Wednesday, September 19, 2018


September 18 and 19 are the last shows for this season for NBC's "America's Got Talent" (AGT) and everyone votes for their favorite to win with the final results show announcing the winner on September 19, and everyone is celebrating the end of another stellar ratings seasons since the ousting of that dead weight Howard Stern. 

The finale for Howard Stern on AGT was in 2015 and yes, they remember that event each year marking it with Champagne and cupcakes and sparklers lighting the sky since it also meant they didn't have to deal with Howard's nobody wife Beth Buttinsky hogging a red carpet when she had no business being there with Howard in the first place. Howard barely had an excuse to be on the red carpet but he was the bullshit bogus judge that NBC was forced to take since Sirius had a deal with getting the old jerk-off on TV as part of a handshake agreement to promote the Sirius and XM merger ad nauseam after Howard tanked Sirius big time and they were going bankrupt after the man in a dress hired Stern and then ran outta there and left the new management with Howard, Sticking Them With SternYes, Martin became Martine and hired Helen Stern and then ran. Howard is always part of a practical joke and Howard thinks these jobs are because he is so talented at scripted phony phone calls and now he is copying "Crank Yankers" on his stale satellite radio show using puppets to harass people thinking he's funny to his fan base consisting of people lost on the Internet trying to find the last chapter.

The final final show for AGT is tonight, Sept 19. Don't miss it!

During all this AGT hoopla, Howard fled Stalag Beth without Beth this time since they now normally hike into NYC together whenever Stern is supposedly live on the air since they need to keep up appearances they are a stable married couple. However, Beth seemed to be having a dark episode as revealed by her selfie on her IG show on 9-18-18, where her disturbing face alarmed locals. Beth is dealing with the last two shows of AGT for this season and allegedly, the FBI have been deployed to Stalag Beth in the Hamptons to contain Beth the Biological Contaminant that may explode out of her test tube at any moment due to her losing out on the AGT red carpet appearance after the ousting of her husband Howard Stern as a judge in 2015. Residents have allegedly been evacuated from the immediate area. Surprisingly, Beth was not wearing her green contact lenses to hide her hazel eyes which is the normal eye color of the creatures from Planet X. Officials have issued a statement telling residents to not panic, and they may return to their homes following tonight's results show on AGT when a winner will be announced and the drama will be over until next summer. 

So funny that Kelly Ripa called her buddy Andy Cohen at the last minute on Monday to co-host her daytime TV talk show in NYC to replace Ryan Seacrest who was MIA and did not show up in CA for the Emmy Awards either. 

As this blogger already reported from CDAN, Andy wanted the permanent co-hosting job on Kelly's show.

It's been reported that Cynthia Nixon from Sex and the City lost the NY Democratic primary to Andrew Cuomo since New Yorkers apparently are not ready for change. Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Electoral College since she thinks she can win the Presidency but everyone knows that if U.S. citizens would actually be allowed to choose a President, this is what we would get in the White House:

Don't forget to watch the AGT finale tonight as Howard Stern has a giant meltdown obsessing about Les Moonves to avoid facing reality that he was booted off television once again and is a giant ignored pariah battling demons that refuse to do his bidding.

Well, hope springs eternal for Beth OH and there is always next year for another shot at crashing the AGT red carpet, right Beth? Howard Stern Productions is reportedly shopping around a treatment for a Beth AGT Finale Horror Film that he wants ready for the Sundance Film Festival next year. Howard would love Rob Zombie to direct it but Rob told Howard that he is planning on moving to Pluto and won't be back for several millennia. 

Early reviews are positive for this upcoming 
pending indie movie project from Howard Stern Productions:

#dawgshed  #dawgloveshoward  #dawgslovebeth
#bethostern  #howardstern  #nsal  #bff
#starceremony #seacrest  #andy #ripa

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