Monday, October 1, 2018

Through the Looking Glass

On Monday's stale satellite radio show [Oct 1] Howard Stern provided weird details of his activities when Beth was in L.A. shilling for the American Humane Association (AHA) co-hosting the Hero Dog Awards on Sept 29, an award show that is designed as a distraction from the fact they do about zero to protect animals used in TV and movies as is blatantly obvious with a simple Internet search. The AHA is funded by the Screen Actors Guild so I doubt Howard trying to get the annual award show moved to NYC will materialize as he mentioned on his radio show.  We all know what happened when NBC moved "America's Got Talent" (AGT) to NYC so Stern could be a judge, he tanked that show faster than an iceberg sunk the Titanic. Howard's tenure on AGT is referred to as the Titanic years.

So Howard had his script all ready for Monday's radio show and reported on that highly publicized public event the "2018 Global Citizen Festival" on Sept 29 having some story that he stared at it since he was the giant uninvited pariah when notables were in attendance like Hugh Jackman, with Bethie taping her injured and disabled dog exploitation event in L.A. Somehow Howard thinks this proves he lives in his old Manhattan man cave off Central Park when it doesn't, he was just meeting up with Beth when she arrived back in town on Sunday. No big deal, at least not to us normal people who are not on lockdown 24/7 having to answer to handlers that tell us we have to keep working or our properties will be on the auction block.

This is the same Manhattan apt that is now a corporate hideout, I mean, headquarters for their bullshit foundation Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) and where Beth meets up with her flying monkeys to barter for stray cats that she has delivered to the apartment and decides which ones are marketable as photo props for her IG show. She also passes off some of the cats to a few pigeons that meet her in the lobby since she has to count it as part of her big charity and tax write-off gimmick.

Howard had to plug the Beth Stern AHA segment sponsor Gourmet Garbage Garage since anything that is a plug needs a sponsor or Howard has to pay for the plugs out of his own deflating bank accounts aside from the plugs he pays for that sit on his head. Howard allegedly stalks that Gourmet Garbage Garage when he is alone or Beth forgets to pack his little meals for the week since again, Howard has his own private digs away from his old Manhattan man cave where Beth staged a coup and is now the sole dictator of that piece of real estate. But, this time Howard said he picked up some "chili" forgetting this time to say it was vegetarian chili because it wasn't and he isn't. Howard's little world is falling apart trying to keep up appearances that he and Beth actually live together when their relationship exists via phony phone calls and random text messages and Howard impersonates different people using different voices and Beth has to guess whose voice it is with Sirius getting suspicious that the alleged stable married man Howard really has that stable pretty much empty and Beth is rarely in her stall with a saddle on a rack nearby that is obviously never used, at least not by Howard but maybe a few stable boys who are more stable than Howard that apply ShowSheen to Beth's coat to keep it nice and shiny for when she lopes around the show ring in their living room serving cocktails to Sirius cocks who Howard wines and dines to keep himself employed on a burnt out satellite dish that is spinning to nowhere. 

As reported several times exclusively on this blog, that around Nov/Dec 2015, Howard changed the start time of his radio show from 6 AM to 7 AM due to needing a longer commute time and Sirius agreed and this happened before Howard's contract was expiring since Howard has his own place away from his original Manhattan man cave that he purchased while married to wife #1. Now he gave it to wife #2 to be free of the leech. 

Howard was very specific on his little activities without Beth when she was in L.A. for about two and a half days because he needed content for his radio show. Howard said he also raced to a museum with a male friend with Howard being in disguise and yes, this blogger has exclusive intel as to what that disguise was. Howard went to the museum as the invisible man. Funny he couldn't come up with a fib this time that his eldest daughter escorted him to a museum. I guess she was busy gluing candy to her house to attract little kids who get lost in the woods. 

Howard claimed to visit the Met Museum to see
the paintings of Eugene Delacroix which makes sense
since both Howard and Beth could care less about animals.
Delacroix depicts a guy saddling his horse on the wrong side
and the horse is all agitated with his ears pinned.

Any phony disguise or role playing Howard does is via phone or Skype with his selfie doctor and stepdaughter as blogged about [BFP dated 9-26-18 and 9-30-18]. No need to pretend Howard, nobody really cares about your weirdo little private life practicing your Dracula voice for your stale Sirius satellite radio show leading up to Halloween which you hate since Beth won't allow you to dress in drag. Go figure. But Howard's Halloween banter is worse than a stake in the heart. Wonder if Beth will take a giant header over a bale of hay again in the lobby of the Manhattan man cave. Howard's entire life is one big facade since he is so BORING and has no life other than badgering producers for a show on TV since he will never give up on that fame quest. Same with that bullet-shaped head he married. Beth still thinks she's got a shot at another TV show instead of being stuck with the phony kitten gimmick until infinity since no one can market Beth, she is completely devoid of talent except where the public can't see it but I know what it is. She is really good at balancing a small tray of cocktails on her head while lighting a cigarette.

How hilarious is this? Howard and Beth's IG followers combined don't even add up to one million while Heidi Klum has over five million followers. Gee, I wonder why Beth and Howard can't get a TV series? Ha!

If you want to hear a real interview with an interviewer that actually lets the guest speak and basically talk about whatever they want, then skip Stern and turn to Joe Rogan. His interview with Steven Tyler was awesome and I think Howard Stern needs to watch it to learn exactly how to appear on camera and how to conduct a real interview. Notice the comfortable seating arrangement with a desk so the guest can spread out his stuff, notes, whatever they want to bring and just sit and talk about everything. Howard needs to go to broadcasting school or take an improv class or do something to learn how to be a talk show host since that's what he thinks he is when he's just a jerk on an old fashioned radio dial that went out of date in 1989.

#dawgshed  #dawg  #howardlookslikeadawg
#beth #stern  #sirius #agt  #nbc #globalcitizen
#heidiklum #jackman #Hughjackman #cats #dogs
#steventyler  #joerogan


  1. In Howard’s latest tirade against AGT, he heckled Heidi Klum by saying she can’t speak English. It must mystify him that Heidi is such a smashing success with her cute German accent while Beth, the English Major, is a big non-success with her ear-piercing screech. But Howard also said Wendy the Slow Adult could be a judge on AGT so he must be saying that Beth still has a chance.

  2. I love JRE. He's a much better interviewer than Wiggy.
