Monday, November 12, 2018

Rescue 9-1-1

Beth demonstrates how much
of the donations to her selfie
foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends,
actually goes to helping animals.
Since Beth Stern's normal group of pigeons that she used to fly with have flown the coop, this year it's been Carole Radziwill that has been tagged by Howard Stern to take Beth, his wife, to various events and be her paid babysitter and purse watcher since sometimes Beth comes home with more than a hangover. 

We remember at the disgusting Hero Dog Awards show where the American Humane Association exploits disabled and injured dogs that aired last month on the Hallmark Channel with Beth hosting it forever, the Hallmark Channel was marked alright and had to invent an award for Beth where she was the first recipient of some bullshit animal adoption award, what a shock [ref: BFP 10-24-18]. The award was presented on stage by Carole to Beth who was all set with her scripted speech pretending to be surprised. 

Carole is also tagged at getting Beth into events like the recent Cinema Society screening on 10-22-18 where Beth bugs the hell out of the guy who started that society to get sponsors to host a screening of some movie that no one wants to see, Andrew Saffir and his husband Eggs Benedict that he eats for breakfast almost every morning. Carole's got her work cut out for her with taking Beth off Howard's spare bed in the work-out room where they pretend to be bosom buddies when they're only temp roommates in between shuttling Beth around to her various relatives' homes for the holidays so Howard can have some time alone with just his chickens and no turkeys.

Photo appeared on Beth's IG show.
Oh but wait, we've got a local TV pigeon named Tamsen Fadal that the Sterns have captured that has been to several North Shore Animal League (NSAL) Beth events including the annual NSAL Beth Awards gala to honor Beth. Beth announced on Monday on her IG show that she is appearing on the Ch 11 local news show in NYC to talk about herself with Fadal. Her show is on one of the secondary networks on free TV and not on a major news network, as if you needed to be told that what with Beth hogging a couch for eight minutes. 

Here is Fadal at the NSAL Lewyt Luncheon with Beth last year:

For persons following Beth's IG show "The Real Housewife of Instagram", she promotes NSAL as their paid spokesperson in conjunction with her own personal foundation Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) to grab as much cash as she can to finish out the tax year. On Monday, Beth announced that she is now promoting the NSAL animal foster network. This blogger has said for a long time that Beth dumps her foster felines onto other foster homes since she can't be bothered to house cats in her homes for more than a few weeks as she crowds her IG with multiple photos of the same cats trying to make it appear she is fostering a lot of cats when it's the just a few cats at one time. So now she is finally promoting the cats in the NSAL foster home network, primarily adult cats since Beth gets the kittens.

In 2013, Beth set up her BFF Facebook site and it's now dying a slow death as she no longer tracks her cat dumpings on there, only on her IG show beginning in 2018. Just a few members of that Facebook group post now and then to thank Beth each year for dumping a few cats on them while about 99 percent of the cat adopters you never hear from again since they are temp homes or just turn the cats loose in the field where they meet Beth to get a photo taken with her and then you never see those cats again and Beth could not care less. The last few adopters who have met up with Beth on a field trip half way between nowhere have set up only IG accounts for the foster cat(s) and have not joined the BFF Facebook group which is at 253 members with only 15 new members added so far this year and we are almost done for 2018. But this whole gimmick of Beth's is a way to fund her Hamptons B&B and for Howard to hold fundraisers there to fund Beth's do-nothing lifestyle. Without those cats Bethie would disappear into the sunset and she and Howard know it.

Beth has a new gimmick of dumping these cats on the side of a road with the new owners
not wanting their names on the BFF Facebook page, at least not that I could find so far,
and they only set up a phony IG account.  Beth used to document all of the cats she
dumped onto other people on Facebook. This stopped in 2018 and almost nothing is
documented on the BFF Facebook site having switched to IG.

Howard Stern barely mentioned his upcoming book on Monday's stale satellite radio show [Nov 12] that was supposed to come out this year but has reportedly been shelved until March 2019. Howard is mum on the project because according to alleged insiders, there is a battle royale going on between Howard and his Sirius bosses who will only fund a book about the [stale] Stern interviews but Howard wants a big time autobiography bragging about his big life on television and how everyone is jealous of his life and are jealous he married a polyester pants model from Pittsburgh. Everyone got one book deal out of Sirius when they joined the company, like Artie, Gary, and Robin and Howard is a big hold out since he wants a huge tell-all and Sirius wants none of that bullshit.

So I guess we will have to watch what happens on the book front from the Stern world of big talk and no work product except pushing that Beth in everyone's faces while he tries to finagle [con] more celebs into visiting Stalag Beth B&B in the Hamptons to badger guests to donate to the BFF foundation to fund his properties claiming they are temporary animal shelters in a storm of property taxes.

Hugh Jackman did the stale Stern radio show on Monday so we thought it would be fun to get a Hamptons review of how a wolverine behaves at a Hamptons eaterie:

Howard has to scour the place for celebs and barge
up to their tables while Beth was NOT mentioned.

Don't forget to Cher!!!

In previews; opening night December 3.

Is she Sirius?? Nope. Cher is on Spotify.

#dawgshed  #dawg  #howardismadatsirius
#siriushassternbytheweave  #betho  #bethstern
#bethostrosky #saynottoturkeys #thanksgiving
#book  #biography  #autobiography #cher

1 comment:

  1. I guess Beth handing off cats into the back of someone's car is a real time saver if she wants to make it back to the group home in time for Jello.
