Friday, June 8, 2018

Munster Go Home

Not too long after this photo
was taken, the Munsters broke up.
More reports have emerged about the life of Kate Spade the designer and her husband Andy Spade who is a start up company fidget who never really seems to do anything but make money off stuff other people have created. 

If anyone happened to catch their interview they did in person last year at the [AOL] BUILD series appearance in New York [it's available online], it seemed audiences were looking at The Munsters and couldn't really figure out what their game was since the Munsters have a hard time acting normal when in public.

I would never diss a designer who deaded herself but come on, she had to be a bit off center what with her retro appearance that she never gave up, well good for her but she had to change her business name to Frances Valentine to start up another start up company for shoes and handbags and sought out Paola Venturi who would be the real shoe designer and shoe design director for the company with the Spades just slapping their name on everything as [marketing] tools and catchy name advisers who partner with other people who do all the work. 

Kate sold off her original company years ago and started Frances Valentine to market shoes and handbags, some with a giant [ugly] FV on them looking like an abbreviation for an STD. Kate had stated she changed her name since she could not be associated with the original Kate Spade company yet sources are alleging she changed her name due to her upcoming divorce proceedings with her husband Andy. Her name was already changed to Katherine Noel Frances Valentine Brosnahan and was dropping Spade since she was dropping that husband even though her husband denies they were divorcing. Her maiden name was Katherine Noel Brosnahan. Kate stated in an interview a few years ago that she was doing business as Frances Valentine [super irritating]. In any event, she was competing with herself in the handbag game.

6-4-18, CFDA awards.
Insiders are alleging that Kate was in a deep depression for being snubbed by the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) for her company Frances Valentine. They held their annual ceremony this year on June 4 with Kate's neck discovered tied to a doorknob on June 5 in her Park Avenue apartment. I mean, that numbnut Kim Kardashian getting a CFDA award would send anyone into a depressive state. Kim was awarded for being influential to dumbass women across America.

Andy was spotted coming out of his apartment building at 1143 Park Avenue NYC wearing a party mask and has a little boy backpack with his standard jeans attire carrying that coffee cup since the little boy scout is now free from any divorce threats from the ex-wife even though he denies a divorce was imminent yet he needed a police officer to escort him to pick up his daughter at school after Kate's body was found.

Pretty interesting Andy just happened to have a mask on hand to
put on to hide his face from photogs. What else does he have stashed in
his rental apartment?

Creepy Andy Doody's apartment building:

Screenshots from Inside Edition:

Andy and Kate Spade were obsessed with this retro style
and couldn't wait to have breakfast at Tiffany's.

Various reports are saying that Andy was renting his own apartment for 12,000 dollars a month, but in whose name? Oh, probably in a corporation's name, right Mr. Startup? Oh yeah, reports said that Kate hung herself with a red scarf but insiders think it was a giant red flag that she got hung up on. No one realizes the pressure of keeping up appearances that you are super rich in NY and in the Hamptons what with Howard and Beth Stern needing pigeons to constantly capture stray cats for them and bag and drag them back to their Hamptons Hellhouse so they can count it as a charity foster cat house and to continue to collect donations to their foundation Bianca's Furry Friends.

Kate used her own Park Avenue apartment for an ad campaign for her Frances Valentine line of shoes and handbags [yes, she was still doing handbags and other accessories which was in direct competition with the companies who now own the Kate Spade brand]. The ad featured a kid in a creepy weirdo mask. I guess Andy could supply the kid with one of his own creepy masks for the photo shoot.

Andy Spade also thinks he's a movie producer and one of his bombs was called "The Pleasure of Being Robbed" (2008) and Andy and his daughter Bea make a brief appearance in the film. The movie just follows a kleptomaniac around the city and allegedly Beth O was the inspiration. Spade's production company is called Red Bucket Films and that movie grossed just over a reported whopping $10,000. Yes, you read that right. Wikipedia states that Andy wanted a film written to promote Kate Spade purses in 2007 with the project becoming a feature length film and a few reviewers said it was about nothing and wished they had that 70 minutes back that they wasted watching the movie. Andy did another film called "The Black Balloon" about Andy trying to manage 40 kids on a city street while holding a bunch of balloons that get away from him. It featured Stern's buddy Larry "Ratso" Sloman.

More strange things are emerging about the New York Munsters since it seems Andy liked the idea of the former Kate Spade brand disappearing into the ocean and re-emerging as Frances Valentine yet in his confusing marketing ad campaign video called "Where Is Kate?", he was showing that Frances was chased into the ocean and disappeared with only her purse floating by. 

I couldn't locate the full video. It had been scrubbed
from the Frances Valentine FB site.

According to Kate's former publicist Rob Shuter in an interview with ExtraTV, he said he didn't really know the relationship Kate had with her husband Andy and that Andy was always seen out and about without Kate. He stated Kate never received recognition from the fashion industry yet received invitations to the Met Ball and to other top events and said she had the money to buy a ticket [notice you do purchase tickets to these events even though they are invitation only and the Sterns' money can't buy them into elite NY society events because they are billionaire buttinskys that no one can stand for two seconds]. Shuter said no one had seen Kate for years and she retreated with only her housekeeper and daughter, with an assistant who dropped off her mail twice a week. Shuter stated Kate was isolated and lonely and lived in another time, that she hated social media and technology.

There is a lesson in here somewhere folks. I guess it's to not get mixed up with Spades. 
Stick to hearts and queens with a club or two handy.

Meanwhile, Beth performed a bit of staged posing
to pay homage to dead people as she makes
her fan laugh at her lazy ass antics.

Need a Zombie update? Here you go.

#dawgshed  #howardstern #stern
#bethstern  #betho  #breakfastattiffanys
#davidspade  #andyspade  #anyspadewilldo
#katespade  #francesvalentine #zombie #ratso
#larrysloman #balloon #mask

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