Friday, March 25, 2022

CDAN copies BFP

Beth Fans already knew that Wendy Williams was being courted by Sirius to join them following her being basically ousted from her own TV talk show as already blogged about numerous times. [Reference the Beth Fan Page (BFP) blog entries dated 5-10-21, 9-23-21, 12-13-21, and 2-22-22 as an example.]

However today, March 25, 2022, the Entertainment [Enty] Lawyer who has the blog "Crazy Days and Nights" (CDAN) copied from the Beth Fan Page from February about how Sirius may be courting Wendy with her own radio show. 


Beth Fans already know that the Beth Fan Page has the insider scoop or poop, or scooping poop like in Beth's case. Just take a look at the Beth Fan Page blog header for the info about when the New York Post COPIED information from this famous blog. Yes, the source for the best Stern information is right here, right now.

In the meantime, whenever Howard Stern is off the air, he is badgering his Sirius boss Jennifer Witz nonstop to expand his already dismal shrinking two channels. Witz has always wanted to delete the second Howard 101 channel but Howard thinks she should add a third music-only channel like Andy Cohen has, but Witz reportedly is not throwing anymore money into Stern's black hole. 

Howard's barely treading water as it is inside his bargain basement radio bunker inside his sinking Hamptons house that he is emptying out as we speak. Witz wants to be done with Sirius' Queen of All Media Howard "Helen" Stern. Yes, that is Howard's drag name and he covered it over trying to rewrite history by inserting his Helen the cat in the mix. See blog sidebar for that info. Howard keeps trying to whitewash his cross-dressing history and Witz even banned Stern from appearing in drag on his recent book cover since he is a joke with Witz trying to rebrand the old bull as some sort of real interviewer, as if he's another Walter Cronkite or something. What a joke.

As reported on this blog in the exclusive Stern show excerpts featuring a transcript of the conversations, a year ago or more Howard said on the air that Beth is moving big carpets out of the upstairs rooms. Appearing a few times on this blog was a photo Beth uploaded on her Instagram show of her own closet that's empty save for her big-ass wedding dress [reference the BFP 2-7-21 and 3-21-22] that's in a big glass case holding evidence on the par of Monica Lewinsky I guess in case Howard claims the marriage was never consummated and have it annulled in court, and besides that, Witz has reportedly stated this is Stern's last contract. However, alleged insiders are reporting that Stern is still fighting to expand the channels and keep a steady income flowing towards him as he rows out to sea.

Of course, it's been reported that the famous Andy Cohen wants Wendy, however, they have a checkered past. Wendy claimed years ago that Andy wanted to stage a fight between her and a black female rapper for publicity, but Wendy said no. This sent Cohen into a tizzy, but since then, the two have patched things up with Cohen diverting the feud onto Wendy's husband who she has since divorced. So no one is sure Cohen would want Wendy in his Radio Andy stable but it's been reported Wendy may want a spot on The Real Housewives of New York.

Years ago, Rosie O'Donnell went on record that she was courted by Howard to have her own talk show on Howard 101. Rosie said they met at Nobu in NYC, they talked, she said no, and that was the end of that. 

Howard's always tried to build a stable of talent but then again, he wants only people he feels he can take digs at, that will be at his beck and call-girl, oops, that's Beth, never mind. But, Howard's always tried for that third channel on Sirius and he may think Wendy might get that for him but I mean, Witz has put the Fritz on all of Stern's hairbrained frizzy weave ideas so I guess we'll just have to watch what happens.

Where is Beth Update

Beth is scattin' and cattin' around on her Instagram Show trying to run around the country claiming to rescue cats and dumping them onto other people when she has failed to show up in person on the Stern radio show and pretends to be in the studio with Howard. 

Beth has not shown up on camera on the Stern show since the early Covid invasion in 2020 when Howard was sent home and his boss Jennifer Witz told him to stay there. Howard pretends she is there with him in the studio when no evidence has emerged proving Beth is there with Howard in person. She also has not worn her wedding ring for a year since Kimmel gave Beth that Oura ring she wears on her middle finger giving Howard the middle finger and dumping his cheap-ass wedding band.

Notice in the photos above:

1) First photo left, Beth is wearing an old hat, an old purse from the bankrupt and defunct company Charlotte Olympia, and her face is frozen with Botox with those lips that need new collagen injections.

2) Middle photo, Beth is wearing her usual Florida giant lounging MuMu because her entire body is under wraps getting tons of treatments inside her Cosmetic Surgery Center basement. She tries to scrunch up her face since that's what they do during Botox injections to check where the natural folds of the skin are, then the doctor knows where to make the injections, then they move the area around, massage the skin, all that, since it's a whole process depending on the doctor Beth has on retainer when one wonders where Nurse Ashley is in all this, right, Howard? Is she your personal Botox nurse? Alleged insiders reportedly allege that Ashley is very adept as using needles and has had many many many years of practice as she was shuttled around to various private schools until she finally got a court order and white tights and sensible shoes.

3) Third photo far right, Beth is in full makeup yet wearing a lounging dress so she is ready for her photos for her Instagram Show and ready for her snacks on the porch staring at the iguanas surrounding her pool area.

Beth has a lot of drama coming in the months ahead, a lot to cope with and Howard thinks having Beth living in Florida is the best thing for himself and for her mental health. Beth likes to pretend she's too busy for fame and everyone has noticed she can no longer score a spot on any red carpet, she's gotten fired by the Hallmark Channel, she is getting zilch. Howard tried to rally by saying she got offered a spot on Celebrity Big Brother, but Beth's nemesis Carson Kressley got that job and Howard had to diss the show. Carson also got Beth's job on the Hallmark Channel's Hero Dog Awards as I have already exclusively blogged about and CDAN has to catch up.

Beth's got the upcoming annual major snubola by Anna Wintour for the Met Gala event the first Saturday in May and Beth is turning her fake age of 50 in July. So, Howard's got his hands full as no one knows what the casualties of Beth will be. She always spins out just for the annual Met Gala snub [in 2020 it was canceled due to the Covid invasion so that helped Beth cope mentally].

But now with the big birthday coming up, I mean, who knows who or what may go down because she has come full circle. She has no jobs, she's ignored, she bops around pretending to be in the Hamptons one day and Florida the next, then to her NY apartment, I mean, it's insane. Yeah, I know. I guess we'll have to hang on tight since Jennifer Witz also wants to put the fritz on Stern again this summer and furlough him for a whole three months if she can. Last year she could only get a two-month furlough out of the old guy. We just can't wait to see what will come from the Stern Smoke & Mirrors Camp as Howard empties out that Hamptons house hoping to hook a buyer this summer.

#dawgshed #dawg #dogstar #sirius #siriusxm #stern #bethostern
#sxm #howardstern #wendywilliams #helen #wendy #witz
#cdan #enty #lawyer #copycat #getsinfofrombfp #jenniferwitz
#bfp #blogger #instagram #hamptons #cats #animals
#florida #botox #oura #rings #ringaroundyouroura

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