Friday, October 12, 2018


Selfie S'Mores Spokesmodel
Early publicity for ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live shows in Brooklyn have been excluding Howard Stern for fear of the Stern curse, where America avoids the King of All Dinosaurs like the plague. 

Reportedly, producers for the flailing Kimmel talk show are hoping to not be forced to announce the name of Howard Stern in press releases since that name is ratings poison as Howard Stern has selfie fits wondering where his name is in press releases for his supposed appearance next week. Some insiders are suggesting that Howard is in a panic over what to put on those index cards he is married to whenever he does any TV appearances and is bugging his psychoanalyst for extra hypnotherapy Skype sessions so much that his psychoanalyst might need a psychoanalyst and a net. 

Howard is referred to as "& more" because producers fear he will drive away potential viewers of Jimmy's Brooklyn shows. Howard is supposed to appear on Wednesday, but I guess we'll have to watch what happens or better yet, just skip it.

Everyone is well aware of what happened to NBC when they were coerced to take Howard as part of their contract with SiriusXM and since Stern sued Sirius in a bid for more money, they thought getting him on television would suffice. Howard's four year debacle on NBC's "America's Got Talent" is now known in the industry as the Titanic years. Howard has been badgering producers ever since to let him back on television and all he can get are one-off appearances on talk shows that are already a ratings loser so Howard can't hurt the network unless he finds more water at the bottom of that dried up swamp where the Kimmel Show resides to further bury those ratings.

Early projections estimate Howard Stern's appearance on Kimmel in Brooklyn
will get only one million viewers since that is about
all he gets as listeners nationwide to his stale satellite radio show.

A Beth Fan sent this blogger an exclusive photo from the rehearsal for Stern's appearance on the Kimmel show next week. I cannot verify this is a real photo or not, I am just passing it along here as a matter of interest. Howard and Beth have both publicly announced they are celebrating their 10-year anniversary of being stuck with each other since neither could score anything better than a stooge hired by Central Casting. Howard was credited with thinking up Beth Ostrosky's hilarious model name of "Beth O" as if Howard thought of that on his own when he was copying the famous Jackie O but that's all Howard is capable of, just copying from everyone else and trying to claim it as his own content. 

Howard Stern wants to show up in drag as a bride next
week on Kimmel's show to celebrate his 10-year wedding
anniversary to his wife Beth Ostrosky. Kimmel is expected to
have a special segment to celebrate the Sterns' anniversary
with Beth wanting to pop out of a cake since old habits die hard.

Howard needs his drag fix on a national level for attention and to pretend to support the LGBTQ community even though he does not support any of their causes with his time or money.

Howard's official fan message board, is trying to keep their fan club going but is struggling with no other site that is dedicated to following the King of All Boring Radio Shows. Howard knows that site is all he's got to plug his appearances and follow the boring antics of his loser back office staff who couldn't find work anywhere else but the Stern show unless they want to cook hot dogs on a roadside and feed them to stray cats hoping passersby will throw quarters in their cauldrons. Howard and Beth Stern have almost the lowest amount of followers on their social media sites than anyone else that appears in the public arena and claim to be famous for something.

We all remember when Dolly Parton told Howard she would sue him and he ran like a girl into a corner and curled up in the fetal position with Howard's publicity agent yelling at him that daddy's home. Dolly was angry at the Stern Show because they were using her voice in phony phone calls and in other skits where the editing made it appear Dolly was into gross stuff and saying horrible things. Remember folks, sometimes you have to stand up to a bully. 

Will Dolly ever do the Stern show in NYC? Probably not.
Especially since a black eyed kid [BEK] is her personal assistant.

You should see Howard's weave take flight when he sees a BEK
on a city street and you wonder why he takes a bodyguard
with him to just go to the bathroom [and that's inside his own apt].

Why do you think Howard hides inside his selfie apartment on Halloween? Howard has said on his satellite radio show that he just puts a huge cauldron outside his apartment door filled with candy and peers out the peephole watching the kids snatch at the freebies. Why does he do that? The BEKs show up at his door. Maybe Howard can get permission from his doc to talk about it, you know, that is the best therapy, just sharing your story. Speaking of which, Howard's got his scripted bullshit all ready for when his parents buy the farm and frankly, he needs the publicity. Pretty sad, but Howard is a very sad person. 

Until Beth schedules another one of her cats for a trip across the River Styx, they are out of publicity stunt ideas. Beth is even considering setting up a 1-800 tip line for suggestions on how to get free press and staging stunts, "free" being the operative word since they are allegedly struggling with getting donations to their selfie foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends, and may have to close up shop or just come up with new ideas that Mary the Maid hasn't already thought up. I mean, finding a second dead stray cat on the Stern Hamptons property may be pushing things. We remember Wonky the Feral Cat that Beth coldly announced to her fan that she just found its dead body in the bushes off her driveway. Wonky never ranked high enough in the Stern household for Beth or Howard to get a commemorative tattoo or have its ashes added to the giant dead pet urn that's in Howard's bedroom in the Hamptons home. That master bedroom is on the Internet and appears on this blog in case you need to see it again and Beth has posed in Howard's bedroom in front of the urn for Whirl magazine when she overfed her bulldog Bianca to death and she was the first to get into the death urn and is the foundation ashes at the bottom. And what about Muffin the feral cat ending up in one of Beth's muffin ovens? Yeah, I blogged about that possibility too. Poor Beth, she is circling a drain that doesn't even exist anymore, the drain is gone as is her sink.

Love how this photo was captioned 21 years ago when Howard lived in NYC away from his first wife and kids since that was not his style anymore since he did his selfie financed faux biopic about how he perceived his rise to fame as a smut peddler on the radio. He was desperate to dump his wife but she beat him to the lawyers and the rest is Bethstory. It looks like Howard was walking through Central Park with Beverly D'Angelo. Maybe they were going to lope through the park except sans horses like Beverly did in the movie production of "Hair" but we hear Beth may have been trotting on the bridle path too.

That caption to the photo is not mine. Everyone called Howard a pot belly all the time and he pretends
that just now he has one that he is nearing 70. And some are saying that Howard wears
a bulletproof  undershirt but I have no idea if that is true or not, but he seems to be terrified of open spaces.

Hey, I get you Babe, but I think when you start looking like your TV character LaVerne in a tacky outfit, it might be time to hang up the g-string and call it a life.

Cher performing in Perth, Australia, 10-12-18, for her
"Here We Go Again" tour.

#dawgshed  #howardstern #bethstern
#jimmy #kimmel #brooklyn #molly  
#bethostern #jimmykimmellive  #hair
#weaves  #centralpark #cher

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