Saturday, November 18, 2017

Revenge of the Nerd

In his old age, Howard Stern the Nerd is finally getting revenge and revealing what he thinks of his parents Ben and Ray Stern. Plus, in print, it looks like Howard has two dads. I mean, Ray [Schiffman] Stern?

As posted on the BFP on November 16, 2017, Howard portrayed his father as a pile of shit emoji and imitated his voice and now he has "Mrs. Doody" which is Howard's mom who he portrays as a spent hen and imitates her voice on his wife Beth Ostrosky Stern's Instagram show, "The Real Housewife of Instagram".

We are finally witnessing the meltdown of Howard Stern and he is showing his true bitter self as an aged pariah on his final lap around that Sirius swamp. Howard is getting zero TV or movie job offers and is still facing the embarrassment of getting kicked off the judges table on NBC's "America's Got Talent", a show where Ben Stern was quoted by Howard as saying they needed to get rid of "the girls" on the show, meaning the co-judges Mel B and Heidi Klum, when the only girl ousted from the show was Howard.

Howard is now relegated to appearing on Beth's IG show for cat crazies with Beth as the stay-at-home irritant who's afraid to drive a car. I guess the shakes aren't much fun as she tries to guzzle that bitter coffee every morning that she hates since years ago she said she only drank those morning Chai Tea Lattes until Howard starting plugging coffee on his satellite radio show so Beth has to plug it too. Why? Because Howard runs a tight ship and is constantly having to plug up all the holes.

With Howard portraying his parents in this insulting way on Beth's IG show, one wonders who is inheriting the Ben & Ray estate and gaining possession of all those incriminating childhood and young adult photos of Howard in mom's makeup and clothes and God knows what else but a spy tells me the stuff the parents are hiding in a safe deposit box are pretty good. But I think we know who is getting everything in the end and we probably need look no further than Howard's sister, Ellen Stern Dunn.

Howard recently related a story on his stale satellite radio show, of visiting his mom and dad with Beth, and it took forever for his parents to answer the door. This really ticked off Howard. But this thread below from last year, reveals the same problem Howard has had with his parents not wanting him around [especially with Beth in tow]. We know this is nothing new. So now Howard has his revenge with the Doody & Hen emojis of his parents portrayed on Beth's IG site.

Both Howard and Beth are out of ideas to make themselves famous and running out of people to badger for jobs on TV since no one can stand these two aging pariahs who keep badgering the public for dough to fund their posh lifestyles while sticking some cats in a few rooms at their properties so they can play at rescuing animals while doing drive-bys when Beth tires of the same photo props and dumps the cats onto foster homes. This is the dull existence of these two aside from their regular Botox appointments at their Florida Facelift Fortress where they skate down there about every three months.

We just love Howard being stuck on Beth's IG site and having to sit in Crazy Town for about 24 hours each week and waits for his limo to show up and take him back to the Big Apple where Howard plays worm and finds the core of his underpants stylist Ralph Cirella since Howard claims to be color blind so Ralph has to ensure the underpants match Howard's support bra and lace stockings in case he is hit by a car. I mean how embarrassing would that be if Howard were caught with underwear that didn't match if he were carted into an emergency room and those hospital workers phoned the tabloids to say that Howard's lace stockings were purple and his underpants and bra were green? Not very classy. 

I know this is obvious, but why not. I can't wait for Howard to use this animoji for Bethimogi, the obnoxious horse-faced cat Snatch & Dumper of the Hamptons who suckered an old married man in midlife crisis to actually let her move in with him and then finally marry her. I mean, no wonder she is always cackling on the phone to her mother. Even she can't believe it.

#benstern  #raystern  #howardstern
#bethstern  #howardhateshismomanddad


  1. Now the wig is claiming bobeefus was offered playboy several times and with million paycheck. Not one word of its true. Did we ever find out what happened to its natural c cups that have seemed to completely disappeared. What's next, a penisectomy.

    Happy holidays my very dear DBM

  2. Sources tell me that Beth's natural C cups escaped from a Florida surgery center and the CIA is hunting them down. Happy Holidays to you too :)
