Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Beach Bites

It seems that Katie Lee [Joel] has made out better post-divorce to an old fart meal ticket than Beth Ostrosky Stern has done while married to an old fart meal ticket. Well, I mean even Howard Stern can't stay all the way away from Katie Lee's kitchen in Tribeca and we can see the all those goodfellas pasta places that are just to die for providing you don't sit in front of a window and get hit by flying bullets richocheting off Howard's full metal wig.

Insiders and outsiders
allege Katie was pregnant
with a Joel and lost it
in the divorce.
As you know, Katie Lee was married to the awful singer who assaults piano keys in concert, Billy Joel, and Beth is married to that awful talk radio show host who thinks that anyone is interested in seeing his facelift on a video streaming service as a part of airing his big package on SiriusXM satellite radio on a weekly schedule of nothing but treading water trying to get free eats and drinks from sponsors who think that Howard plugging them on his rarely live satellite radio show equals more sales to the non-earning Soupy Sales crowd of retirees in group homes allegedly accused of being no talent fug faced creeps who should have been locked up instead of doing kiddie shows.

Katie Lee is an author and has a long-time hit show on the Food Network and is a world traveler for one of her shows called Beach Bites where she shows cable TV audiences what she puts in her mouth and then spits out after the director yells "cut". Her Instagram is filled with photos of her appearing in exotic locales and on various beaches around the globe and she didn't elect to pay $52 million to get on the cover of Palm Beach Magazine like Howard Stern had to do, meaning, he had to purchase a giant home in Florida to get his wife any attention and press, first with some newspaper insert [City & Shore, September 2013] featuring photos of their Hamptons house, not their Florida fortress, and now almost five years after purchasing that Florida money pit she finally gets on Palm Beach magazine. Geez Beth, at this rate you'll be a post-menopausal beach bite before you see your third cover feature in some magazine in Florida since it takes Howard that long to pay off some stooges to get your wide body in print with the airbrushed pea eyed face and giant choppers. The Palm Beach magazine cover feature just uses recycled photos from past issues of Social Life magazine in the Hamptons and a few new ones Beth's fan has not yet seen since they are just sitting collecting static on her stale iPhone. You can access the digital version of the magazine online if you care to check out all the horribly bad photoshopping photos by Howard Stern, but trust me, they are just of the same old mare in the same ol' corral.

I'm not sure there are enough lines drawn around this cut-out photo of Beth to slim down her huge body and place her on the beach. I don't know why Howard uses these old stale photos from their Hamptons hell house and passes them off as new photos from Florida. But I guess he can just photoshop any beached whale photos he wants and cut out the whale and put Beth in there. 

Gosh, I just LOVE the cover features Howard does to plug his mare that does zero and is famous for nothing but pushing her charity gimmick onto the public and beg for dough while posing in plus size fugly swimsuits. Hey, Beth could model for REBEL WILSON and her line of clothing!!! 

If you could say anything to Howard, what would it be? Well we found Howard's fan hiding on a message board whose comment is the first one [below] and it shows what an unfunny loser Howard's fan is. He must write for Howard's radio show.

The Beth Fan Page loves Howard's fan since his item made it into this blog entry. Hey now Howard, your fan is promoting Beth's big issue...uh, well, at least he got the "Beth" part right.

#sociallife   #palmbeach  #palmbeachmagazine
#beth   #howard  #stern  #katie  #beachbites
#katieleejoel #wewishthebeachwouldbitebeth
#sociallifemagazine  #dawgshed  

1 comment:

  1. In Palm Beach mag, I noticed Beth’s carefully worded statement: “Howard has three daughters so we enjoy opening our home to them.” — One wonders if the daughters ever actually walk through the open door.

    And when Beth gives smart dinner parties, she says she doesn’t want to be in the kitchen the whole time so she has a “chef to help out” (as in prepare the entire meal). I imagine Beth recalling her old engagement chicken days and then tossing her head back with maniacal laughter …
