Saturday, December 9, 2017

How Soon We Forget

Beth hopping around on a red carpet
at the 2008 Matt Lauer roast. Howard managed to keep
Beth's name out of recent headlines about the
scumbag event.
Thanks to an alert Beth Fan, we all forgot that it was a much talked about event in October 2008 when HOWARD STERN and Howard's new bride BETH OSTROSKY STERN hopped around on a red carpet at the MATT LAUER FRIARS CLUB ROAST, in spite of Howard claiming now that he had no clue that Matt Lauer was a raunchy pervert, allegedly having sex with his co-workers and cheating on his wife as is the claim in a million press reports that resulted in NBC firing Matt from The Today Show.

Oh yes, the roast was all in FUN but you don't roast a guy that is not doing what they are being roasted about. Why emphasize that pervert Lauer was an alleged sexual predator and adulterer if there is zero truth behind the jokes?

OH YES, this is the reason why Howard Stern failed to mention the various online news articles saying he was in attendance at the Lauer roast, a news item that hit the press December 1, with Howard on the air broadcasting the following week and saying nothing about it [ref: BFP 12-8-17].

Howard Stern has since tried to get his name removed from these press reports about the scathing Matt Lauer roast at the Friars Club, but history is there on the Internet - the only thing Howard could succeed at, was getting his wife BETH omitted from the recent press reports, as well as Artie Lange and Robin Quivers, who were also in attendance at the roast and know full well the perverted history of Matt Lauer and were witnesses to the fact Howard was there. If any news reports included the Stern payroll pigeons, I haven't seen them as of this writing.

Gee Howard, will we hear the entire segment on the Stern show reruns? Howard and Beth got married in a bar and the bride had to be carted out and poured into her limo on October 3, 2008 and the Matt Lauer roast was on October 24, 2008, with Howard relating the entire story on that following Monday about what happened and that Howard stayed until the very end of the roast and did not leave early and Howard, Beth, Robin and Artie heard the entire thing and all the low class perverted comedy that ensued at Matt's expense. We all remember that, no honeymoon for the low rent New York troll that Howard consented to marry since buying her the apts beneath his Manhattan penthouse apts did not satisfy the gal with the goal of being famous. That's why they were somehow available for the roast a few weeks after their drunk bar nuptials. They go nowhere unless something else, like a bunch of rental cats, can help foot the bill. Now the rarely vertical dolt rolls around on the floor with cats thinking she is a celebrity when she was a stooge pigeon that fell for the big talker Howard, who couldn't make a flea famous even if he glued it to Lassie.

Love your set of friends Howard. Can we expect Lauer to show up in the kitten room anytime soon at Stalag Beth? We know he sneaks around a lot with you, but hey, just in case anything messy ends up in the press, Matt may want to adopt a kitten or two from that loose cannon you married who is spinning out thinking that an annual Christmas card is a real modeling gig. Poor dear, and without this blog, who would pay attention to her? I may cry about it later since I'm kind of busy right now.

#howardthesneakybastard  #mattlauer

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