Friday, November 15, 2019

Martians vs Zombies

These two should go on the road together.
Georgina looks like she's wearing a space helmet but
it's her head and Beth has that long banana head.
It was the Martians vs the Zombies on Friday night and it seems like the Martians won. 

Yes, two animal charity galas were held and the super rich Martian-Headed Georgina Bloomberg beat out Conehead Beth Stern and her hubby Howard Stern's Zombie Animal Event in the Big Apple where all the Sterns could get to show up were undead losers and Bloomberg got superstars who actually have jobs and cash to spend on saving animals.

Every year the Sterns hold a gathering to honor themselves as the big cheeses of the charity Beth gets paid shilling for, the North Shore Animal League (NSAL), and they show home movies and the audience has to praise Beth and give her flowers as their top do-nothing cash hoarder that houses cats for a few days before dumping them onto other people and calls it charity work.

This year the Sterns picked the same day as Super Bloomberg picked for her own pet charity, the Humane Society of the United States, so the celebs had to choose between the Martian-headed Georgina or the undead Zombie Sterns who are pushing their zombie cat Helen Rose in everyone's faces and Georgina won.

Reportedly, Howard Stern got one of his Trust Fund Trolls to show up, Ashley Jade Stern. No wonder Beth was all over Howard at the event because she gets jealous around his kids because they leech off the dough she expects to get when Satan collects on that contract.

Did these guys get a 2 for 1 deal on that fugly blue carpet?

This superstar power couple ditched the Sterns' NSAL event
on Friday and chose Georgina's HSUS event instead.

Hilarious that Beth Stern announced she's a sell out on her Instagram show as she only printed a limited number of her loser cat calendars in direct competition with NSAL's calendar and both had the nerve to charge 25 bucks for them.

Hilarious that the two alleged multi-millionaire Sterns have to selfie publish a dumb calendar of their new house cat Helen Rose Stern in a lame attempt at making dough to support their charitable works consisting of slapping their name on a cat adoption center at NSAL where they funded a reported zero percent. 

So, now they skip the NSAL middle man and publish their own calendar to pocket all the dough when in the past, they did go through NSAL and they marketed the horrible amateur Stern calendars themselves but not this year. NSAL is doing their own as already noted on this blog. I don't know how you can sink lower than the Sterns but they outdo themselves every year with this cat adoption gimmick that's designed to line cat cages with newspaper and cabbage in their bank accounts.

The Beth Fan Page gets it right again what with calling out Beth on marketing the plush cat toys for her new cat Helen Rose as she announced on her Instagram Show on Halloween and already stated on the Beth Fan Page in August where she will slap her name on a line of pet toys. How pathetic can Beth get. How low can she go. Well, after marrying a cheapskate reject on the radio, I guess there isn't much lower you can go but then Beth is no prize mare either. I mean, she can't even carry on her cross-eyed bloodlines to a next generation. 

Also, as already stated on this blog, if Beth can get all her Instagram followers to buy her calendar, she will pocket about 12 million cash straight into her bank account, yeah, that one called Bianca's Furry Friends Foundation where the Sterns pocket all the cash and can use it however they please. There are no rules for donated cash received from suckers. Oh yeah, I mean, they may buy one catnip toy and call it square and spend the rest of the 11.999999 million on themselves to keep their faces in the upright position as well as their falling apart properties.


For those who didn't snag a Helen Rose cat calendar, here are all the pictures:

The Sterns had the nerve to charge 25 bucks for photos of their
cat with crap photoshopped into the photos with that same
zombie cat expression but Beth's having a hard time right now as
she struggles to afford her giant latex underpants while her husband
Howard is panicking that his bosses can't be suckered into another
overly long and drawn out contract with the radio deadweight as the
Sterns are desperate to hang onto their corporate tax shelters

Gee, where were the almost vegans Howard and Beth Stern
when the farm animal sanctuary in Connecticut held a fundraiser?

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #dawgstar #howardsternlookslikeahomelessdog #bethstern #nsal #hsus #georginabloomberg #georginawishesbethwouldbloominsomeoneelsesgarden #gala #charity #animal #siriusxm #sweetlove #drawing #sterndrawing #siriuspluspandorapariahs

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