Friday, December 8, 2017

Cut & Run

As previously reported by this blogger [12-6-17], Matt Lauer had been listing his real estate holdings in what seemed like anticipation of his firing from NBC's The Today Show because he needed to liquidate assets, but now insiders are saying he is divorcing his wife Jade to dump his cash into her accounts in case any alleged victims decide to sue the pants off the pervert, his fortune will be protected. That is the reason various news outlets are now reporting that Matt is quitting television and wants to retire. Duh, since any money he might make with lawsuits looming on the horizon, will just go to pay off any alleged victims of his adultery and harassment. Matt was also delusional that he did a real news show and not morning filler for a network with nothing to air for housewives and househusbands, yet Matt thought he was doing a real news show and not just tabloid drivel.

It's the same trick many wealthy people do when they are facing various legal issues that may put a huge dent in their bank accounts, they start dumping cash into various offshore accounts and divorce their wives to hide assets claiming the money is the wife's money. So any victims who try to sue may be left with almost nothing to squeeze out of that lemon headed Matt since the money will be in the wife and kids' names.

As reported in the previous blog entry, Matt's wife is not a helpless victim but insiders are claiming she likes jerking Matt around by his chain and sometimes it suits her to threaten him with leaving and she did allegedly file for divorce from Matt several years ago but then changed her mind since Matt dumped more money into her accounts and bought her more real estate in her name only. It's all a game with the weasels of the Hamptons who buy and sell wives and houses alike. They dump the old ones to make way for new acquisitions.

Beginning December 1, news outlets reported on a raunchy roast of Matt at the Friars Club in the same month and year that Howard and Beth Stern were married, October 2008. However, Howard did not mention this news item while he was on the air this week since he apparently needed time for a scripted response written by his legal team aside from Howard attempting to get his name omitted from the news reports about Howard being there at the raunchy Matt Lauer roast at the Friars Club, where Howard has said his super agent Don Buchwald is a member. We remember in 2012 when Howard horned in on NBC's America's Got Talent (AGT) that Howard spoke at the Friars Club in a press conference to advertise he was joining the show. Yes, Howard and his Stern show stooges are frequently at the Friars Club. 

Blowhard Howard is always pontificating about how great he is when he tanked ratings for AGT like someone was out to sabotage the show by hiring Howard. It almost worked, but NBC yanked the show away from him just in time and were thankful that Simon Cowell was free to take the reins as lead judge and ratings soared in 2016 after Stern was pushed off the end of the judges' table.

Howard Stern bragging about joining AGT on May 10, 2012 at the Friars Club.

However, the roast of Lauer in 2008 revealed that he was an obvious raunchy pervert who cheats on his wife with his co-hosts, which was an open secret and yes, Howard was there and knew his buddy was a pervert since 2008 or why would roasters joke about it if there were no truth to it? But really, Howard has bragged about being Matt's BFF for at least 20 yrs and how could Stern not know Lauer is perverted? Well, Howard is too right? And he brags about it while married to that dolt from planet dipshit.

Howard's got a lot to hide and is hoping to not get on the bad backside of Matt his Matey and wishes the Friars Club roast would just go away where he was mentioned. Just like Matt, Howard pretends to live with his wife Beth in the Hamptons when they only visit on weekends, if that. That's why Beth Stern constantly posts headless photos of Howard pretending he is in the Hamptons with her each weekend when Howard has his own digs away from her and away from his old Manhattan Man Cave that he now uses to just wine and dine the closeted inmates at SiriusXM so he can come up with ways to hold down that job of sitting in a recliner parked in front of his computer screens conducting boring interviews with has-beens trolling around Sirius looking for publicity.  I mean, the Stern show is just a Golden Oldies channel now, featuring rock groups you thought were dead or old Stern show tapes with past on-air staff scrubbed from the reruns, it's just a dismal catalog of boring bullshit from the King of All Reruns.

Howard loves this Vivienne Westwood outfit since he looks
headless like in the photos of him that Beth Stern

posts on her IG show. An added bonus is that no one will recognize
him on the streets near Katie Lee's kitchen or when he

sneaks into the Friars Club for a nice roast of someone
that he will later deny attending and seek a retraction from the press.

Beth hopes that the barrage of constant selfies and tons of photos of the same cats on her Instagram show will deflect from the fact she lives alone in the Hamptons with the master bedroom closed up unless Howard decides to take a chance and actually spend a night in the haunted mansion. Beth primarily haunts the cat foster room in the Hamptons and the enclosed patio area with that cheap shitty furniture and cushions she gets for free as "donations" to her camp of captured cats and any furniture in the main areas of the house are covered up for fear the cats that still have their claws will tear it up. 

Notice the couch where Beth passes out with a selfie stick has a big
giant slip cover because of the cat's hair and claws.
She does not let her cats on any expensive
furniture in the main part of Stalag Beth in the Hamptons unless
it is for a supervised photoshoot for her IG idiot followers.

Photo is from

#mattlauer  #howardsternisaroastdenier
#bethstern   #jade   #annetteroqueisafake
#reddithowardstern   #dawgshed

1 comment:

  1. Howard's show actually provided a moment of entertainment this past Tuesday when newswoman Robin reported that the word is Matt Lauer and his wife have been living separate lives for years. There was a noticeable pause while Robin waited for Howard to comment since Howard is chummy with Matt.

    But as the silence dragged on, Robin finally just asked point blank: "Did you know anything about that?"

    Howard quietly said, "No, I never saw that."

    Robin continued to soldier on and said that apparently Matt lived in New York while his wife lived in the Hamptons.

    Howard muttered, "You could say that about me and my wife" and that while he's working, his wife is "sometimes away from the house."

    Hmm, wonder which house Howard considers to be "the house." In the past, Beth declared the Hamptons' mansion to be her "primary residence." So based on what Howard said, is her primary residence away from "the house"?
