Thursday, January 17, 2019

Happy Birthday

...TO ME!! Almost.

This month is Dame Beth-Man's birthday. I don't think I have shared this with the global audience, but it is at the end of January. My security team will not let me provide the actual date, but I can reveal I am an Aquarius. And yes, this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, a.k.a., the dawning of the age of the famous Beth Fan Page. Without me, Beth and Howard Ostrosky Stern would get no attention or publicity unless they pay for it. Oh, and they pay, believe me, and it's not always through the wallet.

Yep, that pretty much sums up Dame Beth-Man.

As Howard continues to randomly complain about President Trump ignoring him, on Monday's stale satellite radio show [1-14-19], he was upset over someone slamming him for being against the Trump Wall when Howard was just plagiarizing a viewpoint from the NY Times, so why attack him? But Howard is desperate for attention either positive or negative because he is a giant ignored pariah. 

Uh, what happened exactly over the xmas and New Year's holiday? Wasn't Kimmel and Aniston on a ski slope somewhere nowhere near the Sterns??? Yep, and Howard knows it. No more horning in on Cabo celebrity vacations either since the team sold off their resort once Miss Palestine came into the picture and finally had twins emerge from that boy body and Clooney still gets sick in public if he has to kiss it on the mouth.

But Howard inserts himself in politics for attention, not just about The Don, but about his big cheese opinions stolen from headlines about a bunch of stuff to insert himself into the media. Howard may also compliment a person first, then release the hounds and insult that person until that person pays attention to Howard. Well, it won't work with POTUS and he dumped Stern before Stern could dump him since it's not really all that popular at SiriusXM or with the Hollywood crowd to be buddies with Trump and sit at his table and chow down on his food while pretending to love him, but just hate a few things he does like building The Great Trump Border Wall for China. 

Hey Donald, you may want to ask Howard about funding a wall. Isn't Howard helping to fund that wall between Palestine and Israel? So what's his problem with Trump wanting a wall too? Howard is jealous that Trump will get a wall with his name on it too. Then Beth can be a big wall model and have her picture taken hopping around in a bathing suit showing off that wall.

As stated in the prior blog entry [1-10-19], Howard claimed that The Don asked him to speak at the Republican National Convention and Howard turned him down. Howard didn't expect to be ignored by Trump when he became President but he did. So there, Howard. Trump dumped you before you could dump him [again]. Please stop phoning and texting POTUS. He only takes calls from STUTTERING JOHN MELENDEZ....hahahahahahaha...who did the top phony phone call of all time last year, leaving the Stern stooge staffers dumbfounded who do those stale scripted fake phone calls all the time for the stale Stern satellite radio show and never thought of punking a President. Chickens.

Speaking of Stuttering John, he recently posted a thread on Stern's fan message board about his book on Amazon. In other book news, I am hearing a rumor that Howard is still battling with his bosses to work out a new book deal for himself, including a Netflix flix, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and a SiriusXM app for Bianca's Furry Friends so Beth doesn't have to rely so much on her Stalag Beth B&B donations to fund her horizontal Hamptons lifestyle.

Howard also made a startling revelation on Monday's show that his daughter Ashley is really a MAN. YES! At least she must have been born a boy or is a hermaphrodite, or was born a boy and was changed to a girl. Why do I say this? OH, because Howard said during his show for all to hear that Ashley [his daughter] has balls. Yep.

1/14/19, Howard said, "I was painting a little this weekend. My daughter, Ashley, came out with her boyfriend and we spent the weekend together and had a little birthday celebration because her birthday is in a couple of weeks. It was sweet. I like that. I was positive about that.". . ."Love that kid. We had a good time. I bust her balls, I go, 'Listen to your stepmother'. I was pretty positive during that I thought. I always try to keep a positive attitude around the kids.'"

Uh, you bust the balls of your daughter??? Howard's got more problems than I thought. Hey, I wonder if Ashley has my same birthday. I bet my party was better than hers will be with Howard giving Ralph the Stylist fifty bucks to get lost for a few hours so Ashley can enjoy her cake and eat it too. All the Stern kids practically grew up with Ralph in the house all the time working with Howard on his terrible terrestrial radio show where all he did was read from the tabloids and NY papers and then yell at staff in between trying to get porn stars to take off their clothes to prove Howard was straight yet had the first wife Alison as a giant excuse about why he couldn't sleep with the girls hungry for a handout or was Howard hungry for a handjob?

So hilarious that Howard Stern is still plugging that awful TV show "The Bachelor" on his stale satellite radio show. "The Bachelor" is a creepy fake reality game show that Stern plugs because the show is in competition with NBC's "America's Got Talent" (AGT) and Howard is super jealous of Simon Cowell who was called in by NBC to save AGT with Howard Stern hitting record LOW ratings for his debut performance in 2012 with a 32 percent plunge in ratings and he kept tanking the ratings during his four-year tenure with the show. 

Now Simon is back with his new AGT Champions series and is hitting it out of the ballpark in spite of Stern's constant loser plugs for "The Bachelor" that he talks up all the time on his stale satellite radio show. HA.

Simon is still WINNING and Howard Stern is still an obscure loser on a burnt out satellite dish promoting "The Bachelor". How sad is that.

Hey Howard, are you still on that launch pad?? Have you taken off yet??  Ha ha ha. Oh gosh, CBS executives were going to launch Stern in the late night talk show game 17 years ago. How hilarious was that??? We are not sure if he believes his own publicity or not. What a joke. This guy should have retired in 2002 and holed up with his nest egg away from his cackling hen.

Hey! They're basketball famous!! Howard can steal commentary
from the NY Times and call it a talk show while Beth passes
around a collection plate in the audience for her foundation called
Bianca's Furry Friends.

Beth Stern has been a busy bee lately because she is all abuzz about her upcoming stalking of the morning TV shows to promote her annual Hallmark Channel Kitten Bowl that airs on Super Bowl Sunday. As already blogged about, the Hallmark Channel added a Cat Bowl on Saturday featuring aged cats on a video loop and no host was announced yet so maybe Beth can talk that up too. She is now getting her face bloated and polished and fresh hair glued to her banana head just in time for the TV appearances she expects to make in a few weeks as long as Howard gets off his duff and starts badgering local talk show hosts to take Beth.

Beth is trying to earn some extra collagen cash by helping raise
 money for the Trump Wall. Hey, Howard is rarely in the
Hamptons anymore anyway, he has no clue what Beth is up to. Beth

is hoping to divert about 50 percent of all proceeds from her
lemonade stand into her pocket.

Andy Cohen is LA famous now that he has temporarily moved his TV show there because he is expecting a son via surrogate while Howard Stern is expecting a kidney stone via enema. Andy has the career Howard thought he would have based on no information. You can't go from being a porn peddler to a bona fide late night talk show host. It is hilarious when someone interviews Howard as if he is some big cheese of the airwaves, a scholar and expert when he was just a dope on a radio dial staring at naked women that no one else could see since it was, uh, radio. 

Anyway, back to me. My birthday party was held on Saturday [1-12-19] but my actual Birth Day is not for a few weeks. I was given permission to provide a few photos of the fantastic event honoring the birth of me.

Red carpet arrival of Dame Beth-Man.

Promotional poster for the birthday event.

General atmosphere at the birthday party.

My mother gave me a framed picture of herself as a
birthday present. Thanks, Mom!!

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