Since 2014 Beth Stern has been the shill for the AHA while claiming in the press that she is an animal rights activist yet fails to investigate the very organization she represents by hosting their annual bogus award show to pretend they do anything but collect a sizable paycheck from movie and TV studios to place that standard canned statement at the end of the credits certifying that that no animals were harmed during the production, when it's all a fake, oh just like Beth, a fake and a phony. Yes, just like the phony Miss Self-Proclaimed Vegetarian who somehow finds something to scarf down when Mr. Stern orders that giant dinner from Nobu, a fish feast & fry eatery in New York for the desperate D-List celebs wanting a mention in Page Six or to be photographed parading in and out of the place on the online media sites.
The AHA is an organization that we wonder exactly what their function is other than collect public and private donations while getting hefty salaries from the entertainment industry to hide their dirty secrets about how animals are treated during productions. Beth Stern also works for the Hallmark Channel in her capacity as a useless dead air filler when the major television networks show sports or entertainment events and the Hallmark Channel always comes in at the bottom of the barrel after all other TV shows in existence which is where the Hallmark Channel belongs for airing this disgusting diversionary tactic for the AHA called the Hero Dog Awards, to make it appear they care about any animals let alone dogs and give them meaningless awards each year as a nice tax write off for all corporate entities concerned.
Some might remember James Denton from that old old TV show called Desperate Housewives where the gossip was that the biggest diva on that set was James. Sources are alleging he's a coward in need of dough and has to host the AHA Hero Dog Awards show to pander to the AHA since he wants to keep working on television in his role as a loser working for the Hallmark Channel. An inside male source has alleged he was cruised by Denton at a bar in Hollywood and said he would prefer to host the Hero Dog Awards show with Howard Stern appearing in a gown and high heels instead of Beth Stern.
The AHA is an organization that we wonder exactly what their function is other than collect public and private donations while getting hefty salaries from the entertainment industry to hide their dirty secrets about how animals are treated during productions. Beth Stern also works for the Hallmark Channel in her capacity as a useless dead air filler when the major television networks show sports or entertainment events and the Hallmark Channel always comes in at the bottom of the barrel after all other TV shows in existence which is where the Hallmark Channel belongs for airing this disgusting diversionary tactic for the AHA called the Hero Dog Awards, to make it appear they care about any animals let alone dogs and give them meaningless awards each year as a nice tax write off for all corporate entities concerned.

#bethstern #ishowardsternstupid
#aha #loispope #jamesdenton
#herodogawards #denton #hero #dogs
#aha #loispope #jamesdenton
#herodogawards #denton #hero #dogs
Last year I actually thought the AHA was trying to dump Beth as the co-host of the Hero Dog Awards when they moved the teleprompter into the lobby forcing Beth to wear giant eyeglasses to read off of it. This year they should toss the teleprompter into the swimming pool and have Beth snorkel for it. (I'd watch that)
ReplyDeleteAnother great post, DBM!
ReplyDeleteBethie doesn't care if the AHA is a grifter organization, she was raised by a crook father. As long as she gets her horseface on TV, she is fine with whatever the AMA does. Just like she is an "animal advocate" yet thinks nothing of purchasing $2400 baby lambskin bags.
Tweedle Dumb & Tweedle Dumber deserve each other....both Howard & Beth are narcissistic phonies w/ their own self serving agenda.
I hope the teleprompter fails so everyone can see that "English Major" Beth can't string a complete sentence together & has the vocabulary of 7th grader. Seriously, she is a dolt that should not be on TV, let alone host anything. On GMA one yr, she had 4 AHA Hero award dogs on & was tasked w/ introducing them and talking a bit about why they were nominees...she had to read off index cards...what a joke. The following year they let someone else give the dog's backgrounds.
Beth should not be hosting anything on TV. Watching her awkward hand gestures and weird facial expressions is cringeworthy. I'm sure everyone else in the audience is saying the same thing. I don't understand how Howard can't see that these type of events only reinforce the general opinion that he married a dolt.
Cheers, DBM!!