Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Summer Kicks Off Ostrosky

Beth misses out again on the
Memorial Day issue of
Hamptons Magazine.
Beth Ostrosky was not seen at the official Hamptons Magazine summer kick-off party as she fails again to score the cover of the coveted Memorial Day issue of Hamptons magazine.

Beth is only featured in the magazine randomly in its loser editorial pages featuring a bunch of the routine Hamptons events and people squished on a few pages in group shots except last year Howard Stern made sure the Hamptons Horninsky got a bigger solo photo in the loser editorial section of one of the issues as reported by this blogger last year so I won't rehash that but a quick search should bring up those blog entries.

Gretta Monahan
Although not a part of any summer kick-off event, Beth managed to score a ticket to a dinner party with Katie Lee and the plastic surgeried face of party planner Gretta Monahan that no one has heard of but she horns in on rich people's lives and created her own empire and is a fashion and beauty consultant and author and appears on morning TV shows. So of course Beth Buttinsky would be front and center with Katie Lee and Gretta and we wonder if Howard took the photo at this little freebie dinner party since Howard loves Katie Lee's kitchen and has racked up a few frequent flier miles and cheese pizza groupons. We know Katie is supposedly engaged to a Nancy Boy as she had hoped it would free her from the Stern curse but as you can see, she can't really get all the way away from the Sterns.

Beth horned in on a PR corporate sponsored dinner event with Katie Lee and Gretta Monahan
wearing the same top from that BTIG charity day event that she gloms onto like a leech every year to get
some free cash donated to the charity she shills for, the North Shore Animal League. Beth
recycles the same clothes all the time because cheapskate Howard wants her to get mileage out
of those fugly clothes for her big appearances as a social pariah.

Got radiation? Jessica Seinfeld does as she shills for the fish marketeers who supply her with a memorial day dinner feast yet again this year as the Seinfelds are another one who can't afford their huge Hamptons estates and need to constantly write off their dinner parties as business expenses while Jess's Good Plus Foundation provided a baby buggy to an African American woman in the Bronx while reports have surfaced that her foundation also supplied the half African American actress Meghan Markle with the shoes she wore to her royal wedding last weekend. Jess loves forcing women in the African American community to take crappy baby buggies, backpacks, and used clothing so she can keep up appearances in the Hamptons and get tax breaks.

Yep, the Seinfelds got STUCK WITH THE STERNS for a second year in a row for Memorial Day weekend as the fun cross dressers cross promote each other's bullshit charities and cash grab foundations while the butch girls love the ladies who grift off each other and are desperate to be famous when they are just famous leeches leeching off the public for dough and hopping in bed with corporate sponsors. Jess loves that radiated mercury filled fish food similar to what she served last year at her loser party for Hamptons social rejects since nobody can stand being around the Seinfelds either.

The self-proclaimed ALMOST VEGAN COUPLE Howard & Beth Stern
had no problem stuffing their faces with free fish food while
the maid kept an eye on Beth and the silverware when
Howard announced he was suddenly tired and
had to get home as they bolted to their limo clanking all the way.
Jess served disgusting fish last year too [ref: BFP, May 30, 2017].

Jessica Seinfeld also has a deal with Dunkin' Donuts as a sponsor of her bullshit charitable foundation as she gets the promotional donut going as we wonder where the Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) Dunkin' Donut is. Howard had better get off his duff to correct this oversight. We need a BFF donut STAT.

Jess shills for Dunkin' Donuts for publicity for her Good Plus Bullshit Foundation
that takes baby carriages and clothing from Goodwill Industries and forces them onto
African American women and posts the photos on her foundation's social media sites.

So FUNNY that BETH failed to score the coveted Princess Dunkin' Donut gig even though her hubby Howard plugs their coffee constantly on his boring satellite radio show. The gig went to Beth's aged Real Housewife of New York buddy Carole Radziwill who is a princess via marriage to her now-deceased husband, the same princess who got a few of Beth's wild feral foster cats that she could not get off her curtains. She just had to feed them from the rafters as they spun around her house. I blogged about that last year [ref: BFP "Schwenk It To Me", May 25, 2017]. 

As already mentioned on this blog, Stuttering John Melendez frequently posts comments on the Howard Stern fan site, where he talked about writing a book about his life and experiences on the Stern show and of course writing about his stint on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. A few of the highlights from his recent podcast are below since he obviously will be talking about Stern in his book since Stern is fair game and John never signed a non-disclosure agreement so he can say anything he wants and watch Howard squirm in his Howard-360 underpants.

Well Beth Fans, we are heading for another big summer season in the Hamptons where Beth hires out as a seat filler. Hey, she's got to do something to get some free food and photo ops because she just sits home barking orders at the help all day waiting for Howard to put in his 24 hours with her since he doesn't have to pay taxes in the Hamptons because he doesn't live there and Beth can count a million tax benefits since she's the madam of a legalized cathouse while waiting for her goddamned hormone injections.

Sources are reporting that Howard Stern is under constant surveillance as the premiere of America's Got Talent is tonight and Stern can't handle it. He is reportedly again badgering Sirius to get him back on the show as a guest judge this year but NBC doesn't want to risk their losing the ratings race against the other major networks and making sponsors angry that Sirius is trying to Stick 'em With Stern yet again.

#dawgshed  #stutteringjohn
#jayleno  #thetonightshow
#howardstern  #bethostroskystern
#hamptons  #memorialday
#seinfeld #agt
#heidiklum  #simoncowell

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