Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Barren Beth Bothers Children

Beth O'Barren is on a mission to dump every last one of those thousands of unsold Yoda the Cat books onto the public school system as she continues her full time job of dumping things onto other people. Dumping stuff she doesn't want, like cats and books, yet uses them first as selfie props for her Instagram site that she thinks is her personal reality show.

Beth has pulled this before with this Yoda the cat gimmick and is known as Frau Beth of the Hamptons Prison Camp, commonly called Stalag Beth where the mistress has alleged blood ties to the Great Dictator and she's proud of it with her flabby aged hubby who runs and hides trying to divert attention away from the fact they are rarely ever together except when Beth has her prison guards photoshopping Howard into pieced together pix and posts them on Instagram to show her paid cat club followers she has a big life married to a DJ that no one outside of NY has heard of and the country thinks died in 2012 and are hearing old stale radio show reruns as Howard tries to convince everyone that his show is not pre-taped drivel and are current shows. As if it matters anyway, Stern is sitting in an empty studio with his rarely seen monster sidekick Robin O Quivers the vegan liar that keeps threatening to die but never does with Howard planning her funeral behind her back vaguely hinting he would quit his radio show if Robin bought the farm when everyone knows he wouldn't but would just love all that free publicity and tons of tabloid press about how much he loved the enormous woman who got too big for her chair and was sent home to become a couch journalist reading news items off the Internet so Howard could shut her trap about her bitchin' that she isn't paid as on-air talent. Well, he fixed that, she mostly phones it in now unless she is in Manhattan to use those free corporate tickets to a Broadway show and use some diner club groupons to chow down at the Rope & Roast-It Yourself Cattle Roundup and Barbecue.

Beth's Instagram 3-14-16

Beth has done this before, badgering kids to worship Yoda the cat as this blogger blogged on 11-10-15 [Beth is in the far left in the photo wearing a Castro Combat Hat]:

Photos posted on the BFP 11-10-15

Beth suddenly conjured up more Yoda the cat plush toys since this blogger pointed out that Beth no longer dumps them onto families that take her reject cat photo props. Yes, suddenly a bunch of plush Yoda the cat toys show up on Beth's Instagram in that Yoda Indoctrination photo posted on March 14. Oh right, Beth doesn't read this blog, yet it jogged her pea brain because she forgot she had all those plush toys in the basement that Howard Stern paid for and they failed to catch on with the public and no one wanted to finance a Yoda plush toy along with those loser Yoda books. So, why not dig them out of the basement and dump them onto a local school near Stalag Beth in the Hamptons. Oh, just a coincidence I'm sure. Beth and Howard implode over any reality that creeps across their wonky eyes and try to avoid anything negative in their lives which is a tough trick, since all facts about Howard and Beth are insults. It just turns out that way; not my fault.

DBM was the one that brought up the issue of what happened to all the Yoda the cat plush toys in a blog entry dated 2-27-16. The stuffed cat toys were routinely handed out to families receiving Beth's dumped and rejected cats, a practice she has abandoned for about a year. Suddenly, they show up on March 14 and were dumped onto kids.

Photos posted on the BFP 2-27-16:

Beth might want to rethink her posting dates on her Stupidgram site, since she is wearing duplicate outfits on alleged different dates hiding in a group shot of a bunch of kids to hide the fact the photos were taken on the same day, but posted on March 6th and another one on the 14th.

The photos turned out a bit dark, but Beth is wearing the same hat and green top in both photos yet she claims they were taken a week apart. As usual, we don't know the exact dates the photos were taken, Beth posts them randomly on her Instagram site. She needs to appear busy while Howard is doing god knows what in the Big Apple having a bite with Felix the Tailor and Ralph the Stylist.

Beth needs to stop this bullshit with the kids since she is appearing to be a disturbed barren woman, a medical condition that needs years of psychotherapy to control. Some women choose to not have children when Beth wants them desperately yet no one is sure she is a woman and Howard won't confirm or deny that his selfie wife could ever actually have children, and we mean before she turned the age of old. Howard maintains on his satellite radio show that he wears protection whenever his wife gives him a BJ, since that is all Beth ever does, according to old sources from long ago, with no one actually coming forward to admit they had sex with Beth before she hooked up with Howard, which is weird. Howard claims to go to a psychiatrist each week but we think that's just for diet pills and pot [alleged, not confirmed] and the real sickie Bethie needs a team of docs to cure that bizarre football head, something she has failed to address on her show, The Real Housewife of Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. She really is a pea brain. Why lie about the date? It's as dumb as the fake sleeping selfies.
