Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Howard Stern has said that he will not release the tapes of his past interviews with the now President Donald Trump because he feels it would be a betrayal, that guests like The Don come on his show to be entertaining. I guess Howard defends all crude speech and actions in the name of entertainment.

But wait, Howard is not in the driver's seat and doesn't own his show video or audio tapes, his employer does, SiriusXM satellite radio. So it's really that company that refuses to let the audio and videotapes into the public domain and be made freely available to anyone who wants access to the Trump interviews on the Stern radio show where he rates his own daughter from a scale of 1 to 10, where he said he probably could have had sex with Princess Diana but he would want her to get an AIDS test first, which is just a sample of some of the things coming from Trump's musings on the Stern radio show. 

Monster Malone owns Howard Stern and all his past show tapes and video from his cable E Channel show and god knows what other useless content Sirius owns of Howard Stern. Howard owns zilch yet wants certain people to believe he has clout with his satellite radio company when all the clout he has is in his weave sitting on his blockhead...oh yeah, everyone thinks that Howard has a pyramid head when it's only the shape he tries to mold his weave into to detract from his square blockhead while he is married to a giant banana head.

Howard likes to entertain his fan by threatening to leave satellite radio and that he had tons of offers to go to other companies, etc., when Howard would have to ask permission to leave Sirius or be slapped with a breach of contract suit. Howard knows this and is stuck with satellite just like that Dog Star is stuck with Stern. Howard's dog has been neutered, and I don't mean the content of his stale satellite radio show I mean Stern himself. He no longer calls the shots and is always badgering the company to get him back on TV, get him a book deal, a movie deal, whatever, to push him into the limelight that has been turned off, the bulb is burnt out, the bulb is dark. The lime is rotten and there is no light.

So where does this leave Beth Stern? Nowhere. Since Howard got kicked off NBC's "America's Got Talent" she has gotten nothing, no book deals, no calendars, no TV series, nothing but that stale feline foster cat gimmick that has run its course but she's got that or nothing. 

We love it that Howard the loudmouthed garbage dump dog has been neutered. His radio show producer Gary Dell'Abate runs around the Sirius building trying to ferret out a guest to appear on the Stern show with even Sandra Bernhard saying on the air that she sees Gary peeking around a corner trying to see what guest she has on her radio show. Sandra is from the famous Sandyland radio show [Ch. 102] as a part of Radio Andy's league of extraordinary broadcasters on SiriusXM.

Miss Sandra is not afraid to speak out about Donald Trump but Howard Stern is terrified and thinks it's an act of betrayal to air the Trump interviews. Really? Hmmm, wonder why.

It's that time of year for Howard and Beth to run and hide to their respective Botoxology corners to prepare for the upcoming Beth Awards gala at the end of this month that Howard invented so the North Shore Animal League can kiss Beth's ass for making them famous while they collect public donations with no work product to show for it. 

So where was Beth tonight at all the NYC parties? Gee, I guess Beth and the O Clan are heading to that Florida Phony Feline Mystery House because everyone knows that Howard has his own life with his family while he badgers producers to get him on television or badger them to fund a movie project with him. Clever people have caught on that all you need to ask Howard is how much cash he is throwing into the pot to fund his big ideas and you hear a giant click on the other end of the line and you will be free from Howard Stern. His own ideas suck like making dumb T-Shirts about Les Moonves and his wife or making prank phone calls or running up to his enemies doors and ringing the doorbell and then hiding in the bushes. 

So, where is your galpal, Carole? I thought Howard had Beth on your leash. What is this getup you're wearing? Trying out for the Cycle Sluts from "The Owl and the Pussycat"? 

Did Beth already get her Cinema Society sub revoked?
Oh right, she isn't in NYC is she? Is it N. Carolina then to Florida
for a Botox refill? Carole attends the Cinema Society
screening of  "Green Book" apparently sans her girlfriend. Well,
Carole can be a possessive bitch you know.

So, what Super Agent was spotted outside of the Friars Club roast of Billy Crystal on November 12? I guess Howard Stern Productions is falling on hard times.

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