Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Hide and Seek

It seems that maybe the big baby bully Howard Stern sent his buddy Jimmy Kimmel to smack down Stuttering John Melendez because of his upcoming potential book bombshell where he tells all about what Howard Stern is really like on a personal and professional level. 

Howard Stern refuses to publicly acknowledge John's book or allow him to come on the show to promote it or when John was in NYC last June for the opening of the John Travolta film "Gotti", John was not invited to hang with Howard.

Everyone knows Howard is scared of John's book aside from not being able to deal with anything negative in his life, like negative cash flow and supposedly having to find time share renters for his Florida Fortress, I mean, it's getting sad. Howard normally reacts to negativity by hugging his fuzzy pink sweater dog and curling up in the fetal position on his queen size bed far away from scary Beth Stern and her bevy of tax write-off feral felines that are wearing thin on Howard's nerves. Allegedly, the Stern foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends, is treading water and Howard needs to do something stat to get it revived because he's got a screaming banshee walking through walls and demanding Howard do something other than crappy voice-overs on her iPhone livestream for her Instagram show.

Stuttering John was an insider for many years working for the Howard Stern show on terrestrial radio when there were actual ratings and not just a giant pool of subscribers on pay satellite radio where there are no ratings and no one knows exactly how many of Howard's relatives actually suffer through his boring satellite radio show each week. John has socialized with Howard for years and has tons of stories that he is willing to dish out to the public who are hungry for the truth about the King of All Scary Weaves.

Here are a few interesting items from John's recent podcast [this blogger's comments are in brackets]:

- John has been to dinner with Donald Trump and Melania and Melania doesn't talk during dinner; Donald talks about himself. [Sounds like Beth and Howard Stern]

- Is she [Melania] just getting paid to be with him [Trump]? [Sounds like Beth and Howard Stern]

- Jimmy Kimmel is trashing John's book. 

- The book is delayed, coming out November 13, limited books available for signing on October 27 at The Grove [in Los Angeles] where John will appear with some guests.

- Had to change names in the book; lawyers' notes said to remove some things for legal reasons, like about "Don the Douchebag Buchwald"; careful about potential lawsuits.

- Not sure if Howard will come after him to sue; John doesn't have anything due to divorce, etc. It's not like John has a surplus of Rogaine or anything. [hilarious]

- AJ Benza joked around and thought that if the old Howard heard the new Howard on the air, he would have killed him.

- John said Howard had a list of what you can't mention on the air, Kathie Lee Gifford, Chaunce Hayden, no Gwyneth Paltrow bashing; Howard instructed staff to create fake Twitter accounts to ask certain celebrities to do the Stern show. Don't say Robin is not in the studio when she isn't.

- Ever since Scott the Engineer did a Go Fund Me, they moved him to another floor [at Sirius] and took him out of any bits or anything related to the Stern show. Scott embarrassed Howard by asking for money [for his wife's cancer battle]. [I guess Howard Stern has a major problem with being publicly embarrassed, just what he accused Les Moonves of when he ranted recently about that age old lawsuit Viacom had against Howard when he was promoting his move to Sirius satellite radio. Howard said publicly on that air that Les hates being embarrassed more than anything else in the world. Apparently, it takes one to know one.]

- Howard has a lot of security off the air. [He needs it on the air for that crap he shovels to his listener.]

- Howard was furious John did the reality show "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" because America accepted John, the mainstream public, and Howard was never accepted by the mainstream public or liked by the public like John was.

- Howard wanted to be at the cool table in High School. 

- AJ Benza emailed Gary to be on the Stern show to plug his book three years ago; was only offered the after show with Gary. AJ got insulted.

- AJ and John thinks Howard thinks Jay [Leno] took John because Jay steals all his bits from Howard and did it on purpose, not that he really wanted to hire John for The Tonight Show.

- AJ says that Melania loves being First Lady. She doesn't care what Trump does, without him she would be nothing. She has a sort of manly face.

- AJ has a new podcast and is writing a movie. 

- John would bang Beth Stern. He loves her.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Get that mental picture in your head Howard. Stuttering JOHN loves Beth. Not Brad Pitt, not Mel Gibson, not Orlando Bloom, not Justin Theroux....ha ha ha, no other guy alive has ever said they would bang Beth but you and Stuttering John. How funny is that?

I think these two would make a cute couple!! Hey Howard, if you ever get fired, I hear Beth already has those divorce papers filled out. She just needs to sign and date them and she's off to see the Stutterer!!!! She might actually get a fourth book deal and a TV movie biopic since Howard can't seem to produce anything for his Hamptons honey bee buzzing around that empty hive.

Howard is trying to coerce George Takei into coming back on his satellite radio show as an announcer and sit-in guest to be further humiliated after Howard set him up in a bit for the air where they joked about George making sexual advances to someone. Later someone alleged George made inappropriate sexual advances and wanted to sue him. That person has since backed down since a little mouse thinks the whole thing was a humiliation ritual for George since he is famous and beloved by America and Howard isn't.

10-11-18, the Savior of Sirius Andy Cohen along with Robbie Williams,
George Takei and Whoopi whoop it up in London at The Virgin Holidays
Attitude Awards at The Roundhouse to celebrate how famous
they are and Howard isn't.

Same with Heidi Klum. America loves her and Halloween is her favorite holiday as she teams with Amazon for a new show and promoting a shop for Halloween this year. Something the Sterns will never get since America doesn't love them providing America knows who they are in the first place.

#dawgshed #dawg #shed
#stutteringjohn  #melendez
#howardstern  #bethsterncantdobetterthanstutteringjohnorhoward
#ajbenza  #trump #melania  #trumpstowerisonfire

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I love this page!! Please don't ever stop. You are so ON POINT!!
