Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fall of the Hamptons House

Beth Stern's little world is imploding as she and her hubby Howard Stern try to keep afloat a dying dynasty. They are rarely in the Hamptons except to hold fundraisers for their selfie foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends, to help pay the expenses on that Hamptons house that is slowly sinking into the sandy earth beneath it while guests report it's haunted what with Howard's own parents refusing to stay there as some entity pushed mom across the entryway and Howard took her to the hospital many years ago pre-marriage to the Hamptons Harridan. Also several years ago, the parents were dumped there by Sister Ellen and they stayed in the entryway refusing to take off their coats until the hurricane passed and they could go back home. The house is in much need of repair and is crumbling before their eyes while cats dance and play on the roof of the haunted palace and Beth haunts the hallways all night long asking over and over again "is Howard in residence?" as aged cobwebbed staff try and shove pizza and gruel down her throat to calm her down and get her into bed as the sun rises fearing she will turn to dust.

What few inebriated has-been celebs they can coerce into posing with one of their resident cats or a phony foster feline, is not enough to keep the sinkhole afloat. Years ago when Beth had her own Beth Stern Fan Facebook Page [defunct due to her having no fans], she stated that she and Howard would be retiring to their Florida home to foster felines and that's when it was believed they would liquidate all of their other eastern properties but supposedly Howard wants to keep that private apartment near Katie Lee's Kitchen that's well away from the Harridan that took over his Manhattan married bachelor pad long ago and it's just used to wine and dine corporate idiots who think Howard is awesome because he brags about the big money he is making to attract suckers to Sirius when everyone knows that's a farce with his take home pay that's been estimated to be about 30 - 40 million dollars a year, much like what he made on terrestrial radio and Howard would have you think otherwise because he is a desperate house-husband stuck with his boob Beth.

Speaking of which, Howard is still badgering Sirius to renew his long canceled stale satellite radio bit called "Howard's Boob" [a search on this blog should bring up those past episodes] about the antics of his wife Beth and we are all supposed to laugh and heckle her and pretend Howard is a regular guy with the same kind of problems every married peon has in their lives only he's rich and he makes sure everyone knows it because he is an uncouth oaf that belongs in a barn with the rest of animals that only think about eating and scratching themselves like Howard does all the time in between his stalking schedule.

Howard tries to revive "Howard's Boob" on his October 29, 2019 stale Stern satellite radio show:


Howard:  "Anyway so I'm talking to Ralph, I'm over there, my wife's -- she was getting dressed you know in her bathroom and stuff, she was going out last night.  All of a sudden the alarm goes off in the apartment.  Really loud.  So everyone looks at me.  This is when you know you're a leader.  Ralph goes 'What should we do?'  I go 'Everyone get out now'." 

Robin:  "What does your alarm signify?" 

Howard:  "It says 'Fire!  Fire!  Danger!  Fire!'  It sounds like the robot on 'Lost in Space.'  ... Listen to this.  Ralph goes 'What do you think we should do?'  I go 'You leave.  I am leaving now.'  And I go 'Honey, I'm leaving' not to Ralph, to my wife.  Beth comes out.  She starts in 'What's going on?  What do we do?'  I go 'What's going on??  Leave.  Walk out the door.'  Then everyone turns to me 'Should we take the elevator?'  I go 'No, don't you guys watch any movies or read books?'  I go 'There's fire steps, walk down the fire steps.'  Right?  They turn to me.  I'm holding my bag and I start walking out the door.  Beth goes 'I have two cats here.'  We have Helen and Pebble in the city.  I go 'Yeah?  Leave now'." 


Robin:  "That's what caused everything?" 

Howard:  "The steamer yeah.  The smoke alarm went off because she was steaming."


Oh how hilarious. Ha ha ha. You need better ghostwriters, Howard, what a dumb story. So Beth has never steamed one of her huge dresses before in her apartment beneath your former married bachelor's pad? Doesn't Beth hide in her closet and smoke up a storm? Forget steaming, let's talk cigarettes unless she vapes because she is desperate to do something with her dull life.

Beth was snubbed by the Daily Mail
UK for the Apple TV event in NYC but
superstar Wendy wasn't.

Of course Howard just used that stale story that had no punchline as an excuse to plug Beth because she hogged a red carpet on Monday night because Beth is getting tired of sitting in her empty apartment staring at cats with that new Helen Rose cat calendar a giant failure. On Beth's Instagram Show, she paged through it and it seems the calendar only has pictures of that same boring grey cat, no Beth in sight, which was a mistake. Those much anticipated hilarious Beth photos were going to be fodder for this blogger for weeks to come. What happened, Howard? You couldn't come up with photos sitting on your iPhone from 10 years ago to pass off as current ones of your Hamptons Harridan? In that photo of Beth [right] of the big Apple TV PR event, it looks like she steamed her hair flat but it does no good, her head still looks giant.

Beth got snubbed big time in the Daily Mail UK and guess who was featured? Only the superstar Wendy Williams who attended that same AppleTV event that Beth did but Beth was super snubbed! 

I guess Beth needs some work with content on her Instagram. She has nothing to post and proves it all the time what with the recycled phony cats and she keeps palming off old photos as current. I guess she knows her fan base are a bunch of bots from China or PR paid comments from aged has-beens who think they're famous.

Well, what Halloween costume can you expect from the cheap ass
wife of a cheap ass?


Sunday, October 20, 2019


Howard hopes to marry Beth again on
Jimmy Kimmel Live from Brooklyn this week.
If I blog, they will come. Yep, yesterday I wondered why Beth Stern did not post a photo on her Instagram of herself with James Denton to plug the airing of the Hero Dog Awards where she and James co-hosted the event, and poof, today, Beth posts a photo on her Instagram of her with James.

Beth Stern obviously read this famous blogger's blog dated October 19, 2019, and this morning posted an advertisement for the Hallmark Channel's Hero Dog Awards featuring Beth with her co-host of the event James Denton, when yesterday, she only posted an ad of herself with Hallmark Channel actor Kristoffer Polaha which was weird since he did not co-host the show with her. 

So this morning, Beth corrected that oversight by posting her own ad on her Instagram featuring herself with her co-host James Denton.

The labyrinth of Beth's mind is a cobweb of mixed messages as she is desperate to get back on the Jimmy Kimmel show when he broadcasts again from Brooklyn as this blogger has blogged about in the past, the Sterns were a giant no-show last year on the Kimmel show taping in Brooklyn to celebrate the landmark 10 years of their wedded contractual bliss and instead celebrated this year at the 11-year mark when Stern broadcast from Los Angeles a few weeks ago. I guess Howard was so pathetically desperate to do a publicity stunt to calm his jealousy of Wendy Williams and Andy Cohen receiving stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for the Class of 2020, with Wendy's ceremony taking place on October 17 to ensure the Sterns were already gone from Los Angeles and she could have a Stern stress-free event.

Sources allege Phoenix got back
on blow to lose weight for the Joker
and has no personal hygiene habits.
I bet cast members loved that.
Beth is a desperate housewife coping with living with Howard Stern, the dying legend of low rent humor that's a porn industry pawn with plugs in his weave and she tries to not die laughing when they have selfie sex in the bedroom of their rented hideout, I mean, hideaway. Oh gee, reminds me of the new film "Joker" with the aged shriveled Joaquin Phoenix who was raised by the Children of the Corn, I mean, Children of God, and denies it while getting the red carpet treatment in Hollywood who hopes to buy his silence with an Oscar that he expects to win. The new movie mimics the career of Howard Stern who fantasizes about killing it on a late night TV talk show and becoming world famous at the age of too old. The biggest joke about this joker is that Joaquin claims to be 44 years old in real life when everyone knows those cults don't keep birth records and doesn't look a day younger than 55 years old with Howard looking older than his reported 65 years of old. Of course everyone might remember Joaquin's brother River Phoenix who was an alleged blood sacrifice dying on Halloween in 1993 with the careers of Johnny Depp and Leonardo Di'Caprio taking off after the competition was narrowed down. Witnesses to the event at the West Hollywood Viper Room allege that River was iced out that night, expecting to play at the club, and was given a lethal dose of a drug cocktail and was in obvious distress with everyone ignoring him until he dropped dead outside of the club that is expected to be bulldozed with condos put up in its place and the club being rebuilt in the basement according to some sources.

Bill Kaulitz, Heidi's twin
Superstar Heidi Klum, a.k.a., Heidi KK with her marriage to Tom Kaulitz, has everyone excited about her Halloween costume this year as she will host her annual party for the 20th year in a row on the East Coast with everyone else celebrating in Hollywood and the Sterns normally run and hide since Beth allegedly won't be seen in public with Howard in drag since they first hooked up and she got embarrassed to be seen with Stern who she thought was only a transvestite for his ex-wife. I know, there was a lot Beth didn't know but she basically had no choice other than Stern or Stan the valet at the Letterman show. Heidi married a twin who resembles a Kardashian and Howard reportedly wishes he married a twin that's got talent.

No lawsuit filed, Howard? Didn't you come up with this lie detector bit on your stale terrestrial radio show years ago and continue doing it on your stale satellite radio show? Is chicken-shit Howard scared to sue Ellen? Simon did the Ellen show in September talking about the America's Got Talent finale and turning 60 on October 7. Howard is normally sue happy and makes dough and deals on the side to get he or Beth face time on TV but Howard is terrified of the Queen of Daytime Talk TV Ellen D.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Winner Wendy vs Stale Stern

As blogged about, the Superstar of All Media Wendy Williams is on the list for the Class of 2020 to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame as well as Andy Cohen and stale Howard Stern is not on any list except the home delivery list from Nobu for their day old radiated fish lunch.

Persons who are on the Class of 2020 list have two years from the date of the official announcement to schedule the ceremony. That announcement was made on June 20, 2019 so everyone on that list has two years from that date to schedule their ceremony. Wendy's ceremony was held in Hollywood on October 17, 2019, to avoid the Sterns fearing they would throw tomatoes at her head due to jealousy. But the Sterns had already left Los Angeles and flew on their brooms back to their house in the East with lollipops and gingerbread men stuck on it to lure unsuspecting cats into cages to fatten them up before they're eaten.

When Howard Stern was doing his stale satellite radio show from Los Angeles the week of October 7, 2019, everyone was buzzing about why Howard didn't surprise his fan with an announcement that Howard was getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame when Sirius funded his jaunt to Los Angeles. Howard plugged his book and did some talk shows, even did a desperate publicity stunt marrying Beth Stern again [for a third time] on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show. But where was Stern's star ceremony? 

Sirius refuses to fund a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and wants Howard to foot the bill but Howard can barely pay for any of his posh property taxes let alone think about funding a star on a sidewalk in Hollywood. Insiders are gossiping that Sirius will only fund a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame if it's Stern's swan song and he signs a million documents stating he forfeits all claims against the company and will actually leave and not contact them ever again via any means currently possible by humans here on earth. Obviously, Stern has not yet agreed to those terms. 

As already reported exclusively by this blogger, Howard wants a 10-year contract once his current contract ends in 2020 since he is getting too old to negotiate his bullshit terms and can't keep up his song and dance for Monster Malone or Oscar Meyer's weiner and wants that last contract written in permanent ink. Then he won't have to worry about feigning anymore illnesses or having to hire script writers to come up with phony stories about why he can't make it into the studio except to just hit buttons on a tape-recorder or just sit in his home hospital bed with his little headphones talking on an ISDN phone line grousing about Simon Cowell and calling it a radio show.

Apparently, Beth was not discovered by Hollywood agents and was sent back to the East and continues to push that Helen the cat calendar onto her stooge Instagram show followers and holds fundraisers at her Hamptons Hostel to keep the electricity running and not have to shut down 90 percent of the house. The Sterns don't live in the Hamptons during the winter months and are just there for fundraisers to grab cash for their selfie foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends, and just recycles photos of those house cats and posts foot selfies with cats photoshopped in the photos. Recently on Beth's Instagram show, she appears to be adopting every cat she can catch in her nets when she trolls through the neighborhood at 1 AM as her family is gossiping about why Beth doesn't adopt a human child to ensure their fat futures. Isn't that a mystery [illness]?

Ummm, did BETH forge her own Hallmark Channel advertisement? I couldn't find the photo Beth posted on her Instagram anywhere else. The Hallmark Channel Instagram site posted NO PHOTOS OF BETH or of her Hero Dog Awards co-host James Denton in their advertisements for the Hero Dog Awards airing Monday, October 21. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but as of this writing, I could not find Beth's promotional ad anywhere online except on Beth's Instagram. Did she FAKE THIS AD because the Hallmark Channel snubbed her in their advertisements for the show airing on Monday? But why didn't Beth use a photo of herself with James Denton? Did they have a backstage SPAT? We'll see if the Good Witch James or the Wicked Witch Beth are canned next year as hosts of the Hero Dog Awards.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hollywood Hubbub

Beth is looking like something the cat dragged in
with all her weddings she keeps planning. But she keeps hoping
a different groom will show up to curry comb her mane other
than old man Howard.
Beth and Howard Stern were bopping around last week in Los Angeles with their doctor in tow to make sure they both remained vertical for longer than their normal few hours at a time so Hollywood could discover them and make them famous at the age of old.

On Jimmy Kimmel's show that aired on Wednesday, October 9, 2019, Howard Stern proposed to Beth on the air as Beth bopped out of the audience on cue to meet Howard on stage where the old man was amazingly spry and could get down on one knee to propose to Beth and ask to marry him again [even though no one is sure of their official wedding date] because she was an animal lover [and not like his first wife who insisted on three lab created offspring] and then bopped right back up again and of course Beth said yes. Everyone remembers that Howard and Beth had two weddings in 2008 when everyone thinks they were actually married years prior when Beth stormed the mansion and demanded a piece of the action

Oh, what a shock, as this blogger said, Howard could not get a sponsor for another wedding ceremony with Beth [ref: BFP 10-6-19] and no publication is bidding on any of the stale Stern wedding photos. So onto the Ellen Show that will air October 14 with a staged bit with Beth repeating an outfit she has worn before with her sister wife and looks worn out wearing it. Howard plugs ABC's The Bachelor TV show nonstop on his stale satellite radio show and in return he gets Big Beth on TV married by a Mormon. I think the photos below are of a bunch of desperate housewives.

Are Howard and Beth Stern taking their act on the road?

Last year when Jimmy Kimmel broadcasted his show from Brooklyn, the bit about celebrating their 10 year anniversary and renewing their wedding vows was scrapped and Howard was a no-show evidently because this blogger already revealed the on-air bit. But Howard's book of stale Sirius interviews had not yet been released and Jimmy's show would have had to pay for Stern's appearance if he had nothing to plug other than that stale satellite radio show and evidently Sirius was not funding that appearance and the dumb bit about Howard celebrating that 10-year wedding anniversary and any staged bit with Beth was scrapped aside from that bit that's always in her mouth. 

Stern and Kimmel stole the idea from the Beth Fan Page because any celebration or proposing again to Beth would have happened at the 10-year mark, not at the 11th hour, I mean, year. 

Howard's sidekick Robin Quivers also
appeared live and on Memorex when
Stern did his radio show from

the Sirius studios in Los Angeles.
Well, this year Howard did finally have a work product with that book of his stale satellite radio interviews intended to trash POTUS and Jimmy the Dems' shill made sure to trash Trump during the Stern interview on October 9, 2019, and in exchange for that, Jimmy plugged Beth. 

Howard's big publicity tour of duty in L.A. was sponsored by SiriusXM Stale Satellite Radio + Pandora Potheads and they keep hoping these Stern TV debacles are his swan song to get him to agree to kick off but then how would Sirius justify all that revenue they bring in? Don't they have to crowd their satellites with tons of channels to justify all that dough transported from off-world productions?

Howard broadcasted from L.A. featuring a parade of aged $cientologists including Demi Moore, who was allegedly a high priced call girl in Vegas before marrying and hitting the big time. But that's all Howard's got are a bunch of science lovers otherwise he would have been forced to interview Beth for three days straight. Beth also finally had content for her boring Instagram Show promoting that Black Eyed Kid she knew from Kindergarten, Miss Arm Warmer, Kelly DeMartino, to cover the tracks and she looks like she got ran over by a rehab bus. Yeah, Beth modeled for that friend's company and it quickly went out of business. What a mystery. Beth has said in the past when she's gone Hollywood that she visits that friend and we finally see a recent photo of her and it's pretty scary.

We don't know why Beth stopped these Halloween Horror photos
but those arm warmers sure hide a lot especially Kelly who used to
own the business that knew Beth's business since Kindergarten.

Gee, Beth, do you wonder why Howard renewed your wedding vows in a community property state? Why not in NYC or Brooklyn or under a bridge in swampland, or is that next on the wedding tour? Or are we going to drag out this bit from now until infinity wherever SiriusXM + Pandora Pansies will foot the bill and pay for the airtime?


Sunday, October 6, 2019

West Side Story

Howard Stern is reportedly bugging
Steven Spielberg for a spot in the remake
of "West Side Story" but the Maria part is taken.
Howard Stern is creeping towards his 70th birthday and is still seeking fame and fortune in Hollywood as he and his wife Beth Stern are all excited to be on the big West Coast in their never-ending fame quest as the two aged has-beens never stop bugging the hell out of producers in Hollywoodland. 

Yes, you are never too old to chase that illusive thing called fame as the Sterns already prepped for their trip West by first visiting the plastic surgery center in their Florida Mystery House that Howard has never moved into but Beth and her Clan have and that is the secret storm. 

On last Tuesday's stale Stern satellite radio show, Howard again plugged his visit to California where he will broadcast his satellite radio show and is getting on some TV shows to take another shot at someone discovering him and making him famous and put him in a movie where he doesn't have to provide half the funding as one wonders who else Howard will be visiting out West. Yeah, he's got a few people to visit in the S.F. Bay Area while Beth is busy in L.A. hogging TV shows to plug the disgusting American Humane Association (AHA)/Lois Pope Foundation's Hero Dog Awards that she co-hosted on October 5, 2019. The awards show is always ignored by mainstream celebrities and just features people mainly paid by the Hallmark Channel because they sponsor the Hero Dog Awards and air it on their cable channel and also plug the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) and Beth Stern shills for both the AHA and NSAL. The Hallmark Channel offers crappy programming for viewers that do not participate in life and want programming that's directed at dead relatives and is basically a dumping ground for unemployed $cientologists in need of work or they have the option of going hungry.

Excerpt from Howard Stern's stale satellite radio show, Tuesday, October 1, 2019, talking about his trip out West to California and is stopping off first to see his daughter who lives in the S.F. Bay Area but that is only part of the West Side Story.

Howard:  "Oh then you gotta hear this so then Ralph [Cirella, Howard's long-time companion] came up with a plan.  Well, I'm flying out to LA I'm stopping off to see my daughter who lives in California, in another part of California, so I'm stopping off to see her.  I'm gonna spend a couple of hours at her place and then I'm gonna land, I know I'm gonna be exhausted, I'm gonna be really tired because I'm not gonna get my nap because I can't sleep on the plane.  And then Ralph goes 'As soon as you get there, I'll be there waiting for you, I'll have everything unpacked and I'll just go over your outfits with you.'  And I'm like you know it hit me last night, I'm like the first thing I'm gonna do is finally gonna get to the hotel, I know I'm gonna be super cranky and I'm gonna want to lay down because I'm gonna be afraid I'll get sick --"

Ralph:  "That's so yeah then go to sleep -- I said I'll be around and you let me know when you want to go over it because I'm gonna put everything -- never mind, I'm not gonna talk about it on the air."

Howard:  "Alright, goodbye, I had enough of you yesterday."

Ralph:  "Same.  Agreed."

-End of excerpt-

Below is a rare photo of Howard with his long-time
companion and personal dresser Ralph Cirella getting
Howard fitted for a new wardrobe:

Howard barely let it slip that he is only spending a couple of hours with his daughter before landing in Los Angeles. But how much time is he spending with his cousin Noel Clare Ostrosky? Yes, a few years ago Howard announced on the air on his stale satellite radio show that Noel is he and Beth's cousin since he loves to include her family as his own since that's a good cover story as the family plot thickens. Both Noel and his daughter Debra live in the S.F. Bay area. Sources allege that Debra makes dough on the side as an alleged surrogate to Silicon Valley same-sex couples that she hooks up with in her social work and Noel allegedly moved to the Bay Area after having a nasty falling out with her Los Angeles girlfriend Emily McEnroe.

Does Beth know that this was the real reason Howard was interested in Beth as a cover girl? Doesn't Ralph know first-handjob that Howard loves the younger set? What happens when Noel becomes Noella? Will the alleged affair end in a fight under a freeway? Inquisitive minds want to know the answers to these and many other questions about the secret life of Howard Stern and his matron of honor Beth O who refuses to renew their vows and have a second wedding ceremony when in reality, it's Howard who can't get a paid sponsor to fund it and pretends it's Beth who doesn't want to renew their vows of wedded matrimony in a bankrupt restaurant in NYC or the first wedding that was held on a crab filled beach on the garbage dump shoreline of their Hamptons home when their now-deceased obese bulldog Bianca was their ring bearer. We all remember this famous blogger talking about a press report about how embarrassingly LOW the bidding was for Sterns' wedding photos. I mean, who cares that an idiot DJ got married to an aged unknown woman from Pittsburgh who was trolling NY for a married aged talk show host to make her famous?

James Denton is the resident butt-boy of the Hallmark Channel and does their bidding since not long ago he reportedly had major money troubles and frankly, needs the extra dough as co-host of the Hero Dog Awards. James got his start via his $cientology connections and did a few movies with the top dog Travolta as well as getting an appearance on the $cientology-filled TV show "JAG" starring the famous $cientology member Catherine Bell who is also the star of Denton's current Hallmark Channel TV show called "The Good Witch" since that is basically how the $cience lovers view themselves as they plan their ascension to meet Xenu. Yeah, a lot of people have a giant hole in their bank accounts since joining that church. Hey, has Howard paid his past-due dues yet? Well, he and Beth are experiencing a bit of fame right now with Sirius and Hallmark and horning in on TV shows with various $cience lovers as hosts of those shows. Connections are important, you know, never make light of them.

James Denton looks like he has aging disease since being forced
due to finances to appear each year with Beth as co-host
of the Hero Dog Awards for the Hallmark Channel. Backstagers

or backstabbers reportedly call Beth "Tranny Sam". Isn't that funny?

Someone alerted James that he needed his dumb bow tie
for the taping of the show. Poor James. He is such a
desperate husband that's forced to appear with the wife of
Howard Stern who is famous for doing zilch but getting her hubby
to pay producers to get her on TV. I think James is shrinking too.

Beth continues to shill for that AHA even after PETA exposed them for simply handing out certifications to the movie and TV industries via payola to state that no animals were harmed in a canned boilerplate statement at the end of movies and TV shows involving live animals so viewers will think it's okay when they see animals on screen and have no idea they died later from starvation or denied vet care. PETA exposed the flip side of the AHA as a quick Internet search continues to prove and Beth could not care less since this is all she can get.

Keep throwing up those crazy hand signals you two!!
You're gonna make it after all!!

AGT the Champions is back taping in Los Angeles with Super Heidi Klum and Simon Cowell that will air in January 2020. Howard hopes to bug the hell out of his Sirius bosses to get him back as a guest judge on AGT but so far, all the bosses are staging their own disappearances until Howard is back in his hovel in NYC.
