Saturday, April 20, 2019

Hunt for Beth's Eggs

Everyone is celebrating Easter egg hunt weekend while Beth O Stern panics over her infertile eggs that she keeps hatching year after year while the ones frozen from 1999 are starting to rot in their shells. But she's not the only one to blame, ask Howard's alleged daughters.

But really, all kidding aside, it's very sad. Beth keeps hoping each summer to announce a bundle of joy that doesn't involve spaying or neutering or cleaning litter boxes.

Easter is that time of year like xmas for all the Luciferians to come out of the closet and do the Jesus mocking bit. Ha ha ha. Howard has always done the Jesus pose when he gets his rare chance at hogging a stage on television while the stagehand flashes that applause sign and locks the doors so the audience is trapped. But Howard has no integrity about anything. He would sell his own alleged kids if it meant he got a permanent show on television. He would mock Christ or Satan if it meant he could be on TV. He is that idiotic.

When will Beth do the Jesus pose to make herself famous? I think Jesus mocking is in the fame rule book. I wouldn't know since I was born in the fame bloodline and shun it.

Remember this Jesus-mocking photo? He looks likes an idiot. Will the crown of thorns reappear for Howard "The King of All Pay Radio That Was a Huge Failure and Had to Add a Video Streaming Service to Avoid a Second Bankruptcy Scare" Stern?

Oh, how lovely.

Beth was down with the crown of thorns Jesus-mocking T-shirt. She's gotta send a message to the elites that she is a mindless team player even though they have never heard of an Ostrosky and are scared it's contagious.

Reportedly, Howard is again avoiding his screaming Banshee who wants in that Met Gala and has tried for 20 years. Howard thinks he can swing it this year since Anna the Witch Wintour is inviting drag queens so I guess we'll have to watch what happens. Yes, Dame Beth-Man is scheduled to show up again this year and I hope to sneak my book onto the buffet table. As already blogged about, my first book is scheduled for release via invitation only on July 4.

Ever since Bradley Cooper did that awful remake of "A Star is Born" with Lady Gaga, he has been following her around to everything and is expected to horn in on the Met Gala committee this year and parade on the red carpet with his front woman.

The Don was always a fixture at the Met Gala until he became the President of the United States since Witch Wintour is a democrat and doesn't want him at the event [I thought she was born in Britain; they are always shipping their shit to our shoreline]. So apparently, he is not invited to attend anymore but the real reason has nothing to do with that 70 year old Wintour. It would be a Secret Service security nightmare to have POTUS show up with his girls.

The Don got his girls to the White House while
all Howard could get his girls were White Castle frozen burgers.

Earth Day is April 22 and Howard is on a big publicity tour for his latest boring book that he has to plug ad nauseam because he has nothing else as a work product for Howard Stern Productions. As part of an Earth Day publicity stunt, he is planning on planting a tree in his weave and will have his stylist Ralph Cirella prune his bush live on The Today Show while Matt Lauer badgers the network to get back his job so he doesn't have to fall back on his landscape architect business in the Hamptons having Beth Stern bark orders at him that her bush needs trimming too.

On Howard's stale satellite radio show, he always talks about how he doesn't like to travel since he likes staying home and painting even though no video exists of him actually painting which is a mystery since his wife Beth is constantly videotaping and streaming and photoshopping a bunch of cats and posting them on her Instagram show. So funny she never videos Howard painting especially since he claims to be color blind yet paints in color. I guess we'll have to see who can foot the bill if the Sterns have the nerve to leave the U.S. as if anyone in Europe is buying some book of boring interviews with a bunch of celebs who couldn't pay for a personality let alone pay for someone to script something interesting for them to say. They sit like potatoes on that Stern studio couch.

#dawgshed #dawgsaloon #howardstern
#bethostern #trump #potus #metgala2019
#easter #holiday #eastereggs

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