Saturday, September 28, 2019

Family Plot

Interesting news coming out about Howard Stern's ward Jimmy Kimmel and his ward Chef Adam Perry Lang and his patron the late Jeffrey Epstein. Some family plot that's in the making with Epstein six feet under and Kimmel getting essentially fired from the Oscars ceremony when he had a three year deal that was cut short after the Best Picture envelope mix-up a few yrs ago and suddenly Jimmy gets paid to not show up yet this year had to bail out the famous chef from jail as one wonders why he called Jimmy in the first place even though he was renting his beach house. You mean a wealthy and famous chef had no cabbage? [Ref: Beth Fan Page, January 27, 2019.]

For some reason, Crazy Days and Nights website decided to report on this just now after the New York Post revealed on 9-15-19 about the Jeffrey Epstein connection in that Chef Lang worked for him and even frequented the now-defunct Epstein Island. What is implied here? Who knows, but sources allege that Jimmy is in a twitter anticipating when those nosy Sterns will show up at his door in a week or so wanting to tour that house the Sterns have yet to get inside of with Beth wearing those giant sunglasses while indoors and carrying that huge tote bag she loves when she allegedly snatches those trinkets she sees just sitting there on the side tables along the path to the bathroom to powder her nose. Snap snap snap all the way along the hallway, meandering into the bedrooms, getting that home tour. Howard has his own chef too when in residence at his inner sanctum and you know, once bitten, twice shy.

Yeah, the family plot thickens. Beth O Stern is still attempting to cover over the fact she works really hard doing zilch and pretending to foster a bunch of cats that no one knows if they are really available or not and that's why you don't pick the cats, Beth does since who knows when these photos were taken and when the original cat dumpings actually happened. Beth mainly sleeps all day and then meets her "family" at the local watering hole near her Manhattan apt to dine on the catch of the day.

Beth is wearing the same gold earrings and gold necklace in all the photos
above from 9-22-19 and 8-15-16 except for the added brown beaded thing.
So why essentially duplicate this outfit? Because these photos

are all taken around the same time and doled out over the years
so Beth looks like she does something other than sleep all day.

As blogged about on 9-19-19, Simon Cowell managed to get the lowest ratings in the entire history of "America's Got Talent" (AGT) and this blogger attributed it to the ousting of Heidi Klum from the judges' table since she was fired at the end of 2018. Simon obviously read this blog and suddenly Heidi announced on 9-26-19 that she is returning to the special "Champions" edition of AGT because obviously Simon can't afford to tank that show too. 

Heidi continues to get mega product endorsements and now works for Disney and launched her own designs as she is modeling here on her Instagram.

Beth continues to do zilch and keeps badgering people to buy her selfie calendar that will fund her Hamptons mansion where she cages a few cats before dumping them onto other people and calls it charity work. I am not sure anyone could do less than Beth and expect payment for it.


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