Thursday, March 22, 2018

Break Down

Howard Stern is taking yet another break from boring his fan on his stale satellite radio show because both Howard and Beth need a big Botox break and selfie adjustment to their fake hair they glue onto their heads and claim it's real while chasing rabbits down their Florida hole just knowing they're going to fall.

Beth normally poses outdoors at her Florida flophouse and selfie sanctuary as the lesbian group home breeds kittens for her to take back to the Hamptons, you know, that Dogs and Cats Forever animal shelter that Beth has deals with, but Beth doesn't tell that part of the story since she has problems snagging kittens because if she takes grown cats she is afraid she can't dump them onto other people as easily. But she'd find a way anyway since all the shuffling that goes on back and forth with the drones from the North Shore Animal League is quite frightening.

Hey Beth, do you have any Florida keys? You're always locked outside hiding your face from the camera in almost all of your Florida fright photos.

I've talked about this before and posted these photos below on prior entries of the Beth Fan Page:

Howard is stressing over trying to come up with another work product for Howard Stern Productions. He hopes with the reboot of that failed loser subscription based programming called Howard TV, now Howard-360, will result in more advertisers and paid plugola product placements because now Howard can hold up his cup of coffee to the cameras to copy Stuttering John Melendez's coffee cup salute when he was the announcer for The Tonight Show during part of the Jay Leno years.

Yes, we can expect Howard to hold up that coffee cup to the camera to show the name of the coffee, I know it's been Dunkin' Donuts coffee for quite some time since Howard is trying to play up to one of the sponsors of the show he was booted off of, NBC'S "America's Got Talent". Howard also thinks that coffee gimmick is what will get him a real late night talk show since all the hosts normally have a cup of coffee sitting on their desks.

As this blogger has blogged about before about all of Beth's men that got away [ref: Beth Fan Page, Sept 19, 2015, "The Man That Got Away"], well, none of them were Mel Gibson or Brad Pitt as Beth said her mother Judge Judy O guessed that Beth snagged when Beth told her mom she was "done" and met her forever man and immediately moved into her forever home. No, it wasn't Brad or Mel, it was the aged dull dinosaur on the radio who got Stuck With Beth

So why won't David Letterman retire you ask? HA, don't you know? The rumors have not stopped about David Letterman. Insiders have alleged forever that he frequented a brothel near his CBS studio where he taped his late night talk show for years and that is the sole reason he fought with Netflix to get him another talk show and wants to travel to various locations to hide the fact he misses the ol' working girls. If he were seen traveling solo all the time, it would raise suspicion. Of course Howard Stern had to badger Letterman to let him horn in on his new Netflix interview show but I think his episode has been shelved to the end of the season [if they have seasons on those pay stations]. It was an old rumor that it was Letterman that financed Howard's first attempt at doing a talk show format for cable TV and it featured Howard wearing eyeliner with a rock star wig and he managed to only talk about himself while some celebrity sat on the couch and stared at him. Yes, and Howard's got that same cotton velveteen couch and shiny polyester curtains he's had from day one until now on his pay radio sinkhole production on SiriusXM. Howard never changes because he still thinks Studio 54 was a cool club and not a gay hangout for coke addicts in spandex with fashion designers laundering more than their clothing inventory in the back rooms. Oh gee, what was my point.

Too bad about Letterman's son since the gossip is that he is autistic, but what can you expect from two aged persons trying to have a kid. That's why Beth fans just can't wait for Beth and Howard to come up with some lab created offspring so we can talk about it and point at it. Everyone thought Beth had finally done it last summer when she was off the wagon and appeared in giant clothes looking pregnant as exclusively reported by this blogger while guests at one of those Hamptons events alleged that when Beth left the party, so did half the silverware and a small Tiffany vase. 

Well, it's a good thing Beth can skate to Florida to rest up from her big job of doing nothing in the Hamptons but badgering Howard to get her mug on television. Hopefully she can remain vertical long enough to get her photo in the online tabloids bragging about caging a cat for 10 days and calling it charity work, but now Howard is having the same problem staying vertical and needs to walk with a cane since he's always looked older than his age and everyone thinks he was held back in school more than once and placed in the slow learner asshole class.

Beth frequently goes to Florida for a much
needed vacation from trying to stuff her flabby
body into spanx and a padded bra for her
big selfie career on Instagram.

#nypost  #nydailynews  #betho
#howardstern  #siriusxm
#florida   #chasingrabbits  #goaskbeth

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