Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Gay Blade

Orlando Bloomin' Nuts was the guest on Howard Stern's stale Sirius satellite radio show today, September 4, 2019, and who knew that he is a necro freak like Howard. They love talking about dead things like their careers and obsessing over the skeletons in their closets or displayed in their windows.

It is hilarious that Howard has a bunch of copies of his book next to the guest couch so Howard can foist a signed copy onto guests. Good luck getting out of taking a book with you as Howard counts it as a sale while the guest hands it off to their assistant whose job is to dump it in a landfill. Howard's book, you'll recall, is filled with his stale satellite radio interviews and Beth. Yes, that is the book, interviews and Beth. Oh, they met on a cold rainy night in the fantasy land of Howard Stern. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. WHY is Beth in that book? I can't remember anything else in that book that was published to trash Trump and Hillary and then you've got Beth stuck in there.

9-4-19, dazed and confused Orlando explains how sick and depraved he is
on Reaper Radio while sources allege there is nothing straight
about this guy and that's why he loves Howard Stern and it appears
 they purchase their hair from the same Scientology Celebrity Centre.

Then you've got that 50 year old Beth on her show "The Real Housewife of Instagram" bragging that lumpy fibroid breasts are healthy. Uh, they're not, whether they are cancerous or not they are not healthy on any level. But mainly all kinds of benign growths come with OLD AGE as in what Beth has entered but she can't face it. Aging is not healthy, Beth, you die from it. But everyone thinks Howard lies about his age and is much older and that feeds Beth's ego since she thinks she is much younger when she's not. She is so thankful for her "healthy" breasts that are filled with lumps, bumps, fibroids and benign tumors that she actually brags about her lumpy breasts on IG. Yeah, enter the sick and depraved world of the Sterns. Plus, she hasn't had those big breasts for about three years as exclusively reported on the Beth Fan Page [ref: BFP December 19, 2016 and January 14, 2017] and Beth had a deflated creepy lumpy left breast.

Beth posts a photo from 2016 of her old breast implants to advertise mammograms. Uh, okay, since you can't photograph through implants you have to try and push them aside or get underneath to get a picture of breast tissue. Who is she kidding?

Beth doesn't like Dame Beth-Man's artwork?

It didn't take Howard's contract stunts team long to fulfill the last item on their list. Yes, another Beth Fan Page exclusive as Dame Beth-Man gets it right again saying that Howard needed another health scare so here we go with Beth's bogus breast cancer scare that's just another Howard Stern Production. How desperate can these people get? It's old people headlines and Beth is milking those barren breasts getting press mileage out of them. 

Here is another Howard Stern Production. Howard was on vacation these past few weeks and staged a phony rescue of a scared bird that was trapped by BETH in a red cape playing The Rescuers that Howard will now shop around to plug his do-nothing wife. Each summer the Sterns have their Hamptons Hostel open for business and Jimmy Kimmel and his family made his annual appearance and this time they could talk about Howard's big West Coast book promotion so everyone can claim their vacation as a business expense. How nice.

TORO, TORO!!! Beth and her red cape taunting a bird! There is nothing wrong with this bird but the loony bird holding the red cape trying to capture it.

As reported on the Beth Fan Page, Beth Fans were wondering if Rob Zombie's first Halloween film would hold onto its spectacular Labor Day weekend box office record and it did, making a total of over 30 million just for the Labor Day weekend, not cumulative earnings [ref: BFP August 30, 2019].

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #sternfannetwork
#therescuers  #bethstern
#hamptons  #hamptonshostel #bullfighting

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