Saturday, May 4, 2019


As this blogger exclusively reports each year, Beth and Howard Stern have yet to score a ticket to the Anna Wintour invitation only event at the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art fundraiser called the Met Gala [see recent Beth Fan Page entries dated April 1, 9, 17 and 20, 2019]. Also as already blogged about, "Camp: Notes on Fashion" is the theme for this year's mega annual exclusive Met Gala [or Met Ball]. I guess this year we play the waiting game again to see if Beth can get into the event. Well, I can report to Beth fans on what happens and see if Beth snuck in via the cake van that shows up in the basement.

This date also marks the one year anniversary of this blogger's report on Beth's Met Gala meltdown that happened in 2014 and she has not posted anything on the first Monday in May ever again referencing the Met Gala because now she pretends to not care that she can't crash the scene with her unphotoshopped body trying to bolt through the velvet ropes dodging the security teams and running for that red carpet.

In 2014, Beth posted the photos and caption below showing us her Met Ball outfit as her [sad] joke and posted both photos on the first Monday in May in 2014 on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. It clearly showed her meltdown and how it truly bothered her that she couldn't horn in on the dinner and floor show. Dame Beth-Man reblogged about it in 2018 since a lot of the old blog entries were deleted and some are updated and reblogged about if something of interest happens again and is worth reblogging about. Oh, this was worth it.

But Howard's prior books featured campy covers and was hopeful his publicist could score him a few tickets to the Met Gala this year, paid by his Sirius employer. For Howard's new book, he timed its release in May so he and Beth would have something to do all summer long and deflect from all the snubs they get in the Hamptons and elsewhere. 

We can't wait to see Howard under that tent at the Hamptons Authors night this summer where Beth and her two Yoda the cat books got the big snubola from the event host and founding Honorary Chair Alec Baldwin. Will Howard eat crow and beg Alec to be let in under those tents selling his book and signing copies for his aged fan base consisting of 70 year old men in hot pants? 

Howard is now playing it straight [insert laughter] with his new book cover trying to appear like he is suddenly a brilliant serious interviewer since dumping the wife and kids bit around 26 years ago with the first marriage but then without that first crew, he wouldn't have had a big useless career as a big loudmouthed radio DJ with his shocking and racist humor and couldn't have gotten away with his misogyny if he were single along with having a black woman in the studio to deflect from the fact Howard relies on racist humor to survive since he has no talent and just stalked fame forever and had the funding to keep stalking it. 

Yeah, everyone knows this is Howard's real book cover but
Beth had a fit since she wants it to appear she
married a straight guy and not a transsexual.
Her fat ego can't take it. Why do you think Halloween Drag
Parties were off the table in the deal?

Isn't Howard Stern just a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania? Well, he has always appeared in drag in public, on his book cover that he had published as multiple paperback books featuring different drag outfits and of course he loved being in drag on the David Letterman TV talk show especially at Christmastime 'cause the Jews mock the birth of Christ, oh, but they'll take the gifts thank you very much. And of course he was always in drag on his loser horrific Channel 9 TV show that got kicked off the air due to sponsors running for their lawyers after finding out they actually purchased airtime on that garbage show and then seeing the content Howard provided which was a mixture of humor that seemed to have been written by a mentally damaged 12 year old boy living inside a 35 year old schizoid pervert body. Howard is exactly Dr. Frank-N-Furter who created a man with long legs and a tan, right? I mean, that is the only way to explain that phenom Beth O except she has short calves.

Speaking of Beth's age. If Howard and Beth are only 15 years apart, then Beth turns 50 this year. Yeah, she looks 50. Once you hit that age, you can kiss all your lies goodbye. But then the article below claims Beth turned 30 in 1999 making her born in 1969 when Sheri Moon Zombie was born in 1970 and Howard always wanted it to appear Beth was younger than Sheri. But then Sheri was reportedly a famous groupie that was always jumping tour buses so who knows how old she is. Ask RZ's former girlfriend, White Zombie co-founder Sean Yseult who was born in 1966. Oh yeah, and Thunderkiss '65 is the greatest rock song of all time. That needs to be said right here and now.

On Howard's stale satellite radio show this past week, he reported on how Beth got all emotional and cried when she said Ralph Cirella [Howard's long time companion since the early-mid 1980's; sort of how you put a goat in a stall with a horse with Beth being the horse] said he had throat cancer and then said he was only joking since I guess cancer is so funny and he must have been having flashbacks to when Robin had staged cancer.

Oh yeah, Robin is in Howard's new book too:

Excerpt from the stale Stern satellite radio show on Beth Tuesday, April 30, 2019:

Howard: "... Hey, Ralph, what's with you? You still got that cold huh?"

Ralph: "It's not a cold."

Howard: "And he was at my house yesterday. I think he's dying. ...Let me tell you something, something is going on with him."

Robin: "Every time I see him he's sick."

Ralph: "I swear I've been to a doctor, I'm fine."
 - - -
Ralph: "I had a cold, it settled in my lungs, it was like bronchitis and it takes a while to get out of your lungs."

Howard: "And then he shows up at one of my photoshoots for Rolling Stone and he has no voice whatsoever and then tells my wife he's got throat cancer. He pulled her aside and told her he had throat cancer."

Ralph: "I didn't pull her aside - -"

Howard: "So Beth gets in the car with me she goes 'I don't think he was kidding. I think Ralph admitted to me he has throat cancer.' I said, 'Are you kidding me? He would tell me.' And then she was all upset, she started to cry and then we wrote Ralph and she goes 'Do you have throat cancer?' And he goes 'Oh no I was joking.' What kind of joke is that?"

Ralph: "I told her I was joking when I said it."

Howard: "She started to cry."

Ralph: "Oh my god. I told her I was sorry."

- END -

Beth was all emotional because she knows Ralph gets a big Charlie chunk of Howard's dough post-mortem. With Ralph out of the picture, Beth gets a lot more of that Stern pot pie and she was overcome with emotion over the thought of all that cabbage in her patch!!

Yes, the true story about how Howard met Beth is in Howard's new book:

Also on this past week's stale Stern satellite radio show, Howard talked about horning in on Jerry Seinfeld's 65th birthday party where a bunch of celebs showed up like David Letterman and Andy Cohen [the savior of SiriusXM].

Excerpt from the April 29, 2019 stale Stern satellite radio show:

Howard: "... Jerry Seinfeld had a 65th birthday party. ... I saw Ted Sarandos from Netflix. I was talking to him. Everybody there loves him because he writes huge checks to everyone there."

Robin: "He probably financed everyone at this party."

Howard: "That's what Chris Rock said, 'Just get in line, get your money from Ted Sarandos.' Who the hell else was there? Andy Cohen was there. I didn't get to talk to him. He's too cool to come over to my table and say hello to me. But I would have liked to have talked to him.

Robin. "Maybe he thought he should stay away after you've told him never to approach you here."

Howard: "Yeah, he's being respectful (chuckles).

- END -

Oh, right, Howard, well on Andy Cohen's radio show on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, he said that you were in deep conversation with Bradley Cooper and his girlfriend and then YOU raced outta that birthday party the second after the entertainment was over - which was what? After the food was served? Or after Jerry hopped around on stage? No way could Andy have caught up with you to say hello. Everyone knows that Beth and Howard are just there for the freebie booze and food, then Beth races to the bathroom to pinch some guest soaps and then skates through the kitchen to snatch some silverware and booze on the way out as Howard has the limo warmed up for the big getaway. What a joke the Sterns are. Everyone knows they are cheapskate party crashers.

A few weeks ago, Howard and Beth raced to Florida for a photoshopping trip that everyone thinks is a prelude to the terror that's coming, which is the annual Howard Stern Social Life magazine layout to showcase how Beth is aging each year and we know this year has to include Howard's nauseating endless book promotion.

On May 4, 2019, Andy Cohen had a date night with his pal Sarah Jessica Parker at the 30th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in NYC where Andy was honored with a Vito Russo award for being the first openly gay late night TV talk show host and Howard Stern was honored with nothing because he does nothing for anybody. Gosh, wonder why the super gay-advocate Howard Stern is never at these events.

#dawgshed #dawg  #dawgstern #howardstern
#bethostern #bethostroskystern
#metgala  #annawintour  #metball #gala
#nsal  #bff #bethfanpage #pittsburghpariah
#firstmondayinmay #mayday #andycohen

1 comment:

  1. howard will be on cbs sunday morning this coming sunday 5-12-19. i always watch that show but i wonder if he will push beth into the interview. "im going to introduce you to america"!...remember that? lol.
