Friday, August 30, 2019

Beth's Bogus Bowls

Every year Beth Ostrosky Stern hangs onto her shill job for the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) like a pitbull chomping on a toddler. For several years now, NSAL partners with the Hallmark Channel featuring the world's most boring programming so they could have a charity tax write-off and what a shock, they chose Beth Stern to host their Kitten Bowls and the newly added [as of this year] Cat Bowl and various other bowls or cat games that need to be scrubbed.

The Hallmark Channel basically cuts and pastes from all the prior Kitten Bowl footage since they just place a bunch of cameras around an enclosure that looks like a football field and keep pushing a bunch of cats and kittens onto the stage and lock down the cameras with a 10 hour timer and they all go home. Then the video has to be edited with Beth Stern doing her little interruptions and screaming about something, normally before a commercial break, and there you've got an annual bogus bowl show.

Like last August, this month Beth again raced into NY to tape her portion of the Kitten Bowl that will air on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2020, which will be Kitten Bowl VII and I guess Cat Bowl II and whatever else the network can come up with to make money off the same chunk of film. This weekend, NSAL is having a cat and kitten adoption special and they stated on their website that it will feature some of the cats from the Kitten Bowl but obviously that is highly doubtful those cats still exist except on videotape.

Howard Stern is taking time off of course like he does every summer to make Beth famous and to hide from Simon Cowell who is doing the live red carpet shows for "America's Got Talent" this week and Howard can't take it. Howard is also worried about how he can continue screwing over Sirius Oscar Meyer's wiener while trying to bullshit Monster Malone into signing a 10-year contract that is adjusted downward annually since the Stern channels are not moneymakers and have to be crammed with tons of advertising. Like with this Peloton gimmick that Howard has lately where he constantly plugs it that this famous blogger has blogged about because Howard is a shill like that cackling horizontal Hamptons Harridan he married.

What a shock, Peloton are a bunch of liars.
Bring in Howard the Shill. He has stated on his
stale satellite radio show that he needs a walking stick and
yet plugs his Peloton bike from a loser company.

Zombie fans can't wait to see if his first Halloween film will continue to break Labor Day weekend box office records like it has done for the past 11 years.

Rob has been a bit testy lately with fans on the final days of his summer concert tour as shown in a fan video that appeared on TMZ and elsewhere because with his new film 3 From Hell coming out, he had to spend tons of money on photoshopping Sheri to look under 53 years old. So we'll see how that does at the box office with special screenings taking place all over the planet and other worlds since this is his last hope of bouncing back from a reversal of funds and a reversal of Sheri's face with projects that failed to launch. features an item about 3 From Hell and shows
the trailer to the film because Howard isn't jealous of Rob
anymore since Beth turned 50 and Sheri's 53 and both wives look like hell.

Shout out to a Beth Fan who sent me this newly discovered photo of Beth the Entryway model. We know Howard has done several entryway photos of his famous unknown nobody wife who thinks every single photo taken of herself are considered real modeling photos. 

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #dawgstar
#howardstern  #bethostern
#bethstern #robzombie
#hallmarkchannel #hallmarkhell
#kittenbowlvii  #catbowl

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