Thursday, June 6, 2019

Color Me Not

I gotta admit, this is awesome. Color me surprised that finally all that stern hermit energy paid off and produced this...hello, gorgeous! Pretty flowers. 

Color me not surprised that Keith Urban is still cute and gorgeous. He was beaming without mom it seems at the CMT country music awards on June 5, where winners are voted on by fans. It looks like Keith found the second coming of Madonna with that flat frying pan face and witch's chin.


What else is not suprising? That there are a lot of events happening around the country and of course NYC and the Hamptons has a lot of events that are sadly sans Beth O'Stern, the Queen of Cats Bred in a Field to Fill Her IG and Fat Ego Feed, because so far she is just pushing her own cat gimmick to try and boost monetary donations to the Sterns' selfie foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF). As reported last year by this famous blogger, Howard still works longer hours at Sirius so he can take a ton of time off in the summer to host BFF fundraisers at their Hamptons Hostel and Hellhole B&B.

Beth has been doing a lot of nothing but pretending to support some legislation against animal cruelty and also had the nerve to post something about a ban on declawing cats only to have her butch bitch protector on board to defend the fact that Beth does NOTHING and knows NOTHING. Stop bothering Beth!

No, Cummings, you're the one that's nuts.
Beth is useless who got stuck with this cat gimmick
and she knows zilch about anything and you're nuts to defend
her oh but then again, isn't that what you're paid to do??

Everyone remembers when Bethie had a meltdown years ago when someone attempted to contact her about supporting the ban on declawing cats, yes, this same New York legislation. Beth's a bitch, not everyone knows that. She just wants to drop in her name somewhere for publicity and then runs and hides if someone questions her like in the item above with Butch Cummings coming to Beth's defense. Suddenly Beth is all for it since she is in a publicity frenzy since Howard's book came out so suddenly she is posting about a ban on cat declawing.

So what happened in 2016 Bethie? Oh, you couldn't be bothered and deleted all comments about supporting the NY ban on declawing. Beth was SILENT until now because she thinks she's getting a lot of attention now with Howard's new boring book that he is desperate to publicize and now Beth has fug D-List celebrities posting on her IG plugging in their comments. Geez, Howard's publicity budget must be completely drained by now. 

Click on the links below for the story as 
reported on the Beth Fan Page 2016 and 2018:

Let the season's cash grab bullshit fundraisers begin. First up are the Seinfelds and their foundation Good Plus that forces African American women to take used baby buggies and be happy about it while Net-a-Porter donates misshapen knock-offs that didn't sell with all the sizes screwed up from mistakes at the factory and the company can claim all those unsold seconds as a charity donation. 

I guess someone released Wentworth
from the nut farm so she could attend the
Good + Foundation fundraiser.

One wonders where Bethie was on June 5 and why she didn't horn in on the event as she has done a few times in the past but I guess all that animal activism she pretends to do is tiring her out as she contemplates whether to select the turkey or the chicken for her almost vegan midnight snack after a full day of doing zilch. The Sterns can't even commit to a vegan or vegetarian diet even though Howard stammers and stutters to say it on the air that they hardly eat meat, yeah, it means you still eat meat but we don't need to know any details as one wonders what happened to the Stern show segment sponsor Gourmet Garbage Garage where Stern gets veggie chili...ha....ha....ha. I guess they were paying Stern and not Sirius for those plugs, so bye bye plugs. Same with the Dunkin Donuts coffee, no more plugs because the money goes to Howard and not Sirius?

Yeah, both of them.

#dawgshed #dawg #bethisaphonycatlover
#bethhatescats #bethhateshowardforstickingherwithcats
#howardstern  #howardsterncomesagainandnobodycares
#bethostern  #bethstern  #keithurban
#cmt  #countrymusicawards

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