Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Borrower

So glad that once again this famous blogger provides content for the Howard Stern satellite radio show. I have documented it a few times on this blog when Howard either addresses a unique topic exclusively reported by this blogger or lifts ideas from this blog for show content.

With this week of stale satellite radio shows, Howard just meandered, struggled for content, and had to bring up his birthday again, as if we hadn't had enough of that nothing story already, and paid his side platter Robin to plug Beth's Kitten Bowl that will air on Super Bowl Sunday. 

However, a new story was inserted for Tuesday's show that was lifted from this blog. Howard has to get show ideas from this blog because his life is as empty as Beth's head.

On Tuesday's satellite radio show, 1/22/19, Howard stated: 

"Holy shit man, I had to go to the emergency room this weekend. I forgot about that. You're not gonna believe this. I woke with a pain on my left side toward my back. I called my pal who's a doctor, I said, 'Dude, this is so bad' and I described the pain. He goes, 'Uh oh, it sounds like you got a kidney stone.' I go, 'Fuck that, I do everything perfect, it's not fair that I have a kidney stone.' So they had to give me a CT scan or whatever it's called on your kidney.'"

Yep, this story idea was lifted from the Beth Fan Page, 1/17/19:

"Andy Cohen is LA famous now that he has temporarily moved his TV show there because he is expecting a son via surrogate while Howard Stern is expecting a kidney stone via enema."

Geez, Howard, I can't wait for your dopey tell-all book that is coming soon to a central casting book signing venue in NYC. I will have my team see just how many of my exclusive blog entry stories are in there. Ha ha ha. Then Howard proceeded to say how everyone complimented Beth at the doctor's office or hospital, wherever this story took place inside Howard's head, when Beth had been at her Florida Mystery House last week. But I suppose she could have been home on the weekend, who knows, since these assholes have no clue what "Instagram" means. Beth could have appeared via satellite at the doctor's office.

Yeah, Beth does look lit. On 1/22/19, Ralph Cirella, a.k.a., Ralph the Stylist, phoned into the Stern satellite radio show and said:

"Beth pops like a Christmas tree".  

But the problem is, Ralph, it ain't Christmas and actually, Beth pops like a tart.

Aside from Howard getting show ideas from this famous blog, he had to come up with HIS OWN DOCTOR STORY to relate around his birthday because he is replacing the ROB ZOMBIE DOCTOR STORY that Rob repeated two years in a row on his IG. 

As readers may know, Rob Zombie and Howard Stern were both born on January 12. For two years in a row, Rob posted a photo on his IG of when he went to the doctor's office for a swollen eye, and it happened at the Stern Hamptons house where Howard was hosting a party at his Hamptons B&B and John Stamos was there along with Rob and Sheri Zombie. Howard hated this story because it had nothing to do with him. It was a funny story John Stamos related on the Stern satellite radio show several years ago, and they posted the same photo Rob posted on his IG of the event. 

The story, as told by Stamos, was that they all went to the doctor and Sheri goes to the reception area with Rob who states his name is Rob Zombie [nobody recognized the super famous rock star, writer, or director since they were just peon medical people]. The receptionist gives Rob a look like, yeah right. So the receptionist then looks at Sheri to get her name, she says "Sheri Moon Zombie". The receptionist got more frustrated and they moved into the doctor's office when John pretends to be the doctor until the real doctor comes in to look at Rob's eye and cleans it and prescribed something like Benadryl and that was it.

Now, this year, Howard has a doctor drama story. So buck up everyone, this will be Howard's annual birthday story from now on!  We will hear this kidney stone story and doctor visit about Beth being lit, and Howard finding out it was nothing and he went home and plugged his Toto toilet [the segment sponsor]. This will replace the Rob Zombie doctor visit story except Rob had photographic evidence to prove his doctor drama was real and not a paid toilet plug.

Uh, yeah, Zombie's medical drama was real. But it happened around 10 yrs ago when Stamos was on the TV drama ER.

Howard did say on Tuesday's satellite radio show that a nurse told Beth she was cute. Howard's little medical drama was a pill too big to swallow. Funny how no tabloids reported on this big health scare. You would think stock prices would plummet with this news with the threat of Sirius losing its big satellite sitter. Ha ha ha. They would have a party if Stern would just retire already. 

The Howard Stern favorite "The Bachelor" still can't compete with superstar Simon Cowell's "America's Got Talent Champions" in total viewers and ABC might want to rethink their monetizing scheme. I mean, who greenlit having Howard Stern [an obscure satellite radio talk show host who is an aged senior buying people pill organizers], talk up a show to boost television ratings when he couldn't even do that for himself when he was on AGT as summer filler?

The Popped Christmas Tree is in Los Angeles this week to promote that loser Hallmark Channel that has tons of extra footage lying around of a bunch of cats on a nauseating video loop to fill their empty programming schedule. Beth horned in at the Hallmark Home & Family set at Universal Studios to promote that Adoption Ever After bullshit and felines in bowls. Got bloat? Yeah, Beth does, after visiting the Botox Basement at Stalag Beth South Florida so she can be camera ready. 

Everyone is saying that Beth is desperate for a spot on Andy Cohen's Bravo TV show and wants to horn in on his baby shower since he is broadcasting from Los Angeles waiting for the birth of his son while Howard waits for the birth of nothing. People are speculating that Cohen & Kimmel are running and hiding from the Sterns with some claiming that Kimmel has already paid the Piper. I guess we will have to watch what happens as Howard thinks he really has a shot at hosting the Oscars and will take his shot with ABC. I think at this point, Beth has a better shot at it and she is a better shot than Howard. He can't even shoot the side of a barn but Beth can shoot daggers like a pro.

1/24/19, Beth horned in on the Hallmark Channel
studio with her new striped wig. She looks like a perturbed

squirrel with nuts stored in her cheeks.

Hey, remember the days before Howard hooked up with the Pittsburgh Pariah? The North Shore Animal League (NSAL) actually existed before Beth was foisted upon them as their useless spokesperson by the Stern/Buchwald tag team.

1998, NSAL Adoptathon. Rumor has it, Donald Trump
has an animal phobia yet in the face of a Playmate, he'll do anything.

Jerry Seinfeld got Shoshanna a gig promoting NSAL before
they broke up in 1998/99. This photo is circa 2000.
But this was well before the Hamptons Harridan took over
as the main promoter and became a member of the
Long Island Idle Housewives Desperate for Fame.

#dawgshed #howardstealsfromdamebethman
#howardstern  #bethstern  #betho
#siriusxm  #rupaul  #rupaulsdragrace #agt
#agtchampions #hallmark #NSAL  #seinfeld

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