Wednesday, December 6, 2017

He Saw It Comin'

Old photo of the Happy Hamptons couple w/their kids.
It was a very old rumor that Matt fancied himself as "Mr. Big"
from HBO's "Sex and the City" who married a Ralph Lauren
model type on the show. Bridget Moynahan who married Mr. Big
on the show, resembles Matt's wife Annette Roque [aka Jade].
It's been reported by In Touch magazine [December 4th issue] that Matt Lauer was planning on quitting NBC's The Today Show when we now know of course that he was just fired. The article was obviously written by Matt himself or his PR team since it paints a picture of a tireless worker having to put up with co-anchors who quit and the long-suffering team player Matt having to dress in ridiculous costumes for the show. 

Matt's humble view of himself contradicts reality. Reportedly, nothing happened on that show unless it met with Matt's approval and you had better kiss his ass if you wanted to keep your job [sometimes literally]. Matt also kept fighting to hire his alleged girlfriends so they could be on NBC's payroll and not his own. Matt's a cheapskate like all these dopes. They try and put their girlfriends on the payroll [ref Howard Stern when he first hooked up with the Pittsburgh Pariah]. It was well-known at the time that various reports stated that Ann Curry was forced out by Matt since he hoped to hire his girlfriend at the time, Nathalie Morales as his co-host but his wife JADE blocked that from happening and not The Today Show golfing executives who loved Matt. 

Yes, Princess Jade of the Hamptons is a victim when it's convenient for her. Insiders are now revealing that she has leverage against Matt and likes it that way. Much like the relationship with that other Hamptons bogus couple Beth and Howard Stern. Oh yes, Howard has his own life, but when he fails at getting his wife in the press at least once per month or at a red carpet event, Miss Beth reveals a few details via her mommy manager and suddenly Howard is carting cats back and forth to the Hamptons and to the Florida Facelift Fortress or including Mommy O in this phony feline foster business so she can pay her maintenance costs on her white elephant in Pittsburgh, all claiming it's for charity. Howard then brags about Beth in the press about how she is a tireless charity worker who never sleeps and cleans out litter boxes 24/7 when in reality all she does is bother cats day and night taking selfies claiming her bizarre frenzied Instagram posts featuring herself and the same group of cats over and over again as charity work, when it's all about how to make herself famous without costing her a dime out of her own Trust Fund. 

Beth's phony foster cats are locked in wire cages in a room and only let out for a photo session and then The Help doles out the photos for weeks before Beth is ready to dump the cats onto other people and claiming it's charity work. Miss Beth doesn't have a job. She does zero but wait to be driven everywhere while stuffing a cat in the car to dump at the vet's office while she hops into a salon to buff those talons and glue some more hair on that balding head of hers.

The tabloids are normally a week behind the current news items and it seems the sneaky bastard Matt worked with the tabloid to get his story out there first before he was fired, to make it seem like he was the only one keeping the show together and trying to spin that he had given up with dealing with other people on the show and he just wanted to ride off into the sunset. Yep, he was trying to skate out before his alleged sexual harassing hit the news and before NBC could fire his ass. HA HA HA Matt, In Touch refused to pull that issue with your phony ghostwritten story to spin the press your way Matthilda. Nope, NBC was going to fire Matt before he could quit.

No, it wasn't poorly timed. It was perfect. It showed the inflated ego
of Lauer and his warped perception of himself and his outright lies and
misconceptions of real events that happened behind the scenes.
As if all those girlfriend rumors were made up with
co-anchors being fired right and left. Oh right, they quit. Ha.

Also reported back in June, Matt put one of his Hamptons homes on the selling block which appears to again be in anticipation of his impending firing from NBC. Oh yeah, he knew it was comin'. He's got several properties and I bet most can be picked up for nothing if you want to live in one of Matt's Depends dens.

How will you get your kicks now Matt? What will be your reason for showing up in drag at those fun Hamptons events since being evicted from The Today Show? I am sure you can continue with your club scene where you meet up with Howard and Beth trying to plot revenge on NBC. Gosh, a few years ago Howard got kicked off TV by NBC too! You guys have a lot in common. You can both cry together in your tub of radiated fish at Nobu working on more unaired TV pilots by Howard Stern Productions. Jade and Beth O can be your leader board girls seeing what news anchors are in the running for Matt's job. Geez, even their buddy, that loser AJ Benza is linked with the Hollywood scumbag Harvey Weinstein with covering up bad press as reported today on that Stern go-to message board Love it that more of Howard's buddies he now alleges he hardly knows, are coming out of the closet as the scumbags they are as Howard still finds more room in his closet to hide in.

#mattlauer #annetteroque  #annettewasachinesejademodel
#bethostroskystern   #howardstern
#mattisstuckwiththesterns   #losersdumpedinthehamptons

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