Sunday, March 18, 2018

Grande Dame

From one Grande Dame to another, here's to RuPaul for finally getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It is much deserved but this Dame doesn't need a star planted in concrete, just that star in the heavens where all of us immortal beings belong. 

When will Howard and Beth Stern see their own stars stuck in a sidewalk? Well, they are already immortalized in stone since the family crypt is all ready and waiting for them when they take that final step into oblivion but that is a long way off and let's not rush things. We're not sure how long SiriusXM satellite radio is going to pretend they are not giving up on this pay radio gimmick since they are admitting defeat by going to a video streaming service, at least with that loser Howard Stern show since it is the black hole of satellite radio. It keeps sucking in money with no return on investment, I mean, how long are those Sirius Nancy Boys going to cater to the Queen from Outer Space? Who knows, but they are Stuck With Stern and they know it. If not for Howard having a drag queen fetish, he never would have gotten the deal to hog a satellite dish, you know with Martine, the guy in drag who was a fan of the old man radio dinosaur and Howard was getting pushed off free radio anyway what with his syndication deals being canceled across the nation. The nation had had it with Stern. He was old news, and they wanted to move on with fresh programming and stop with the morning zoo gross-out humor DJ shtick. Howard still can never compete with real talk radio like Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage. That's why his huge mouth is shut over those two, the numbers don't lie, I mean, those guys have real listeners and real ratings, not like that corporate subscriber bullshit.

To this day, no one will reveal exactly when Howard's real
anniversary is with the Pittsburgh Pariah yet she passed his
tests and became his devout worshipper. He had hoped to only
purchase the apts beneath his Manhattan man cave to satisfy her
 selfie obsession, it didn't work, and the O Family
demanded another contract in the form of a pre-nup.

Howard had his 41 year anniversary this month of when he said he started his first radio show and we know the "Ralph" anniversary is about that same time, sans a few years, while Beth again clears out her inventory at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons so she can take her big Botox break while making sure the tax man has some video and photos to go along with that farcical tax return that the IRS has fun with every quarter. I think they use the Stern tax return as a prime example of how to skate out of paying those pesky property taxes by using their own foundations and charities as a scapegoat. 

Same time, same place. As blogged about last March, Beth again has her big cat sale and clears out the inventory at Stalag(s) Beth:

When's Beth going to dye her foster felines for Easter? How'd she miss
that publicity stunt.

Asshole worshippers of Beth's cash grab gimmick continue to support Beth's cat prison camps by taking her inventory and supporting her selfie obsession:

#dawgshed  #howardstern  #ralphcirella  #redditsternforum
#banksy  #marchmadness  #easter  #betho
#bethhasanemptyheadandanemptybra  #rupaul


  1. It is interesting Howard’s show is the first one up on SiriusXM to add video streaming. Radio Andy doesn’t need a video component since Cohen already has an interview show on network TV while Howard needs a video component just to get his dumb wife to come back on his radio show.

  2. Excellent observations. Maybe Sirius should just call it "Beth TV".

  3. We love you dame! Keep up the good work!

  4. Thank you, Mr. X. Sorry you and Robin didn't work out. I was rooting for Robin becoming Mrs X.
