Saturday, April 14, 2018

Who Writes the Beth Blog?

Beth Ostrosky Stern posted her latest blog entry on April 10, 2018, and it's a regular monthly feature on the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) website, the charity she shills for, yet Beth failed to mention her alleged beloved cat Sophia who just happened to start dying of a "broken heart" on Saturday April 7, 2018. She only briefly mentioned her cat dying on her Instagram show but Howard Stern talked it up with a big sob story on his rarely live satellite radio show on April 9, 2018 with some phony story about the cat suddenly not eating and became sicker on Friday and on Saturday they put in a call to their personal vet to make a house call to kill the cat since the Sterns had theater tickets that night and needed to hoof it out of the Hamptons and get to Broadway before the curtain call. Yet not one mention on the big Beth blog about her cat Sophia dying last Saturday?? Who writes that bullshit blog for Beth??

Beth completely forgot about that dead Sophia the cat but made sure to plug her annual stale stagnate event in June for NSAL where she added a big feature of a Q&A session with herself as one wonders what to ask the dullard wife of Howard Stern other than "hey honey, how'd you do it? How'd you meet a married man and marry him?" How funny. 

But Miss Phony Baloney Beth could care less about these cats, with her other cat Apple dropping dead in December 2015 and Beth never mentioned it, only in passing when Facebook Memories posted a picture of the cat and Beth wanted Howard to have Facebook Memories arrested. Beth is very cagey when it comes to her personal resident cats and she is extremely secretive about the real dates of their demise.

This blogger has said it many times, that Beth has no time line. She or some toadying ignoramus just posts a bunch of random cat photos on her IG show all the time, and who knows what cats are delivered to her by a NSAL stooge and which ones get carted out the back door to a county animal shelter. Who knows the time line of her own resident cats since Sophia the cat could have been dead for months for all we know, same with any of those cats. I know, Beth sometimes has a headless Howard stand-in to pose with a current newspaper to prove the photo is current, big deal, we have no idea what goes on at the Hamptons hellhole and believe me, you don't want to know. Some things you cannot unhear.

Pretty interesting Beth was busted - no mention of Sophia the cat yet she wrote her blog on April 10?? Bullshit Beth, you have a blogger ghostwriter and you failed to let them know that Sophia died and she didn't even get a passing mention in your blog entry. I guess Bethie was too busy trying to get Felix the Tailor to let out the seams of her Net-a-Porter knock-off so she can hop around on a red carpet so she can be the hot potato in Cleveland tonight for the taping of that boring Rock and Roll Hall of Fame awards where Howard thinks he's the big cheese inducting Bon Jovi, wow, how many years of constantly badgering the Nancy Boys of Sirius to finally get Howard this gig?? Oh, about 10 years. The Sterns could not care less about their animals. They are props and nothing else to get the publicity they crave and to convince their fan they give a damn about anything but themselves and their aged senile quest for fame when they should be on a quest for a hip replacement and Geritol.

So where was superstar Beth on Friday the 13th? How come she wasn't invited to the 2018 Variety's Power of Women: New York at Cipriani Wall Street? Wow, look at these examples of the power of women that don't include Beth.

Grace Vanderwaal was in attendance, you know, the singer/songwriter that won AGT in 2016. Howard Stern discovered nothing during his tenure on the show known as the Stern Hindenburg Years from 2012-2015. When NBC could finally get Simon Cowell to take over the show, HE immediately discovered this Taylor Swift look-a-like and she became an instant star. No one remembers who Howard discovered on AGT since Howard can't even discover where his career went after chasing Don Imus all those years and has nothing to show for it but a weave with a chemical imbalance.

Oh geez, look who else was at the women of power event, none other than Katie Lee Almost Married Again. Wow, she is really happy since she thinks she has fully escaped from the Stern clutches and their Plus-One bullying where Beth is always on the horn asking if she can attend some event with Katie even though Beth is never on any guest list.

Weren't these two Cabo friends of the Sterns? They were also invited to the Power of Women event. The Sterns could only horn in at the Cabo rental of Jennifer Aniston two years in a row before the group broke up and scattered to avoid the Stern curse. Everyone remembers Emily dated Tom Cruise and it was a recruiting disaster with some saying she exited the group for good.

Well, we hope Beth makes it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame event tonight which will be taped for broadcast in May on HBO. I know the rumors are Beth missed her flight of the albatross but we know she would attach wings to those long monkey arms and get to that theater no matter what to jump on that red carpet and get her face in front of those paparazzi cameras.

#howardstern  #bethblog
#nsal  #bethostroskystern
#lewytluncheon #rockandrollhalloffame
#cleveland #hotincleveland #hotflashbeth

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