Friday, August 16, 2019

Cheshire Stern

Sneak peek at Beth's new calendar
with Helen Rose Stern.
Beth announced on August 15, 2019 on her Instagram show that she is doing another [bullshit useless] calendar featuring her new cat named Helen Rose Stern which just happens to be Howard Stern's tranny drag name. How bizarre and creepy. The calendar will benefit the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) and what a shock, the Sterns' selfie foundation Bianca's Furry Friends. Yep, the Sterns pocket the dough all in the name of sweet charity.

Will this calendar be a Tim Burton Production? I think Beth missed the mark with this one. She should have plagiarized a name like she did with her Yoda the Cat books that bombed big at the book stores and failed to trend anywhere. 

As blogged about some time ago, Beth even tried to get someone to market a plush Yoda the cat and she handed them out to school kids and to feline foster homes that took some of Beth's cats, but it all bombed.

Can we expect a Helen Rose Stern plush cat toy, too? Then Beth can parade around to all the schools and push it on the unsuspecting innocent kids who will be traumatized by the stone cold dead eyes of the Cheshire Stern cat!

So why not plagiarize the Cheshire Cat name? Then Beth can get a bunch of Google hits and really cash in on mistaken identity like she did with Yoda the cat. When kids showed up to buy a Yoda book and get it signed, they didn't know it was about a cat owned by Beth Nobody who married a Public Relations pariah.

Well, Helen Rose the Cat is creepy and scary with those cold dead eyes and zero personality. Beth expects to make a ton of money off of this calendar she announced she is doing with Howard taking all the photos of course since they can't afford to hire a real photographer. But Howard normally has to buy up all the inventory and count it as a charitable expense. Wow, what a Christmas is in store for everyone on the Sterns' list this year. You'll get 10 copies of Howard's stale new book of stale Sirius satellite radio interviews and 10 copies of a calendar of Beth with her creepy cat, and she might throw in a photo of her one-eyed cat Pebble just to make the calendar ready for Halloween nightmares, although it might not be printed until November or December. I wonder if it will be like the last Howard Stern Calendar Production featuring a 5 x 7 inch calendar of a bunch of Beth photos with animals photoshopped with her and charging the public about 20 bucks for it. 

Preview of coming attractions.
Beth thinks she can market this
cardboard cat other than around Halloween
remembering the Sterns announced that this is a
"therapy cat". 

Just what kind of therapy are we talking about? Aversion therapy?

Howard Stern's ward Joshua Radin will be appearing at the Hamptons bar fly club called The Stephen Talkhouse on August 17 and we can't wait to see if the Sterns can hobble in and support their stale Sirius star who is passing off an OLD song of his as a current one about animals when it's not. It's just another cash grab scheme where RODAN [ha] gives all the proceeds to the song to who? Howard and Beth Stern via NSAL donations. Yeah, don't count on seeing anything in writing about this latest scheme of the Sterns to make money off a bomb song that is being recycled and repackaged. Beth works for NSAL and is their paid spokesperson so you see, Beth always gets a portion of the cash.

So funny since Beth tried this gimmick years ago with
selling Bling Bone to benefit NSAL and all it did was
disappear and no one reported on how much money

went to NSAL and Beth never talks about it anymore.

Poor Howard Stern can't afford to go anywhere that is not a paid trip via his stale employer, SiriusXM Pandora Pay Radio, or via the charity that pays Beth Stern a salary as their useless spokesperson, which is NSAL or via NSAL's affiliation with the Hallmark Channel with their dumb animal programming tax shelters with Beth horning in as a pathetic host for dog award shows. 

How come Beth can't attach her name to booze like Christie Brinkley does and a bunch of those real housewives from all those shows produced by Andy Cohen? Oh, what a coincidence, Beth is now a Hampton Water Model. Beth posted a photo of herself on her IG show with that bucked toothed White Rabbit carrying forward the theme of Alice in Wonderland with Bon Jovi's Rose wine that he keeps pushing into everyone's faces. Yeah, I know, people are wondering if that's why Helen the cat has the middle name of Rose since the Sterns have to bug someone since getting the big snub from every other celeb in the Hamptons. Bon Jovi's Hampton Water Wine causes that huge fat nose and bucked teeth Bon Jovi now sports. Beth already had a fat nose and bucked teeth but maybe it was caused because she's a cheap wino connoisseur.

Beth and Howard of course had to set up their selfie foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF), attaching it to NSAL as some sort of big collaboration to build a cat adoption center yet Beth and Howard keep devising new ways of separating the public from their cash and giving it to themselves. So when you give money to NSAL, an undisclosed portion goes to BFF while Beth stocks her Hamptons cat foster rooms with tons of free stuff all paid by NSAL or provided by them via donations, so where does the money go? To the Sterns' therapy. 

The summer Hamptons season is when the Sterns are the busiest and they need all the dough they can get, what with running that Hamptons Hostel & B&B where they hold BFF fundraisers, get the family all involved in the fundraising, and now the bullshit press PR firm the Lawlor Media Group that says they promote events when it's plainly obvious they also promote BETH. All they get Beth is bottom of the barrel bullshit obscure press that must cost Howard Stern, what? A dollar a line? Ten dollars if he wants a photo inserted in the tabloid article? This is really sad and pathetic. 

This PR firm pretends to promote only the event as shown 
in the red box, but the caption is all about BETH being there.
Why not just promote the event? Why mention any
names and only Beth was plugged into the item.

Beth's fan is anxiously waiting for the highly anticipated annual Howard Stern Social Life Magazine issue that normally comes out in August, yet Social Life publishes randomly and has published issues as late as December. As already stated on this blog, it seems Howard blew his expense account on his dumb new stale book and promoting it and paying for positive press reviews about it and now even wants Sirius to fund a West coast publicity tour so we think Beth's money has already been spent and she doesn't get a magazine cover this year only a stale calendar for next year. Pretty pathetic. And that is all that's pretty about Beth. In the current issue of Social Life magazine featuring that super rich socialite Jean Shafiroff, they again repeated coverage of the Unconditional Love benefit that we can never be free from along with the same stale picture of Beth that was in the prior issue with Sasha Pieterse on the cover. I guess Social Life magazine just keeps slapping on a new cover with an article about the cover star then just repeats the rest of the gibberish in each issue which is just to sell Hamptons money pits to out of town suckers aside from pushing plastic surgeons in everyone's faces making these rich old housewives think they can keep their rich gay husbands happy if they get lipo and a freak facelift. Ha.

Flowers for Fonda: Fans put flowers near the star of Peter Fonda today because he died of lung cancer. Gosh, where will Howard's fan put flowers when Howard dies? Doesn't he have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame like Simon Cowell has and Andy Cohen and Wendy Williams will get next year? Hahahahahahahahaha. No flowers for Stern. I guess his fan can place them at the Hamptons Hostel where Beth has that giant urn in Stern's master bedroom filled with all the animals Beth had killed by Dr. Death Jackie the Vet and incinerated.

#dawgsaloon #dawgshed
#dawgstar #dawgfight #bonjovi #helen #calendar
#siriuxmpandorapayradio  #payradio
#siriusxm  #howardstern  #bethostern
#nsalcalendar  #nsal #bff  #bffcharitygimmick
#sociallifemagazine #joshuaradin #helencalendar

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