Sunday, December 30, 2018


We are coming upon a new year and everything needs to be freshened up and improved upon including the many faces of celebs and people who think they are celebrities and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars renovating their faces when it's all a big joke since no one can hide from their age for very long and their face will start to malfunction in public. 

Beth Ostrosky Stern is quite obviously no stranger to the scalpel having spent most of her adult life horizontal with a surgeon hovering over her. 

The same with Howard Stern, who is still in a panic over being filmed again for his stale satellite radio show for a dull video app featuring pre-recorded bits of his show and undergoes refurbishing all the time and can hide sutures under his thick weave thicket that was planted on his blockhead.

We love new faces as we head into 2019. 
Here are a few:

Nicole needs tons of Botox and fillers to stop the gummy smile and
her face is now frozen in time. I don't get the new eyebrow wigs
or that bleached hair piece.

Voted Best New Facelift, Sandra has finally paid a surgeon
to put her face on permanent freeze frame.

Major face malfunction by Emily Blunt. It looks like her
surgeon od'd her on the frozen face fillers. She also bought new
eyebrows to try and hide the stretched and bloated skin.

It's difficult to catch Beth between Botox, but you can
see the raised arch in the right eyebrow due to filler OD and her
overblown filler face freezes her Mr. Sardonicus grimace. All that face
and cheek filler blows up her already big nose and causes that
horizontal shadow between the eyebrows.

Nicole's son is still a cutie.

Honorable mention to Barbra Streisand's gorgeous son whose ageless good looks makes Howard Stern jelly of him. Eat your heart out Howard! He's taken....smooch...smooch...

Ask Tim Gunn how he freed himself of the Stern curse 11 years ago. Beth Horninsky barges in to host an event for animals and you will never be free of her unless you cancel the event, which is exactly what happened. Poor Tim also had a talk show that was canceled in record time since Mrs. Ratings Killer showed up and hogged the stage [ref: Beth Fan Page 7/12/14]. I tried telling Big Chief Talkhouse this but he thought I was joking.

Since everyone reads this blog, they are now aware
of the Stern curse and Howard trying to talk people into
taking Beth. She is now chasing her own tail in her cat bed
wondering why she can't trick another celeb into letting her horn
in on their fame.

Since this blogger asked via this blog about what happened to the annual gift of flowers from Stern show writer Benjy Bronk, Howard changed it to candy from Bronk and we wonder if Bronk had the same goods delivered to the Sterns' official mail drop box who have zilch to do over the holidays but badger tabloids to print articles about them or insert their names in some loser restaurant sighting. More candy for Howard's Harridan this year? I guess we'll have to wait anxiously for Howard's return and get the scoop on how much sugar they swallowed over the holidays while taking selfies pretending to foster a few cats hoping Santa won't revoke their Bianca's Furry Friends charity status.

In January 2018, the regular gift of Benjy's flowers to the
Sterns changed to candy. Reference the Beth Fan Page entries dated
1-8-18 and 1-12-18.

I really thought Howard's satellite TV reality show "Howard's Boob" would take off this year and be a part of the Stern show video app but it bombed. [Ref: Beth Fan Page 2/26/18; rerun episode of Howard's Boob reported on the Beth Fan Page 3/27/18.]

I guess Howard couldn't come up with anymore scripted antics for Beth to do to make it appear they are a normal average married couple with marital spats to appeal to Howard's fan in a group home since the Sterns exist via text so it's kind of hard to make up stories about them actually interacting with each other live and in person. Aside from that, Beth is so goddamned dull you could kill yourself and she would never notice. She would need text instructions from Howard on what to do if she found the help had hung themselves or if Howard was swinging from the rafters, Beth would have no reaction and wait to be told what to do. She is an awesome trained dog and that's why she hangs out at the charity that pays her a salary as their spokesperson and director of bullshitting the public out of donations, the North Shore Animal League. Sometimes she sits inside of the dog kennels and waits for a treat.

Shout out to my sister site, the Martian Beth Fan Page, that got a mention on this blog on 3/27/18. I hope they can find that burnt out satellite dish that carries the stale Stern satellite radio show.

Martians can't even find Beth's European modeling photos.
Maybe look in that black hole in Howard's weave when he
flies by on that satellite dish.

Beth is all ready to badger the new year with her presence as she continues to harass cats and calls it charity work.

Sending much love and thanks to everyone who sent me messages wishing me a happy new year and I wish to thank all Beth fans for enjoying this blog as much as I enjoy writing it and keeping up with the Sterns which is no easy task. All they do is write their own phony tabloid items and restaurants sightings as well as grabbing a few corporate freebie tix for a photo op at dumb basketball games throughout the year. So sad about them, but gee, someone has to report on their hilarious antics and their constant chasing that fame cloud that has blown away for good and is now a part of a chem trail spreading poisonous gas. 

#dawgshed  #dawg #dawgsterns  #dawgbeth #howardstern #bethostern  #newyear  #christmas  #holidays  #happynewyear  #newyearseve  #newyears  #stern #timgunn
#nicole  #kidman  #urban  #sandrabullock  #bullock
#celebrity  #star  #howardwantsastarnextyearinhollywood
#marilynmonroe #streisand  #gould


  1. Howard obsesses over getting facial procedures done for his “dull video app” because he actually thinks he is on TV -- he has said it more than once. Robin never corrects him because she probably thinks she’s on TV, too.

  2. Happy New Year Dame Beth-Man! I must apologize for not visiting more often. I am so obsessed with how much I loathe Meghan Markle that I forgot about the annoying Beth O. It's so nice to visit your page and say hello.
