While Howard is stewing in his own pot of dross, Rob Zombie suddenly promotes SPOTIFY and not Sirius!!!! Wow, can this rift between the Zombies and the Sterns ever be patched up? Rob Zombie has been snubbing the Sterns for like eight years because Rob is busy dealing with fame right now while Howard is busy dealing with his horizontal Hamptons Harridan and trying to come up with more fundraisers for their almost defunct foundation called Bianca's Furry Friends, that is deflating faster than Beth's boobs and Howard's Botox.
So far, during Howard's time off from paying writers and having to drum up content for his unleavened dish of stale satellite radio, it seems Howard is doing a lot of nothing but staring at a cat and providing audio commentary via a livestream from Beth's iPhone that she posts on her Instagram show "The Real Housewife of Instagram" that has failed to get a sponsor and be picked up by Andy Cohen as one of his Real Housewives shows on Bravo TV. You should be able to easily find Beth's Instagram show by Googling "Hamptons Harridan".
While Howard continues to do nothing but take meds for his stinging cosmetic face peel, Rob Zombie is the feature editor of Metal Hammer magazine since he is the God of Gore and appropriately of course he is featured this month just when Sheri will be celebrating 16 years of groupie marital bliss. She's got a lot in common with that other groupie Bethie except it's not suitable for general audiences.
Of course Heidi Klum is gearing up for another one of her major league Halloween parties she hosts every year and she has been teasing her 5.2 million Instagram followers of what her costume may look like. Howard runs and hides from Halloween since Beth gets ticked off when Howard wants to dress in drag, so he only does that on Christian holidays. I guess that was their agreement years ago since Beth wants to be the hot chick at Halloween and not have to compete with Howard in the swimsuit competition portion of the holiday.

No, I am not in this picture because I was teasing the bellboy.
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Love this costume. #HelloEdna |
Don't forget, Beth Fans, to submit a comment to this blog entry providing me with your Halloween costume ideas and I will promptly ignore them.
#dawgshed #howard #bethostern
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#howardstern #stern #halloween #metalhammer
#metal #frightweave
#damebethman #dameedna #dame #bethfanpage
#nobodytellsitlikeadame #nothinglikeadame
#nobodytellsitlikeadame #nothinglikeadame
So Howard pining away on the air for Rob Zombie saying how much he misses him did not dissuade him from going to Spotify ... but Zombie probably doesn’t listen to SiriusXM anyway.