Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rich Pervert's Wife?

So if a [now defunct] online news and gossip site calls Howard Stern a rich pervert, what does that make his current wife? A pervert's stooge with a penchant for smut? 

No one could understand how Mr. Bragger on the Radio who harped on and on about all the celebs and models that were after him when he was married to wife #1, could come up with such a nobody that kept celebrating her 30th birthday for wife #2 and claim that she was a bona fide and legit globally famous model, that she walked in all the fashion runways of the globe, yet all we can find of Beth's pre-rich pervert days are photos of her modeling plus-sized lingerie and man pajamas for MagicSilk catalogs and various other unnamed lingerie companies out of New Jersey that placed Beth in a few random and obscure black and white newspaper ads and that's it before the rich pervert Howard Stern finally had to pay for her rarely vertical bizarre bikini layouts in the now defunct magazine FHM and in her solo bikini calendars where professional photographers tried to make the already 30+ year old giant woman look like she weighed under 140 lbs. and didn't have a left lazy eye, horse teeth, a wide ass and short calves.

Other reports have cited a total amount of 30 million dollars for Howard's initial three year contract to work as a judge on AGT, providing Howard was able to complete the entire three-year period. Since Howard's so old, the network thought he would quit due to the exhaustive taping schedule. Howard's fourth year [2015] was the final nail in the coffin and NBC was finally done with the rich pervert and sent him back to his little satellite and AGT was moved back to N.Y.

Hmmm, makes sense now, as no legit famous and wealthy and/or beautiful girl would be caught dead in public on a date with Howard Stern let alone marry the rich pervert. Pretty girls go after bigger and better game, not a wrinkled stooge who ended up sitting on a burnt out satellite dish with delusions of grandeur, having wanted to add a channel to the XM dial instead of just basically existing on Sirius with his two struggling channels while having subscribers pay extra to listen to him across platforms, but who knows, as even Howard has stated on his satellite radio show that he doesn't know if it's one company or two but we do know he's stuck with his two loser channels and there are no plans that anyone knows of to expand those. There are annual budget cuts, staff who are fired or laid off permanently, Stern's kitchen at his studio went dark as is the entire studio for about 18 days a month, his studio is slowly being dismantled to save on maintenance costs while his rarely seen sidekick Robin Quivers had her wig repossessed until her next pay check.

No one knows how much the Stern/Buchwald team made from the Hogan lawsuit since The Hulk is [or was] repped by that company and that's why we had to suffer through endless and boring Hulk interviews on the Stern show along with that shemale Hulk called a daughter who thought she could sing. But, sources are alleging that Howard can now afford to keep Beth occupied on the Hallmark Channel for years to come. Kittens that were bred in a field in Florida are shipped to Beth to appear in those Hallmark Channel's bogus kitten game shows where the cats are abused by forcing them to play for hours with cat toys before they are dumped onto foster homes and animal shelters while Beth claims they were all adopted.

So what satellite radio DJ is having problems with the book he's ghostwriting with a certain tabloid investigative reporter? It seems to be stuck on the tarmac waiting to take off since a certain writer has press released he is doing a documentary film about the big Angelina & Brad breakup and divorce saga since finding out radio DJs are not relevant and nobody really cares what they claim to have done while married or in between marriages since the whole thing is a boring mess and someone has to cough up some dough to buy some stories from someone who actually did something in their life and not just hide behind a desk and microphone waiting for their sidekick to stop dying from staged cancer while pushing their nobody second wife in everyone's faces and forcing staffers to pretend to be in love with the selfie monster who never modeled anything for anyone except in the D-List nobody circuit of model wannabees trying to snag a semi-mogul who will make them famous.

Obviously the list is too long for both of these two winners since they seem to have bedded all their costars in all their films with Angie going both ways which I think is no secret to anyone except her since she keeps getting body parts hacked off and then put back on again since she's gender confused.

Pretty hilarious that even Beth's own PR company has no clue who she is or anything about her personally. Alison Brod has been hired to get Beth something, anything, so she can be photographed somewhere and gets her into loser nothing events, like a jewelry launch party for a wealthy do nothing girl with rich parents or that day trading company that lets certain D List celebs desperate to look like they're doing something for charity to answer phones for a day. Beth loves that job since she is an expert telephone terrorist hunting down dead air to fill on daytime talk shows.

No, Alison, this isn't Beth's sister. Beth has no sisters only brothers. Below is a photo of Beth from 2014 with Alison Brod and Beth's sister-in-law Amy Gretzinger, the woman voted most likely to fuck up the order of Beth's photos that are posted on Instagram. You know, like the time awhile back when Beth had photos posted of her big dumping session of some cat onto a real foster home, only to later post a photo saying she is taking the cat to be neutered. This stuff happens all the time on Beth's Instagram site since it's a jumbled mess and they post dozens of photos per day of the same cats to make it appear Beth is busy when she does nothing but sit around in between her beauty appointments with her cosmetic needle master.

While the real supermodel and super mogul Heidi Klum was back on the set to promote the European makeup line Astor, where she has been their creative director since 2010, Beth Stern was back on the set of the Hallmark Channel watching a cat take a piss in a basketball hoop. 

Beth is busy sitting around so the Hallmark Channel can film more stock footage for their continuous video loop of a bunch of cats forced to play with cat toys. Beth is the dead air filler spokesperson for the Hallmark Channel when actual sporting events are aired on the major networks. Beth has problems with dealing with tasks that are above floor level and has to sit or lay down whenever she is being filmed which makes it difficult for Beth to get work on television, so she's stuck with the cat gimmick while Heidi is soaring to super stardom since well, she's famous and Beth isn't.

#heidiklum #bethstern  #howardstern #bethostrosky #meowmadness
#animaleagueisstuckwithbeth #nsal #alisonbrod  #brod #amy

1 comment:

  1. Watching a cat take a piss in a basketball hoop lol. I spit my coffee out reading that.
