Monday, September 17, 2018

Nothin' Like a Dame

Beth Fans may remember that last year when Beth was in Los Angeles to host the American Humane Association's (AHA) Hero Dog Awards, it was taped on the same weekend as the Emmy Awards. So this year, the Hero Dog Awards has been bumped to the end of September since they actually think that real stars will show up to this horrible display of exploiting disabled and deformed dogs by dragging them on a red carpet and onto a stage to somehow honor them, when it's just a dismal display by the AHA to make it appear they actually do anything to protect or promote animals when they do less than zero as this blogger has blogged about on several occasions. Beth is the paid shill for the AHA's bogus Hero Dog Awards because Beth will do anything for dough and a TV appearance.

Last September, Beth was a Big Bus model in L.A. that Howard had to fork out some cash to fund so two of Beth's cats could get plastered on the side of the AHA mobile animal rescue bus and it was Charlie Chunk and Leon Bear. After the death of Charlie last year in August, this blogger stated that Leon would be next on the chopping block. Yes, I know, Sophia the cat died in between The Chunk and Leon but as far as the bus cats go, I knew Leon was next since that is what Beth does, she exploits these cats and gets press mileage by saying how she is grieving while selecting her red carpet outfit and jumps in front of a camera and claiming she is famous while fighting back phony tears for cats she barely sees let alone actually knows who they are or cares. 

Beth is saving the second Yoda the Cat for a big giant event before he will die of that heart ailment he was said to have had [and was cured by swatting foster kittens off his cat trees], but that was the first Yoda with the genetic heart ailment, not this one she has now that is a huge healthy purebred Persian cat. Oh, Howard's got that whole drama already scripted, and it will be executed all in the name of maximum publicity impact so the Sterns can again appear to put on a "brave front" while grieving at some red carpet event or TV appearance. They are just phonies using animals to appear likable to a fan base that doesn't exist. Howard is barely hanging onto his message board fan site called, consisting of a few people trying to talk up his stale satellite radio show while others have moved onto reporting about headlines on MSN and nothing else.

Screenshot from the Beth Fan Page, Sept 2017:

The AHA has also pushed back their awards show until the end of September to also not conflict with the annual Wags & Walks benefit in Beverly Hills. Celebs snubbed Beth's AHA event held in L.A. last year and they went instead to the Wags & Walks charity featuring the supermodel Paris Jackson [ref: Beth Fan Page 9-18-17]. 

The 8th Annual Wags & Walks benefit this year
was held on September 13 and Captain Picard 
was one of the honorees.

Sir Patrick Stewart donates his time by walking a dog up for adoption by the ASPCA.
This is something you will NEVER SEE THE STERNS DOING. They get
foster cats [and one random bulldog] delivered to their home or NYC corporate apt, where Beth pretends
to foster them and gets her picture taken or takes selfies, and then the cats are kept in cages
until she can stage some phony photo shoot of the new alleged adopters. Her animals to "foster"
are delivered to her doorstep. She and Howard are never seen at any animal shelter walking

the dogs, feeding the animals, playing with the animals, or doing anything at the facility or on a
public street walking a dog that is up for adoption. The Sterns do zilch yet badger
the public for cash donations to their bullshit foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends.

The last time Beth flew on her broom to L.A. was in March 2018 for Molly McKimmel's 40th birthday party. Howard doesn't mind Beth haunting California because he gets half of Beth's income she earns while in California so that makes Howard sleep a bit easier after his jaunts to the beef eaters Gourmet Garbage Garage where he pretends to be vegetarian while his personal assistants cater to his every whim while Beth is away, which is normally all the time, in that she and Howard only meet up for selfies and Howard sometimes poses with a current newspaper for Beth's IG show even though his face is hidden since it's normally Beth's dummy she uses as a Stern stand-in aside from her team using photoshop all the time to make it appear Howard actually lives in the Hamptons when he doesn't. I know, some say that Howard deeded Stalag Beth in the Hamptons to Beth but everyone knows that when Howard eventually dies of natural insanity, all that property is FAIR GAME to a group of stern women.

Andy Cohen was talking about his neighbor and friend on his stellar satellite radio show, the actress Sally Field, about her memoir where she talks about a ton of personal stuff and about Burt Reynolds who recently died. Of course everyone says Burt didn't treat the women in his life very well, and it has been reported in the past by various sources that Miss Loni Anderson took him to the cleaners and never batted an eyelash while Burt allegedly batted her around with a baseball bat. We wonder if Sally's book will include her flings with Johnny Carson, Kevin Kline, and her costar on Gidget Pete Duel, who died of a self-inflicted gun shot wound in 1971. Of course everyone will remember Sally's landmark performance in the made for TV film "Home for the Holidays" that is a yearly favorite that's screened at Dame Beth-Man's holiday gathering in the Berkshires.

#dawgshed  #howardissheddingtearsoverhiszerofanbase
#starcomingsoon  #betho  #bethstern
#aha   #herodogawards  #rescue  #nsal
#sallyfield  #andycohen  #radioandy


  1. That horriboe monster still completely believes it's a crippled kit'n away from fame.

