Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lights, Camera, Beth

Every year since 2011 [except for 2012], Beth has raced to a charred cow eatery where they set dead cows on fire and chow down on that dead meat to benefit BETH. 

Yes, BETH. She shills for the North Shore Animal League (NSAL) and the eatery called "Prime" donates "proceeds" whatever that is, to BETH via NSAL because NSAL pays her as their official spokesperson via donations to their charity that never builds a cat adoption center addition but continues to collect donations for it on the NSAL website. 

Howard Stern was reportedly doing another Big Beth Calendar for 2018 but NSAL has printed up their own cheap calendar featuring animals instead of 12 photos of Beth. So we just have to wait for an update from the Stern camp on this looming storm of controversy. 

Beth has a disgusting week coming up shilling for two agencies who do little to nothing to protect animals. But Beth could not care less since these associations get her face on TV or in print and they PAY her to attend. That is the key word really. Beth fulfills her fantasy that she is a celebrity and gets paid for showing up for these alleged animal welfare events while Beth gets paid to interrupt her daily boring life where she badgers cats and has the nerve to document it on her Instagram show, "The Real Housewife of Instagram". Yes, she and her chubby hubby Howard Stern both have gone on record on Instagram [and also shown on this blog] to show how they badger kittens, playing laser tag with one kitten perched on a high ledge where the kitten could have easily fallen to its death and then force feeds some of the kittens day and night so Beth can move her merchandise out of Stalag Beth in the Hamptons and keep them on their spay/neuter schedule to move her inventory. It's a sick disgusting cycle of bothering animals and Beth and Howard claim it's charity work.

The AHA has an awesome record of doing nothing for the protection of animals used in the entertainment industry. Coincidentally, Beth Stern is a self-proclaimed animal activist and advocate who also does nothing to promote the protection of animals.

On Monday's stale Stern satellite radio show, he had the nerve to brag about getting celebrity guests to his Hamptons Hellhole Talk Show and said Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon stopped by since Howard fancies himself a big time host. No photos have emerged to prove any of Howard's wild stories about entertaining the two late night talk show hosts at his Hamptons home. Howard badgers anyone with a television show since he's stuck on a bullshit satellite dish with no one to fund a video version of the stale show. Sirius is STUCK WITH STERN for several more years so just packs his two channels with commercials to pay the salaries of its employees assigned to deal with the loser Stern channels and try and fund its operating expenses.

A few people might already know that Beth has a blog on the NSAL website since she and Howard are big time do-nothings who claim to be sponsors of NSAL but we have yet to see any real dollar amounts in print of how they qualify to be sponsors. So Beth just related on her blog about the recent death of her cat Charlie Boy that became obese after Beth kept stuffing food into him and she renamed him Charlie Chunk I suppose to match her big chunky legs she uses to stalk fame.

Beth stated on her NSAL blog that she wants a Charlie tattoo and Howard will go along with it of course since they are both pandering to the cat club crazies hoping it will somehow translate into donations to Beth's big foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends, that her PR people set up following the death of her bulldog Bianca due to obesity. You see a pattern here with Beth and her pets that she stuffs in their own room and are only let out for meals and photoshoots with Bianca having to be let out more often since dogs don't do litter boxes. 

So no more dogs for the Sterns since Beth tires of having the same photo prop all the time and likes the cat gimmick since cats are easy to deal with and she just throws them from a car and dumps them onto other people when she tires of them. You do not choose these cats to adopt, Beth chooses which cats each person will get unless you are a celebrity since they normally put in an order for a purebred exotic breed and Beth suddenly "finds" one that was allegedly homeless. Heaven help the commoner dopes who are duped into taking ANY of Beth's wild feral cats who are never socialized. Beth just stares at them and stuffs food into their mouths 24/7 as she documents on her Instagram show.

This photo of the Stern master suite at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons has been posted online. We know Bianca is in the urn to the right of the fireplace and God knows what's in the other urn. Howard uses this bedroom for his various photoshoots of Beth as documented on her IG show. Beth has her own much smaller pink bedroom as she also shows to her cat club crazies on her IG show where she has a bunch of cats staged around the room for her photoshoot frenzy because she has to feed her fantasy she is a model. Beth's room is much smaller and only uses the master suite with Howard when they have overnight guests so she and Howard can pretend they sleep together. Some guests have reported hearing disturbing noises at night behind the walls since few people realize there are secret panels and hallways built into the interior of the house and Beth allegedly is a sneak thief. But somehow the trinkets will be found by the help and  everyone has to ignore Beth the Alleged Klepto since Howard claims that it's just a practical joke played on their house guests as everyone has a laugh and then the guests bolt to their bedrooms to pack up and catch the next bus outta there. Regular guests like Mary McCormack have gotten used to Beth the Night Prowler and has learned to ignore it remembering to bring no valuables to Stalag Beth. So if Beth snatches something, it's okay. 

Notice Beth posing by the urn by the fireplace in the master suite at Stalag Beth in the Hamptons.

Right, Beth, and now Apple and Charlie Chunk have joined
Bianca. But did Wonky the Feral Cat rate a space in the Stern Urn??
Plus, no tattoo for you and Howard to remember Wonky
 but you sure get them for your own personal resident cats.
What a couple of animal snobs. They have a house ranking don't they.

If you've got the dough, Beth will show up and shill for you. But we wonder what happened to her big capital project of building a cat adoption center at NSAL. On the NSAL website, they are still actively collecting public donations to the Bianca's Furry Friends campaign to build that cat adoption center at NSAL that never breaks ground.

#dawgshed #afn #primerestaurant  #goldcoastaffair
#bethostroskystern   #howardstern #apple
#northshoreanimalleague   #charliechunk #allaboutbeth
#kimmelhasbeenbought #AHA
#loispopefoundation #urn #bff #ashes #hamptons

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