Tuesday, November 5, 2019

BFF Botches It Again

Yes, another Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) botched job by the founder of the foundation, Beth Ostrosky Stern, who started her big capital project to house stray and abandoned cats at the charity she shills for, the North Shore Animal League (NSAL). 

Just like Beth's foster cat rooms at her three properties [NY, Hamptons, Florida], the new BFF cat adoption center at NSAL is an environment that only fosters wild banshee cats that will not adjust to a person's normal home environment with real furniture and wall shelves with books and knick-knacks that should not be destroyed by cats. 

As blogged about several times, Beth Stern has no clue about animals or their behavior or how to socialize any of her feral foster felines she houses mainly at her Hamptons Hostel & B&B that's dying a slow death.  They are caged and only let out for photoshoots where they run amok inside her cat rooms and then thrown back in their cages until Beth can find other accommodations for the feral felines and arrange to dump them onto her peon public so she can move onto fresh felines for her photoshoots and claims it's charity work.

On October 30, 2019, Howard and Beth Stern had sponsors of the BFF cat adoption center trek out to NSAL the day before Halloween because the Sterns have nothing to do around Halloween and just sit around stewing and waiting for the witching hour. As stated on this blog a few times, it is well-documented by Beth herself on her giant Instagram show that she keeps her cats in cages and let's them out to run amok around her cat rooms inside her Hamptons House as their primary residence, with cat runways nailed to the walls and perches all over the place and it encourages the cats to be wild feral cats because Beth is that clueless about how to train and socialize cats. 

Most adopters of Beth's feral felines have to return the cats to Beth because the second they get them in a NORMAL HOME, the cats race up those curtains and tear them up and race to the top of the backs of couches wondering where those shelves and runways are that Beth has nailed to her walls inside her cat rooms so there goes all those ceramic knick-knacks you have on your wall shelf, all destroyed by one of Beth's feral felines. This is the MISTAKE people like Beth make when you have no clue about animals and are just in it for the tax write-offs and free publicity and parade around trying to be famous when you are a talentless fuck-up that had to turn to an animal charity gimmick for fame and fortune and become bulletproof against insults from the fans you never had. 

Examples from the Beth Fan Page of the wild cats
you get from Beth Stern. The BFF Feline Adoption Center
will foster this same bad behavior:

Is this a permanent zoo for domestic cats or an adoption center??? WHAT normal average household has giant tree houses in their living rooms??? Does everyone have catwalks around the tops of their walls near the ceiling??? NO. Unless you have one dedicated room to house these wild banshee cats, skip NSAL and go to your local county animal shelter and adopt an animal. Yes, they are kept in cages due to space reasons and to keep animals separated, but the point is that YOU take the animal home and get them accustomed to YOUR HOUSE and the way you live. 

The BFF adoption center at NSAL encourages bad, wild behavior by cats and kittens who have no clue how to act in an average home. BFF botches it again!!! Keep Beth and fat fug Rachael Ray away from cats. They have no clue what they are doing. We all don't live in a Jungle Gym, Rachael, so you should have selected a better designer for a cat room. What are these dopes at NSAL thinking???? Letting these asshole celebs have their vanity project at NSAL to make themselves famous is a huge mistake so let them keep their cats while you head to your local county animal shelter and save a life.

The Sterns had NOTHING to do around Halloween so had to suddenly schedule a ribbon-cutting ceremony that they could have scheduled any day but the day before Halloween just to get on everyone's nerves. Howard wanted to schedule it ON Halloween but he knew he and Beth would have been standing there alone with their iPhone on a tripod taking their own pictures with Helen the cat wearing a flashlight helmet.

November 4, 2019, excerpt from the stale Stern satellite radio show about Beth's cat center at NSAL that was hilariously included in the last segment of the show, which is Robin's news. It was all about Beth's BFF capital project that was funded using other people's money.

Comments in red are by this blogger:

Robin's News

Robin: "By the way, congratulations to Beth, she told me they had the ribbon-cutting for -- "

Howard: "Oh my god, we had some beautiful night on Wednesday. Yeah, if I may." [If I may? Who sponsored your prepared speech, Howard? Did YOU have to pay for it out of BFF donations?] 

Howard: "Wednesday at about 5:00, we went over to the North Shore Animal League, my wife and myself, [no Ralphie the rat?] with Billy Joel and his wife Alexis, and Rachael Ray and her husband, John Cusimando [Cusimano]. You know Beth had this dream [start the violins], she went over to the North Shore Animal League about seven years ago and she said, 'Oh all the cats are in cages and the dogs are in this cramped space, wouldn't it be great if we could build a cage-free environment.' She had seen one somewhere, it was like a dream that very rarely gets realized [by us cheapskates]. So she kept pushing for it and money and raising money and this and that and finally here it is seven years later and there we were standing at the North Shore Animal League in a cage-free environment [but the Sterns keep their foster felines in cages at their Hamptons Hellhole]. The cats were just kind of hanging out. It was so beautiful. Beth gave a speech, she was crying, in tears [will the Hallmark Channel make a miniseries out of this bullshit?]. It was so moving, I was so proud of her for making this dream come true [using other people's money]. Billy Joel had given one million dollars toward the building of this building and there was a Billy Joel room [was it painted drunk tank pink?]. And Rachael Ray has given endless amount of money to this cause like a tremendous amount of money like tons of profits from her dog food and cat food [from Korea made out of nuclear power plant fallout animal carcasses]...and Hallmark television had been there, too, because Beth works with them and they actually paid a bunch of money into this charity and so there was a Hallmark Room [oh brother] ... They put the cat into this new space called Bianca's Furry Friends after our dog, Bianca, [Really? Who knew.] and they put the cat into this new space, got him out of the cage, and lo and behold, he was a lap cat [I just fainted]. He likes sitting in people's laps and is the friendliest cat ever."
 - - -

Robin: " - - - I can't wait to see it, yeah."


Gee, how many cats DIED in your care to make this BFF adoption center happen, Beth? What's the count? You had a lot of blood sacrifices of your own cats, plus a few others and Sophia the cat was murdered by your paid on-call vet because you and Howard had theater tickets in the city. Oh yeah, I've blogged about it since you have no shame and brag about your cat deaths. Have anymore of your own cats been shot to death by lethal injection by your fuggy veterinarian who's always on call? We can't wait for an update, honey.


Everyone had to parade out to NSAL for a ribbon-cutting ceremony the day before Halloween because the loser Sterns have nothing to do around Halloween but scare some mirrors. 

Where's Beth's 40 foot photo of herself nailed to the wall? Notice that huge photo of Howard to the left of the photo below from his Rolling Stone magazine cover he paid for to plug his book of stale satellite radio interviews. More photos of this bogus event are on Beth's big IG show for anyone who is interested in this useless BFF capital project to post giant photos of celebrities on the wall at NSAL. 

The Sterns are getting tons of press mileage out of all this and timed with the release of his book this year as well as the Helen the Cat Calendar for 2020 featuring 12 boring pictures of the same grey cat.  

Yes, the day before Halloween the ghouls dressed in black and had a big ceremony for that BFF cat adoption center at NSAL with the midget command force headed by Billy Joel along with the porky Rachael and her Wolfman husband Some gathering. 

It was hilarious on Monday's stale Stern satellite radio show where he crowed about Heidi Klum being thrown off "America's Got Talent" (AGT) as a judge when Howard can't face facts that Heidi was RE-HIRED by Simon Cowell as a JUDGE for "AGT: The Champions" for a second season in a row that will air in 2020. Howard is that disturbed by being a giant ignored pariah and I guess this means no movie or TV producers discovered him when he broadcast his stale satellite radio show from L.A. last month and Howard was sent back home to the grimy streets of NY where he can sit and rot until his plugs dry up, yeah, those on his head as well as those on his stale satellite radio show.

November 4, 2019, excerpt from the stale Stern satellite radio show when Howard responded to a scripted caller which led to Howard dissing Heidi Klum's alien prosthetic Halloween costume. 

Comments in red are by this blogger:

Howard: "...nobody wants to see Heidi Klum in a full body suit as an old saggy alien. Heidi got it backwards. Working to be hot, to stay hot, and for Halloween she makes herself ugly. No, bad timing. ... She makes herself ugly on Halloween and she thinks people care. I gotta straighten her out. Too bad she doesn't work with me anymore, she doesn't get the benefit of my wisdom. Like I remember one time she was dating that art dealer guy Victor [Vito] Schnabel, and she goes [in a German accent] 'Und leaving now' and she went backstage and got into a sexy nurse's outfit."

Robin: "That wasn't even Halloween."

Howard: "No, she goes 'I'm going to see Victor [Vito]. ...I'm going to surprise him and take care of him as a hot nurse.' I was like, 'Whoa oh, now you're talking.' Why don't you wear that on the show? Why don't you wear that on Halloween? I question Heidi's judgment. No wonder they threw her off AGT, she didn't know what to wear."


They threw Heidi off AGT? When? Howard was thrown off AGT and they moved the entire production from New York back to Los Angeles with HEIDI STAYING AS JUDGE for three years following the ousting of Howard Stern and his dumb wig. Howard was just an angry bitch on Monday because he hates Halloween because Beth won't let him dress in drag anymore because she feels she cured him of that but besides that, Beth is too embarrassed she doesn't have any Bethettes to trek around NYC with and get all that free publicity or go to celebrity Halloween parties with the kiddies in tow that she doesn't have. Beth is so old she can't even fake a pregnancy.

Heidi is still a media mogul with her own show on Amazon and her own line of clothing and doing tons of movie voice-over work and continuing with her judging job with "AGT - The Champions" for a second year in a row - where are you again, Howard? Nowhere but on a radiated satellite dish sucking up those cancer causing rays while hiding from Beth.

On the November 5, 2019, stale Stern satellite radio show, Howard's frizzy permed wig interviewed the self-absorbed Kristen Stewart who has peaked in her creepy little career as she hits that 30 year old wall next year and she is going down hard.

So funny, honey, Stern means you are at the end of your fame road and headed down that road to facelifts and public wedding proposals. Howard panders to the top lesbians of Hollywood and TV or he can find himself sitting alone in that studio he paid for, what with kissing Ellen DeGeneres' ass and now Jodie's top girl. 

Wow, Howard, this is hilarious. We all can't wait for Kristen's new "Charlie's Angels" movie promoting women's empowerment by running around with plastic guns. Hey, I love the rise of the gals but I also love the whipped Howard Stern who has to stick with the script that is then press-released by his handler Marci Turkishstan and if he balks at his new pigeon hole, he will find himself sitting alone in his studio every week interviewing Ralph with Robin's light bulb unscrewed.

Blind Bella Gossip: Which $cience loving org is producing a new girl empowerment movie starring a gal on the edge of twilight that will film in Germany to funnel funds into that country to support a bid to make their org seaworthy in Germany? Several years ago, didn't their Top Gun make an anti-Hitler movie filmed at key historical locations in Germany in a bid to pander to the politicians?

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #siriusxm #pandoraisabadluckname #pandoracantsavesiriu s#howardsterndoesntwanttoleaveandgetstuckwithbethfulltime #halloween #heidiklum #nsal #fatrachaelsheadisgrowing #kristenstewart #twilight #vampires #marci #bethscaresvampiresbackintotheirgrave #biancasfurryfriends #bethsfurryfriends #bff #gossip#blinditems #catcenter #nsal

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