On Monday's Howard Stern stale satellite radio show, he announced [again] how he is going to trek to Los Angeles to plug his recent stale book that's already been out forever. It's just a boring book of his stale Sirius satellite radio interviews with his stale wife Beth Stern stuck in there for some reason. Howard's also going to Los Angeles to inaugurate the new SiriusXM studios in Los Angeles by broadcasting from there when Howard fails to realize those Sirius Los Angeles studios have been there for awhile and were already inaugurated by a bunch of people.
Excerpt from the September 23, 2019 stale Stern satellite radio show:
Howard Stern: "... And then you gotta talk real loud for my father, 'You know Sirius built new studios. ... Beautiful new studios in Los Angeles ... and the new studios I'm going to inaugurate.' ... I can't yell that loud. I don't yell, I protect my voice. 'Sirius wants me to introduce the new studios and my book --' (as his father) How'd that do? (as himself) Oh, it did very well. People enjoyed it. (as his mother) Yes, you worked very hard but you got a lot of people to support (cackles). (as himself) Yeah, I was trying to ask my dad if I should retire, and he's telling me no."
-end of excerpt-
On 9-23-19 when Howard Stern was doing his usual psychotic bizarre impersonations of his parents, the Savior of Sirius Andy Cohen was interviewing Gwen Stefani and Wendy Williams received shelter cats not from Beth Stern. Apparently, the Nancy Boys at Sirius think the old coot Howard Stern is funny and are hoping to cash in on the endless stale reruns of his stale satellite radio show [insert laughter] when the old windbag blows. Better yet, they are hoping to count those stale Stern show tapes as a major loss on their corporate income tax returns while they fund a media empire costing more than the $cientology studios in L.A. but both companies have PeeWee Hermans at the helm.
On Monday, Howard Stern the Sirius Deadweight, did impersonations of his parents while Andy interviewed Gwen Stefani. When will Gwen do a pre-recorded taped interview with Stern and pretend it's live? Sources allege that Gwen plays for the home team and is a bitchy shoplifter. |
What are you inaugurating, Howard? A bunch of shows have already been done from the new Sirius buildings in Los Angeles. Obviously, a special dark room just for Howard had to be built with CGI equipment, green screens, and special effects lighting for his facelift before Howard could broadcast from the L.A. studios.
It seems that the Savior of SiriusXM Andy Cohen already inaugurated the new Sirius studios in L.A. with Fatty Aguilera as his chubby guest.
Sources allege that Chrissy stopped the blow and put on the pounds
and prefers women and Andy over men. |
It seems that Jaded Jenny already inaugurated the new Sirius studios in Los Angeles in May. What is Stern
inaugurating? I guess after he stops by the Celebrity Centre
and picks up his new hair, we'll find out. Sources allege that
Pam Anderson stepped on Jenny's star and squelched
her TV career forcing Jenny to hit the radiowaves. |
Wendy announced she adopted two shelter cats.
So what happened with contacting Beth Stern for cats? |
In startling news, it seems Wendy Williams inadvertently [wink, wink] exposed Beth for being a phony. Wendy announced publicly on her talk show on 9-16-19 that she wanted to adopt cats and would be contacting Beth Stern. Most New Yorkers know that Beth works for the North Shore Animal League as well as for her own selfie foundation Bianca's Furry Friends and allegedly fosters felines primarily at her Hamptons Hostel, a.k.a., Horror Hotel. Wendy wanted to adopt two female litter mates. Not a problem, right? Beth always posts tons of photos of litters of cats [she has bred in a field for her] waiting to be adopted yet Beth was silent on all this. Turns out, Wendy announced on Monday, 9-23-19, that she got her cats from the Cat Care Clinic in Nyack, NY. Gee, what happened with contacting Beth Bogus? Could it be because no one knows the date of any of the cat photos Beth posts on her IG show? This blogger has exclusively reported that Beth keeps posting old photos of herself on her IG and passing them off as new and recently she posted an old photo of her brother trying to pass it off as new and thereby actually faked a visit from him at her Hamptons Hostel. Everyone knows Beth primarily is in NYC now since that Hamptons Hostel is losing money as we speak. Howard Stern hopes that dumb calendar of their new boring gray cat Helen Rose will spark interest and raise some dough to keep the Hamptons phony feline foster camp in the black.

Howard probably concocted the studio “inauguration” idea to get a trip to LA without having to use any of his vacation days. He has to go to LA anyway to cart Beth to the Hero Dog Awards' taping — I’m hoping Beth shows up at Sirius wearing her big hostess ballgown (or better yet, Howard should wear the gown and really make an entrance).