Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Two Sterns

Howard Stern again revealed this week on his stale satellite radio show that he is two-faced, of dual minds, split personality, or just talks out of both sides of his mouth and seems to be having a selfie meltdown over being ignored by President Donald Trump.

First, Howard says to David Letterman that Trump constantly contacted him when he was running for President and wanted Howard to speak at the Republican National Convention and then does a turnabout on Wednesday, January 9, 2019, that Trump ignores him because Howard didn't vote for him. I mean, Howard never kept it a secret he was supporting Hillary so this statement makes no sense, and then he proceeded to trash the President. 

You know, when you do not get positive attention you try for negative attention since Howard is desperate to be acknowledged publicly by The Don once he became the big cheese of the U.S., but poor Howard is just a nobody that tries to elevate his status in the radio world as if he is some big deal interviewer when he is just the idiot on the radio that became famous for interviewing porn stars and pointed out their body part flaws and evaluated them to see if they had potential to be famous in the blow job world. 

Howard seems to be under a delusion he is a very important person, well he is, if you want to talk BJs and bras since he is a known transsexual as he has revealed publicly on his old defunct Channel 9 TV show and in numerous late night Letterman TV show appearances as well as on the multiple covers of his shit paperback book of "Miss America" where Howard Stern refuses to bring up the issue that the owners/creators of that pageant almost sued Howard for the use of that name for his book but found out it was in the public domain and not referring to any particular production or trademark.

On Wednesday's stale Stern satellite radio show, Howard made the following comments about President Trump - uh, didn't Trump ask Howard to speak at the Republican National Convention yrs ago? Didn't Howard say Trump called him all the time before becoming President? What happened? 

As stated, Howard always supported Hillary, so not voting for Trump would not make a difference with Trump contacting him all the time or why he would stop. Yet it's always everyone else who runs from Stern and don't take his calls since he is obsessed with that goddamned phone and keeps bugging people for publicity and attention. 

But Howard's statements don't add up and now he trashes Trump, desperate for attention.

1-9-19, stale Stern satellite radio show excerpts. Comments in blue are by this blogger:

Howard: I couldn't sleep so I stayed up and watched Trump's speech which I knew was going to be full of shit. I like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi but I don't know what was up with them last night. The two of them were sharing one podium and Nancy kept calling Schumer 'Leader' and Schumer kept calling her 'Speaker'. Should I media train these guys? [insert laughter - yeah, I guess if they are evaluating breast implants on porn stars for the media.]

Robin: Those are their new titles.

Howard: And Trump should never read off the teleprompter. He is terrible.

Robin: He is the opposite of polished.

* * *

Howard: I've never seen Donald this orange with the white around his eyes. I would tell him to get rid of that. It's not a good look. No one walks around orange. And he acts like zombies, vampires and werewolves were coming over the border. It was an unnecessary interruption of an evening. Schumer and Pelosi have to be mortified by their performance. They have to loosen up.

* * *

Howard: A ton of people climb over the wall at the White House, too. The wall isn't going to solve anything. I got it figured out but Don isn't going to talk to me because I didn't vote for him. I'm not talking like some liberal jerk-off. I know it's going to cost more than five billion to build that wall...


Howard: ...I  put in a bathroom and it cost five billion. I have a Toto Toilet. I'm alone a lot. [Aside from Ralph the Stylist and Felix the Tailor and Pat the Gym Gossip.]

-- The End --

Alleged insiders claim that The Don has a twin. You know him by
the bold solid blue tie he wears.

Meet the Creepers, a.k.a., Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca Romijn Cross-Dressers. Jerry has appeared in drag several times and not just for Halloween, and the alleged bisexual Rebecca even played a transgender on some obscure TV show. Howard Stern's fan may remember that old story Howard keeps repeating about a party at his married bachelor pad in Manhattan [that he bought without the first wife knowing about it and she was already separated from the media deadweight] where Rebecca and John Stamos showed up for a party with Beth Ostrosky [Stern] right there with them. The question remains, which couple wore the boxer shorts and which ones wore the VS bras and panties? I will give you one guess. Exactly. Now the Creepers want new jobs on television and it involves ousting a few aged women in wigs.

First up is the famous Wendy Williams who everyone remembers had a major malfunction on Halloween 2017, and Jerry O'Connell was right there to pick up the pieces but we know Wendy finished the show and judged an audience Halloween costume contest. What some may not know, is that people in the audience gave reports that what sent Wendy into a satanic panic attack, was seeing an audience member on stage left dressed as a stag in heavy pancake makeup and a hair piece twisted and molded into giant horns, looking very much like satan instead of a stag. It seems the gossip glamour gal and Queen of All Media was triggered by this and went down hard. As stated, she did finish the show and she said it was health reasons, new meds, all that, and a costume that made her overheat and faint.

The O'Connell's are frequently on the Wendy Williams Show.

Jerry in costume [we think] as Kylie Jenner with Kim and Khloe Kardashian
on the day Wendy fainted dressed as the Statue of Liberty. 

Next up is Miss Satanic Panic who is all set to play the head of a secret society of devil worshippers along with her hubby. Rebecca is sneaking up on Beth Stern's job with the Hallmark Channel. She horned in on the annual American Humane Association (AHA) Hero Dog Awards that Beth hosts every year in conjunction with the Lois Pope Foundation by way of Howard Stern who called up his old [literally] friend Lois to get Beth on TV and she did. 

The O'Connell's got dolled up for the AHA Hero Dog Awards in 2018 with some saying she wants to host the event later this year in Los Angeles since she is an actress and affiliated with the Hallmark Channel having had a movie on their channel, and Beth is just a giant nobody married to a stale weave on pay radio. You will recall the AHA is funded by the Screen Actors Guild to buy bullshit certifications claiming no animals were harmed during productions of TV shows and movies when a Google search proves otherwise.

However, Rebecca is horning on another regular Beth gig called the Kitten Bowl on the Hallmark Channel with a special first annual Cat Bowl to be held on Feb 2 this year and no host has been announced yet it's expected to feature a bunch of pre-recorded bits for an hour. It will feature senior cats from past Kitten Bowls who are now grown and old and are still forced to play with cat toys so the Hallmark Channel can have filler for their flailing cable channel. But anyway, Becca is now a part of the Beth Stern Kitten Bowl this year to be held obviously on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb 3.

Take note of that Adoption Ever After Ambassador REBECCA, a job Beth did not get. What she got was the first ever award for this bogus publicity gimmick as blogged about by this blogger [ref BFP 10-24-18]. Beth loped on stage pretending to be caught off guard that she didn't know she was getting the award for housing a few cats in her tax shelters and claiming she is some big cheese foster mom when all she does is collect cash for the foster cats that are housed at her properties and then dumped onto other foster homes or back to a field somewhere off the freeway. Who knows, but Beth collects cash to house the cats for a few days via her animal foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends.

Beth Stern continues to play tag with herself, bopping around between properties like there's no tomorrow and in her case, she might be a bit afraid, especially if the alleged rumors are true that Howard's radio show phone app is not being picked up by Netflix as a reality show but then neither is Beth's cats-for-cash show on IG where she badgers foster cats for a few days and then dumps them in a park to hand off to strangers for a photo op and continues to collect dough from the public to fund her cat flea circus via her pet foundation.

Got Beth GPS? She loves hopping around like a trained seal for Howard Stern Productions. The stars are the States where the Sterns own properties and I did not include Maryland or California since that is Howard's side of the family feud.

Beth bops around between properties so much that she just uploads
a bunch of old photos and video on IG trying to catch Howard and
pretend the footage is current. Howard stated about a month ago
on his rarely live stale satellite radio show that his daughters were in town for
Thanksgiving and brought him presents since obviously they
were combining xmas with that Thanksgiving holiday turkey feast that Beth and
Howard claim to not eat since they are phony vegetarians.

Beth runs around her properties with a cat claiming it's charity work.

#dawgshed  #dawgsaloon #dawgloveshoward

#howardstern  #bethostern  #bethhasnomessageboard
#hallmark  #rebecca  #romijn #oconnell  #wendywilliams
#wendywilliamsshow  #siriusxm #nataliewood
#dyancannon  #hallmark  #kittenbowl  #catbowl

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