Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Day In The Life

Howard Stern again gets a big idea from Dame Beth-Man and decides to try to shop around a hilarious demo tape of his rarely vertical wife Beth Stern who many are truly starting to believe is truly stupid. We don't know if they are trying for yet another TV series or another book for Big Beth. [Ref: BFP 12-19-17, "Dead, Dying and D-Listed" for another example of the big Stern rip-off of this blog.]

We know Beth's mean since there have been instances where Howard himself relates a story about Beth on his rarely live satellite radio show about something she got ticked off at. Like when Don Imus insulted her via an on-air bit where a character said Beth was a bimbo with herpes and Beth was bitching about it while Howard said "SHE" could sue Don Imus and he wanted to stay out of it [ref: BFP 7-7-14, "The Howard Stern Show Tapes"]. 

Howard even went so far as saying Beth's parents were beside themselves over the incident when it was only a bit for the air, right Howard? Why the anger? You see, only Howard can do bits for the air where he harasses someone or corners them or baits them into saying something that comes back later to bite them in the butt and suddenly, it wasn't a bit but an entrapment interview baiting the guest into saying something shocking or violating a gag order [remember Oksana Grigorieva got into trouble for giving into Howard's goading her to talk about details about her rocky relationship with Mel Gibson, costing her to lose thousands in a court settlement].

A search of this blog and the Howard Stern show summary site would show more examples of Howard baiting stars and claiming either it was a skit for the show or not, depending on how Howard wants to slant the truth and how much he wants to get rid of a semi-permanent guest host [e.g., George Takei] with sources alleging that Howard is actually paid to get certain ignorant celebs to violate a gag order - uh, aside from Oksana, Russell Brand comes to mind but he's too sharp for Stern with this blogger exclusively reporting some time ago that he is the bargaining tool against Howard and was ready to take his slot since Howard kept saying in the past he is quitting Sirius and wants to sit home and do tiny paintings of kitty cats. But obviously, when Stern finally kicks the paint can and is headed for weavie heaven, Sirius already has Stern's replacement lined up and it would actually bring in more advertising revenue since Howard's weave keeps demanding a pay raise, especially if they finally go to a video streaming service, that weave is going to get a nice chunk out of that Stern operating budget costing Sirius even more dough that they will never recover.

Sirius is STUCK WITH STERN because Howard doesn't want to be permanently STUCK WITH BETH with the oversized old lady dress barking for bulldogs:

There are other examples of Beth being a brat but that's how she nabbed Howard in the first place. She saw the Manhattan man cave and decided that it would be her forever home and she was right. Howard then purchased the apartments beneath his penthouse to hide the fact they were already a permanent couple and Howard doesn't live with his wives anyway, he needs his own private space and then she can come and go as she pleases.

Everyone knows via this blogger that Howard doesn't live with Beth anymore but meets up with her at the now-corporate man cave in Manhattan where he wines and dines some pigeons hoping to hang onto his useless job on satellite radio and Beth uses it as a cat processing center with those peons from the North Shore Animal League or when she films those useless Kitten Bowls for the Hallmark Channel, she needs a place in the city for all that bullshit. Beth herself said in the past, that her primary residence is in the Hamptons and failed to mention where Howard's primary residence is but everyone knows he needed an extra hour commute time in the morning around Nov/Dec 2015 and he hasn't changed that schedule since he is digging a hole near Katie Lee's kitchen and can't dump the bleached blonde spare tire anytime soon because he needs to appear emotionally stable to the aged stable boys at SiriusXM.

Yes, Howard copied the Beth Fan Page however this blogger stated it was a bid for a third book deal when now of course, Beth's Instagram show has taken off and that is what is being pushed in our faces nonstop so now Howard Stern Productions can produce a kitty cat baby show for Big Beth the Barren Botoxed Bully who wants on television [as reported on this blog since both she and Howard obviously want on TV, that is always the end game but Beth will take a book deal instead since she takes whatever she can get in between racing to Florida to her Botoxology basement].

Gee, how come Howard didn't use my idea of featuring a day in the life of BETH and not of just the resident photo prop cat??!! Yes, Howard copied this blogger but changed it to a day in the life of a cat captured and caged by Beth. I think Beth's day is much more interesting than a cat's day so I used Howard's pink caption but the cartoon is from 2014.

Here's another segment for Beth's Instagram show that Howard can use. The cartoon is an original Dame Beth-Man and was posted on this blog on 1-20-17 ["Howard Stern's Plugs"]. I updated it using Howard's big pink caption style since he and Beth love the pink baby wear with no baby on board until the Florida Fairies get off their duff and produce something in the lab they can call a baby.

I am so glad Dame Beth-Man can continue to provide content and info for not only Howard, but for all the Stern crew and former co-hosts. I just love that mental image of Howard with the big scissors cutting out Artie Lange from all the show tapes but we know Artie reads this blog too, right? [Ref: BFP 12-21-17 "Legendary Journey"]. Poor Howard and his square head that he tries to hide and form into a weaved pyramid but it mostly just falls sideways. Hey, I wonder what happened to Felix the Tailor? Howard hasn't mentioned him in like forever.

Well Heidi is one hot model who doesn't have to pretend to be pregnant and treat kittens as newborn babies. She's a real mom to real humans and doesn't just house a few cats for about 10 days before dumping them onto other people and calling it charity work.

Surprisingly all of the same judges and host are expected back this year for the summer season of "America's Got Talent" since it was highly suspect whether Howie Mandel was returning. But it's been reported that the judges and Tyra Banks have already seen some of the auditions since they are already underway and will be ready to tape segments in the coming months.

All Beth has coming up is obviously that dull Kitten Bowl featuring cats forced to play with cat toys on demand and Beth taped an episode of Rachael Ray to plug the Kitten Bowl that can barely beat in ratings a few goldfish swimming around a bowl on Nat Geo Wild cable channel on Super Bowl Sunday.

So hilarious that Beth had the nerve to copy a similar outfit that Taylor Swift wore to a Knicks basketball game in 2014. I mean gosh, two Taylors can fit into one big Beth. But Beth loves to pose next to that short fat Rachael Ray so she looks tall and slim.

In the meantime, Beth keeps badgering Howard for a TV show and to appear on a regular segment on Howard-360 [if that ever happens] featuring her tired cat routine where she thinks that taking thousands of photos of cats is considered charity work.

Beth is really in demand right now making public appearances
showing starlets how to practice for their casting couch auditions.

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1 comment:

  1. Awesome catch of Beth copying Taylor Swift’s outfit with the exception that fashion expert Beth replaced Taylor’s cool lace-up boots with huge pink pumps with bows (the perfect touch to no outfit ever).

    Seeing the photo of Taylor at a basketball game reminds me the Sterns haven’t posed at one so far this season. Front row trouble anyone?
