Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Get Real

Yes, folks, another Beth Fan Page exclusive. I have blogged about Jeffrey Epstein a few times in the past on this famous blog site but Howard Stern just revealed the recent case about Epstein wasn't real. I think Mr. Stern has some explaining to do and how convenient he misspoke right before his stale vacation where each summer he has to work to make his dull wife Beth Stern famous. Maybe it's when he tries to wing it on the air he flubs up and tells the truth. Especially when his sidekick Robin Quivers is right there distracting him from his script that he has written for him for his weekly stale satellite radio show. Oh yeah, Howard sure was all ready with a giant script on Monday's show and just when did he have time to prepare the script? Wasn't the death of Jeffrey Epstein unexpected? Ha. 

Epstein died on Saturday, August 10, according to all the media outlets and Howard was ready with not only his giant script about conspiracy theories, but also pluggged in a fake Alex Jones for an on-air bit on Monday, August 12. Howard is a scripted media stooge that reads whatever is put in front of him and we hope that script's not loaded or he'll blow his wig off. Oh right, there is no livestream during the Stern show. Everyone has to wait until it's uploaded later and everyone ensures Howard's lighting and makeup was just right and nothing needs to be edited out.

Here is an excerpt from Monday's stale Stern satellite radio show, August 12, 2019. The red text is from this blogger since everyone missed Stern's giant slip-up:

Howard Stern:  "So anyway let me just finish why I'm now a conspiracy theorist.  So here you have this case, Jeffrey Epstein, I mean, no one wanted to see this guy live except we wanted to see him live at least through trial so we could find out what other big shots were involved in all this sex stuff."  

Robin Quivers:  "And that the women he victimized could see justice served."

Howard Stern:  "Yeah, I mean, there was a whole bunch of reasons to keep him alive and the most important reason is that hey if the prison system wants to keep a witness alive or a convict alive, that they had the ability to do that.  By the way, for those of you who are against more immigrants coming into the country, they can't even find enough people to be prison guards because one guy was on five days of overtime.  They literally didn't let him leave the prison."

Robin Quivers:  "Yeah they said they had been short-staffed and the two guards who were supposed to be watching him were both on overtime."

Howard Stern:  "Yeah, if you can imagine that's how under-staffed they are.  But in real cases where they want someone to live and the guy's a suicide risk and is already attempted suicide or who knows what happened when he was in jail with that other attempt --" In real cases where they want someone to live? What the heck does that mean? So this Epstein debacle was not a real case. 

Robin Quivers:  "Because I also heard that he told somebody that somebody else tried to kill him."

Howard Stern:  "Right.  But here it is, the reality is if you want to keep someone alive, you can.  They have prisons now, they have a padded room literally a padded room so you sleep on the pad.  There's no sheets, there's no shoelaces, there's no belts, the room is padded you can't bang your head into the wall.  And just in case, there have cameras in the room.  Conveniently at this particular prison right here in New York somehow the camera wasn't working, somehow there was no guard checking on this guy for 30 minutes and somehow this guy figured out how to do all of this in under 30 minutes.  It's not so easy to kill yourself." 

Howard acts like he was in a padded cell on suicide watch. When was it? Was it when Amy Shrimp Grets and her daughter who never grows hit the sand at Beth's Hamptons B&B in August? Or was it when he signed the Beth O Pre-nup from Hell? Howard sure knows details about being locked up aside from his fan.

Robin Quivers:  "No, he had more than 30 minutes because they weren't keeping to the 30 minute schedule."


Okay,  what did Stern mean in real cases when they want someone to live? So this was not a real case. This is NOT the first time Epstein was in prison and was convicted. So everyone wanted Epstein to live when he was first convicted about 10 yrs ago but now suddenly no one wants him to live? Stern's statement does not add up.

There is nothing new about this case, nothing, everyone knows what type of guy Epstein was, it was no secret. So what changed? Why the drama? Why the fade to black on July 13? So this was not a real case, this is some sort of a circus, a show, not real. Howard is probably just miffed that major politicians ignore his lame ass stale satellite radio show and his wife was a giant nobody who everyone ran from. Howard has the Illuminati on speed dial and they keep changing their contact numbers.

Stop bugging the secret societies, Beth! 

Poor Bethie is scrambling for some Hamptons event to horn in on and all she's got is some remote gathering as a part of that American Humane Association (AHA). Beth originally horned in on AHA events through Howard Stern's old, and I mean old, friend Lois Pope and her now dead husband who started the National Enquirer, where years ago when he was on terrestrial radio he demanded to read about himself in the tabloids. All he got was a small regular column in the Enquirer when he interviewed some stale celebrity. Of course that all ended when the tabloids all went online and there are a million sites where he can plug his name in and had to turn to this animal activism gimmick to get press. It's kind of sad.

The current issue of Hamptons magazine featuring two Victoria's Secret models on the cover, confirms what this blogger has already said as posted on the blog sidebar last month that "Getting Wild" is a Howard Stern invented event for Beth to slap her name on and pretend she invented it when it's a giant rip-off of the long running "Get Wild" Hamptons event, both Get Wild and Getting Wild benefit the Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center.  Only AFTER this blogger revealed that Getting Wild was invented for Beth by Howard by including it on the blog sidebar last month, then Hamptons magazine FINALLY admitted it is Beth Stern's Getting Wild event and is "her" annual event, yes, invented by Howard FOR Beth. Annual? HA, since 2017 it's annual. The Sterns don't have an original thought in their copycat heads. Also in the current issue of Hamptons magazine is the alibi alley cat Howard Stern parading to the Cinema Society event, which is also on this blog sidebar. Howard hasn't been to a Cinema Society event forever but oh, suddenly he needed his picture taken and documented in Hamptons magazine geez, just when there is a NYC blackout and he's documented in the Hamptons. Wow, what a coincidence. Well, Beth can't get a cover feature anymore, so both of the Sterns can only hope to horn in on the editorial pages.

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #dawgstar
#howardstern #bethstern
#palmbeach  #trumpwasneveronepsteinisland
#siriusxm  #pandorareturnedhersiriusbox
#aha #allamericandogparty

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