On Tuesday, Beth appeared on Access Hollywood Live, a daytime filler TV talk show for NBC where Beth stated live that she and Howard Stern went to bed on New Year's Eve at "8:05" p.m. when on her Instagram site she clearly stated the time was "8:55pm". So which was it Bethie? Oh who cares, since no one can trust the bogus media sites of the Stern couple. They just post gibberish on their media sites to pretend Howard can stand to be with any boobs, let alone the fake ones residing on Beth's boy chest that are always in different stages of their cosmetic surgery reconstruction. [Example of Beth's Instagram jumble: BFP January 14, 2017, Beth's Bogus Life].
Beginning in December 2016, Beth Stern has not been seen on the Stern satellite radio show and appeared in an audio-only format. No photos have emerged to prove she was actually in person during her segment on December 7, 2016 when Beth claimed she took this photo [below] of Howard during her appearance on the show. Reportedly Beth refuses to have her image on the Stern show since she isn't being paid for her "appearance", so she is audio-only until the Stern show is again sold to some profound moron company who will pay to air it on TV or cable or somewhere so Howard can be paid twice per show. One paycheck for the audio version and one paycheck for the video version of the same performance.
On Tuesday's stale Stern satellite radio show, he just had to mention that little telephone mix up. You know, how he said he turns off the phone at night so he can sleep? Umm, why not just mute the ring and let the calls go to voicemail? Why the charade Howard? Oh right, you've got to pretend you still live in that Manhattan man cave you bought years ago while still married to your wife Alison [I can say her name; I've got no gag order] and she found out how? Wasn't it via her accountant? All water under that bridge where that troll lives that writes all your fairy tales for you, the one where you had to name your alleged first child after, with the second wife, a man's name of Noel, as in Noel COWARD, right Howard? Just asking. What was I saying? Oh right, as this blogger has maintained, since around November/December of 2014 Howard has new digs and needed an extra hour commute time starting in 2015, to make it into that studio to be live on the air at 7 AM instead of 6 AM. The satellite bigwigs still mandate that Howard show up to and be live on the air, Mr. Almost A Billionaire has to hike it into work every week and eat crow since he works for wages and is not the boss of his domain let alone its master.
So, we've got the cover story, OH I turn OFF the phones at night!! Didn't get that call from someone trying to reach Howard at the Manhattan penthouse when he's not there, gotta have that cover story that the phones were turned off and Howard has no voicemail. Bullshit. Why not have the phones muted all the time and have all calls go to voicemail? When will Howard admit he doesn't live at the Manhattan penthouse apartments? Remember he purchased the apartments beneath the penthouse apartments to house Beth, but both use them as corporate HQs for their various business ventures one being that pet adoption gimmick they set up with the North Shore Animal League and the same-sex group home in Florida masquerading as an animal charity that breeds kittens for Beth called Dogs and Cats Forever animal sanctuary [scroll down the sidebar of this blog to remind yourself that Howard and Beth Stern donated a sign to that obscure charity].
Wait, we've got the hilarious storyline that Bethie never pushed the button to turn the phones on in the morning! Oh, another little Fibber McGee story and Molly forgot to hit the button since she doesn't live in the Manhattan Penthouse either and Howard Stern has never heard of muting phones and voicemail.
Soooo, who is writing these new bits for the Stern show this year? We've got a new segment folks!!! Diss Beth and laugh at her antics called "Howard's Boob"!!!! Are we liking Beth and Howard better now? OH, another on-air spat! Wow, the seniors at the group home bumping into walls must love this banter from the Sterns. Remember when Alison Stern used to call into the show and they had their little fights on the air and scripted discussions, didn't we love that? Howard is trying to get people to like him again by dissing the wife...again...on the air and we all have to love Beth for her little stunts that tick off Howard.
So, we've got the cover story, OH I turn OFF the phones at night!! Didn't get that call from someone trying to reach Howard at the Manhattan penthouse when he's not there, gotta have that cover story that the phones were turned off and Howard has no voicemail. Bullshit. Why not have the phones muted all the time and have all calls go to voicemail? When will Howard admit he doesn't live at the Manhattan penthouse apartments? Remember he purchased the apartments beneath the penthouse apartments to house Beth, but both use them as corporate HQs for their various business ventures one being that pet adoption gimmick they set up with the North Shore Animal League and the same-sex group home in Florida masquerading as an animal charity that breeds kittens for Beth called Dogs and Cats Forever animal sanctuary [scroll down the sidebar of this blog to remind yourself that Howard and Beth Stern donated a sign to that obscure charity].
Beth's got a couple of shows to promote for
that Hallmark Channel since they are stuck
with her permanently and would
have to stage their own death to be free of her.
Wait, we've got the hilarious storyline that Bethie never pushed the button to turn the phones on in the morning! Oh, another little Fibber McGee story and Molly forgot to hit the button since she doesn't live in the Manhattan Penthouse either and Howard Stern has never heard of muting phones and voicemail.
Soooo, who is writing these new bits for the Stern show this year? We've got a new segment folks!!! Diss Beth and laugh at her antics called "Howard's Boob"!!!! Are we liking Beth and Howard better now? OH, another on-air spat! Wow, the seniors at the group home bumping into walls must love this banter from the Sterns. Remember when Alison Stern used to call into the show and they had their little fights on the air and scripted discussions, didn't we love that? Howard is trying to get people to like him again by dissing the wife...again...on the air and we all have to love Beth for her little stunts that tick off Howard.
Remember the first one this year, that she keeps yelling into her iPhone's computer system saying "Suri" instead of "Siri" [ref: BFP January 20, 2017, Howard Stern's Plugs]. Second one this year was on Tuesday, January 24 when poor Bethie didn't know how to push a button to turn on the phone system at the Manhattan penthouse apts.
Neither live at the Manhattan digs but use them as corporate offices and may spend the night when Beth has to get up at dawn to have her wig and makeup done for the camera when she haunts daytime talk shows searching for dead air that she can fill at a moment's notice, or when the dull duo kick it to Florida for their Botox bump-ups and fresh wig and plug sealants.
We just can't wait for the third "hilarious" stunt of that Beth O and what she'll do next! Wow, Howard, time to pay real cash for real writers and a real sidekick that doesn't have to pretend to be dying every two seconds to explain why all those weight loss gimmicks have failed or who is forced to worship that nobody faux model you married that you met in the backroom of a Chinese take-out.
Oh, how's that evil Jimmy Kimmel character coming along? Is that still in development by Howard's team of moron interns from the planet Millennial?
What about that long time Trump friend and supporter Lois Pope? Will she dump Beth Stern from hosting her pet project, the Hero Dog Awards this year? Howard Stern publicly supported Hillary Clinton for President over The Don which could cost Beth her big job with the American Humane Association (AHA) and the Lois Pope Foundation hosting their award show each year in L.A. since 2014. Beth loves shilling for that AHA where they do nothing to protect animals on the sets of TV shows or movies and simply sign off on all projects claiming no animals were harmed when many reports in the press prove otherwise.
#howardstern #bethostroskystern #noelclare
#jimmykimmel #howardsmadatjimmy #loispope
I caught that, too, when Beth said that on New Year's Eve, she and Howard went to a "pre-cocktail party." What is that exactly? Barging into someone's house before the real guests arrive and then standing around holding a napkin and empty cocktail glass?
ReplyDeleteWas Howard starting to step out of the gay closet this week with comments like "Robin, I wish I were gay sometimes. Women are the worst at sex"...No. The following day he slammed that gay closet door shut while he repeated, like a mantra, over & over how lucky he was to have playmate caliber (delusional much, Howard?) Beth as a wife. Maybe if you keep repeating how much you love Beffus over and over, Howard, you'll actually convince yourself. While you are at it, why don't you convince yourself she is an intelligent career woman? Good luck with that one too. Have fun in your alternate universe, Howie
ReplyDeleteCheers DBM!!
WIG continues to insist that alien like football headed retarded sloppy old dishrag is playboy material! His delusions get worse and worse. Alzheimers is clearly setting in.