even trying and who is not only just rich on paper but has the real stuff in the bank. Reaching the level of the President has caused a mental break inside the frizzy weaved head of Howard Stern. He has joined his wife Beth on her reality show, the Real Housewife of Instagram, and now pretends to give a damn about wild deer that ruin the lives of so many wealthy people by damaging their lawns and expensive shrubbery. 

Howard wishes he could afford an upgrade to that old man limo he likes to parade around in during his treks around New York and the Hamptons. To fund his trips, he publicly admits he stuffs a cat in his limo every once in awhile to claim he rescued the cat and was forced to transport it back and forth from Manhattan to the Hamptons and take it to the vet. Howard thinks he can count it as a business expense since his wife is the paid spokesperson for the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) and a paid volunteer in that NSAL stocks her cat rooms at her properties with supplies, kennels, and food. Howard then deposits the animal at Stalag Beth where it's photographed to death to make it appear Beth Stern is actually fostering a lot of cats when it's just the same cat in multiple photos per day. It's a trick of the Sterns who are cash poor and need to promote phony charities in the Hamptons that are paid to clear animals off the properties of the rich when they are building their huge homes or to stop the animals from damaging expensive landscaping. 

All Beth does on Instagram is take selfies of her lumpy breasts for her imaginary fans as she dolls up to sit around the house and do nothing. The First Dopes of the Hamptons have nothing to do but brag about throwing cats in a room and photographing them before they stuff them in a limo to dump them onto real foster homes that are en route back and forth from the Hamptons to NY just where the Sterns own property. Wow, what a coincidence. 

Howard is jealous of the presedential limousine and wants one just
like it but all he could get to run beside it to act as security are the
Village People. But hey Howard, slap a few of those tacky bumper

stickers on there from the North Shore Animal League and
you've got an upgraded bogus rescue limo with a heater that works.

Howard should upgrade his cat rescue limo to parade around
from NY to the Hamptons and the Village People
could act as his security team.

Howard can't take genuine top models. He has stated publicly on his radio show that he wishes HE were the hot chick in the room and had a sugardaddy to support him. Well, recently he was dissing not only Heidi Klum for her endless publicity pieces in the press and red carpet appearances, but also the hot model Emily Ratajkowski when she appeared on the red carpet at the Golden Globes award show. Oh guess what, she also appeared in public in a GENUINE bra and underpants filming an ad for Donna Karan. She was not in a fugly exercise bra like the one Beth wore around her home in Florida when she pretended to rescue a black cat from obscurity who's now famous for being stuck in photos with Beth.

Howard can't take it when young celebrities get product endorsements with their cat like Taylor Swift, who has advertisers begging for her to do ads including ads featuring her own adorable Scottish Fold cats, which is what Howard could never get for Beth, genuine ads like for sneakers or something, featuring Beth's own cats. What the public doesn't know is that ALL of Beth's personal cats she owns are marginally socialized. They are hardly touched except when they nose around wondering what newspaper Mr. Newsman Howard Stern reads while waiting for his rescue limo that has no heater to take him back to his Village people. Beth's own personal cats are all kept in a room and only allowed out to be photographed for her dull Instagram site around meal time. Beth's agents came up with that stupid Yoda the Cat book debacle and Howard paid dearly for that blunder since guess what, Beth is not a little girl writing about her little kitty cat. Beth was a laughing stock at the ripe old age of old making up stupid stories about some Persian cat who had a heart ailment that everyone thinks died and Beth replaced it with a purebred Persian cat and tried to make herself famous with two books about the cat. Yoda the cat failed to get a third book deal after the first two embarrassing efforts on the part of Beth O'Old & Still Not Famous.

Howard did manage to pay for an ad for Beth and Yoda that was printed in Hamptons magazine for factory fug cushions from Cushion Source, which has supplied cushions for Beth's big cushion she sits on while taking selfies in the Hamptons at her home for feral cats called Stalag Beth. The manufacturer had to make a donation to the North Shore Animal League and use a phony airbrushed photo of Beth with Yoda for the ad in order to get into Hamptons magazine; the ad paid by Howard using his photo.

So where were the jealous Sterns on Saturday for the Women's March on Washington picketing The Don? Well, Beth's "cousin" marched since she loves that camera and pretends to know what the political issues are aside from her fame quest yet no one knows what she is but we think she plays for Team Caitlyn which is fine, no one cares, it's just hilariously funny since Howard pretends to be above the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender communities since he married something spawned by Monster Zero yet had to publicly brag on his radio show several months ago that an Ostrosky [something called a Noel Clare] graduated from Pitt University along with Tiffany Trump and other notables.

Goddamn, look at those spaced apart creepy frog legs.

#womensmarchonwashington #noelhasfroglegs

Friday, January 20, 2017

Howard Stern's Plugs

Howard Stern's got a lot of plugs to plug as he fights to keep his dull satellite in orbit around the U.S. and I guess Canada and the Island of Lesbos where he hopes to retire one day and become a transvestite dress designer while that plug he married Beth Ostrosky Stern orders giant dresses for herself that her hubby can wear from Net-A-Porter that Beth keeps plugging and has yet to score a cover photo on their magazine featuring giant sizes, knock-offs, and disasters from the fashion runway. 

On Wednesday's satellite radio show, Howard made sure to plug the Apple iPhone and it's "Siri" built-in computer program so you can use verbal commands and normal speech to tell it to go find your photos from the Internet to ensure the paid photog uploaded them to the public media sites and then you can feel happy you got your money's worth and hogged that red carpet at that event you went to yet had nothing to do with in the first place but you are desperate for fame and then deny it when cornered, right Beth?

Is that a gold Chanel purse?
Yep, on his radio show, Howard was heard dissin' his plug while plugging that iPhone feature called "Siri". Howard said Beth keeps yelling into her iPhone saying "Suri", as in the name of Tom Cruise's alleged biological daughter when everyone thinks a family member was the donor but who knows in the world of Xenu and Xanadu. Beth has always been jealous of the little tyke of Tom's since she is very popular and very fashionable and Beth can't afford to hire Suri's stylist. Well, Beth, maybe you should come up with something growing in a biology lab and maybe you could have an adorable daughter like Suri who actually looks like a girl and not something a baker delivered on a truck called a Noel Clare. But, you would think Howard could plug the iPhone's new computer program Siri without dissin' his plug. Hmmm, wonder what happened there and who wrote that bit for the air for the rarely sober Howard Stern with the distorted Botox and injectable filler weird grimaces with the plugs on his head that are demanding a pay raise.

Well, at least Howard thinks Beth looks like a Playboy Playmate, he did mention that on Tuesday's satellite radio show so that should've made the old plug happy.

Howard is himself an old plug and has to plug D-List has-beens who still think they are top celebrities when they are in lowbrow junk films while the studio honchos work on funding their big money making stars like the rarely vertical Jennifer Lawrence that spends most of her days under wrap and key getting that fug face redone and the weight off those big bones. So what happened to Howard and Miss D-List Jennifer Aniston? This excerpt if from 2012 and pretty much sums up that Jen that nobody can stand. Her head is enormous from her delusions that she's a big star:

Oh, this little item is making someone with the initials H.S. super angry, as in punch the wall angry and has to spend time out at a feral farm to calm down and pretend it doesn't bother him. A certain supermodel with the initials H.K. has gotten voice work before in animated films and videos and is a professional when tackling any job she takes on unlike certain other people who keep getting their unaired TV pilots shelved into infinity.

#heidiklum #arcticjustice
#howardstern #bethostroskystern

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Howard's Still Jealous of Bubba

If anyone bothered to listen to any of the Howard Stern stale satellite radio show on Tuesday, you got the big bogus story his pointy little head had been working on over this past weekend to have something to tell his fan on the air while waiting for another aged celeb nobody cares about to walk into the studio with his scripted interview all set to go and pre-approved by the celeb's agent and the releases signed so Howard can get some publicity mileage out of the interview to let Sirius subscribers know he is still alive and not dead yet except for whatever that thing is that sits on Howard's head with Howard threatening to raise its rent since it's costing Howard more money nowadays to pay for bogus stories about he and that do-nothing rarely vertical former fugly catalog model he married, Beth Ostrosky Stern, who failed to get into any legit magazines or national cosmetic or fashion ads since she was just a pudgy pariah from Pittsburgh who only had semi-proof she dated anyone famous before Howard, that being the tutu-wearing sexually dubious multiple Tony award winning Michael Cerveris and that's it.

Mr. Plastic Surgery Matthew McCockamamie was on
the Stern satellite radio show on Tuesday who is a well
known yet alleged Friend of Dorothy. He finally had to get

married and have kids to save his career.  
Perfect guest for the Stern show.

Oh well, poor desperate Howard was always hoping for another calendar featuring his sexy menopausal wife Bethie with the breast implants that come and go with each season that she is still not famous and Howard blames those goddamned breast implants as the ones holding her back from fame. The problem has always been Beth herself since she is unphotographable unless you spend hours in the photoshop and airbrush room trying to make the freakish proportions on Beth appear not only human, but female. Yes, she went through many faces and many jobs but looked like a giant man on steroids for a time, now she looks like a bulbous headed Martian with handballs in her chest and a lazy left eye; hardly what you would call "model" material on any planet, let alone Earth.

So anyway, Howard related some gibberish on Tuesday's radio show that Beth's boobs appeared sexy to a man trimming his own bush when they were in Florida over the weekend, I guess for Howard's usual day and a half with the selfie pariah, yet Howard was never photographed this time in Florida since well, he wasn't there, right? Only audio Howard was there as documented on Beth's rarely real Instagram reality show yet Howard claimed he was with Beth this time in Florida.

Yes, on Beth Tuesday on Stern's satellite radio show he said Beth was doing "animal rescue porn" when she was wearing that buzzkill low impact exercise bra that looked like it was one of those for sale in a 3-pack from an online catalog from Thailand that caters to boys wanting to appear to be girls.

Howard is only attempting to copy from an idea that Bubba the Love Sponge's wife [now exwife] had years ago, when she wore an actual BRA not a fugly low impact exercise bra, when she posed in a sexy calendar promoting animal adoption in 2008 [ref: BFP August 13, 2015, The Dinosaur, The Witch and the Wardrobe]. 

Howard was so jealous of Bubba at the time, he had to work out a way to fire Bubba off his satellite channels and at the same time, get rid of sexy Heather. Heather was taking social media by storm just around the time Beth was getting on board with Twitter where she quickly became an Internet laughing stock and not much has changed for the poor aging wife of a poor aging radio DJ.

Even with the fake boobies, Beth still
looks like a guy next to gorgeous Heather:

Oh yes, one more thing before I go, that little movie of Matthew McConaughey called GOLD is a rip-off of a movie from 1974 called GOLD by the incredibly gorgeous and talented ROGER MOORE. The original version was about corporate cartels in a stock manipulation scheme that set about to stage a gold mine cave-in to reap millions. Other sites state Matt's movie is a rip-off of "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre". How about another tired reworking of Matt's movie "Fool's Gold". Oh, Matt had a good time filming in Thailand for his latest version of "Gold" and reportedly picked up some of those signature Beth Padded Go-Bras. Go ahead Matt, promote this loser film of yours that kept getting shelved. Everyone knows how you win your little GOLD awards.

Matt will never be Christopher either,
the man with the golden gun.

#gold #matthewmcconaughey #howardstern
#stalesateliteradio #bethostroskystern
#heatherclem  #richardchristie

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Beth's Bogus Life

Don't be fooled by Beth Ostrosky Stern's photos she posts on her media sites, believing they are a reflection of actual events shown in succession and timely. As I have said many times before, Beth has no time line. She does not know how to use social media, where sites like Instagram are supposed to be photos showing what you are doing at that moment, and you upload them so everyone can see where you are and what you are doing. Well, none of this applies to The Bogus Lifestyle of Howard and Beth Stern. 

Oh, don't think this is any intrusion of privacy as both Howard and Beth publicly beg people to follow Beth on her social media sites. So excuse me if this is a bit difficult to follow but it's because Beth wants it this way. She craves confusion since she is a bullshitter who gets away with her bogus fantasy stories where she has deemed herself a celebrity and top model while Howard Stern tries to portray himself as a reformed idiot who now loves cats when it's just an excuse to intrude in the lives of real celebrities who may be into animals. Howard is desperate to latch onto any gimmick and the animal gimmick gets his limo rides back and forth to the Hamptons paid for, since Stalag Beth in the Hamptons is an animal foster home with designated prison cells for the captured felines. Yes, Beth documents this all on her social media sites in case she needs to attach any video files or photos to her tax documents that the IRS find so amusing and they routinely show them at office parties. Don't forget, Howard had to announce publicly on his satellite radio show that Beth's Uncle was a former FBI man, so watch out IRS in case you get any ideas that Beth is not a real ham in front of that iPhone camera out to save the bay of pigs with a few phony cat photo props thrown in the mix.

Beth and Howard Stern go back and forth between their properties shuttling cats with them, stuffing them inside their limo as they ride all over town and claim they are on special animal charity rescue missions all in an effort to get some relief from the tax man in various counties and states. As an example, Beth was caught off guard in a video by Howard filmed in mid-December where it looked like Beth had no left breast implant with the right one bulging. Anyone can search the Internet and see that Beth has had difficulties keeping her stories straight about her own time line and biography, while her breasts come and go and are oddly shaped with the right breast normally hanging well below the left one and recently, the left one was garbled and deflated in a video posted on Beth's Instagram.

Last month, the left boob was MIA

Suddenly, the left boob is back and stuffed in a padded sports bra in Florida.

Howard keeps wearing that gawd awful burgundy jacket and black shirt - since oh right, the photos were taken all at once with Beth doling them out randomly since she and Howard are rarely together and look photoshopped together.

When will the super Florida Buttinsky Howard Stern meet up with Captain Xenu? Doesn't he have a big Florida pad around the Scientology HQ and Earth Station? Doesn't he love cats? He also dated Brooke Shields as we count down all of her former lovers who have bought the farm....gee, Dodi Al Fayed, Michael Jackson, George Michael....who else? A bunch.

#DS #floridabuttinskys #howardspendstonsonbethsboobs
#howardstern #bethostroskystern #brookeshields #jfk #kennedy
#stalagbeth #bethsnewboobs #florida #bethostern #johntravolta
#scientology #thanksgiving #dodi #dodialfayed #patrick #michaeljackson
#george #georgemichael