Monday, September 18, 2017

A-Listers Snub Beth's Dog Show

In 2014, the Hallmark Channel's Kitten Bowl was first aired starring their star no-lister Beth Stern to host the event featuring a bunch of scared kittens being chased around a studio with cat toys thrown at their heads trying to get them to play-on-demand for a camera with the final product being just a bunch of cats on a continuous video loop and they called it a TV show. Beth has hosted the Kitten Bowl and other bowls suitable for a janitorial cleaning service for the Hallmark Channel since 2014 because there is no stopping Beth unless the Hallmark Channel decides to kill itself. Heaven help the good witch who is assigned to fire Beth. I want to see that on a Hallmark holiday TV movie special.

Also in 2014 was when the Hallmark Channel got STUCK WITH BETH to host the annual American Humane Association's (AHA) Hero Dog Awards in Los Angeles, featuring a bunch of D-List aged celebs from the Hallmark Channel stable of hags who regularly appear in their cable TV shows and made for TV movies. Beth hosts the show along with that bizarre James Denton who allegedly has more skeletons in his closet than a graveyard. At least he opted out of the Scientology Hair Piece Studio System for Men since he allegedly uses that spray filament filler instead.

How HILARIOUS was it that no one knew that Beth was the co-host of the Hero Dog Awards along with James Denton. He was not her date for the evening - ha ha ha - as if Princess Pariah needs a date for the evening with Howard on that bullhorn making sure his wifey didn't need her giant glasses this time around, but got cue cards the size of a billboard so she could read her script from the stage sans those glasses perched on her huge fat nose job.

9-16-17 Hero Dog Awards featuring
poor disabled dogs that they drag
to this useless annual event.
As exposed by this blogger, the disgusting display by the AHA in conjunction with the Lois Pope LIFE Foundation and Hallmark Channel in an attempt to whitewash the AHA who appear to do zero to protect animals in the production of TV shows and on film as documented on this site as well as across the Internet where animals were abused, starved and found dead on studio lots, the AHA Hero Dog Awards continues to drag the disabled dogs to this annual cruelty display. Oh, but they "honor" service dogs that are commonly disabled in the line of duty and drag them on stage like circus freaks and give them awards which just adds stress to these dogs and they can easily receive an award without their presence since they are dogs, they have no clue why they are on display on a stage. 

But this kind of useless event panders to dopes like Beth Stern the Selfie Activist who would die without being able to trot herself onto a stage and play celebrity, when she's just the nobody wife of an aged radio dinosaur. Oh, but we are not done. Howard Stern suddenly had to make a hefty donation, right Howard? To get your photos of two of your cats on a giant mobile rescue bus funded by Lois Pope and a bunch of other rich old hagathas with their faces pulled up over the back of their skulls and wig thickets added to their balding heads to hide the surgeries designed to fool everyone into thinking they are 70 instead of 99 yrs old.

9-15-17, Beth wears her Otis the Drunk hat
pointing at photos by Howard Stern of her cats
Charlie Chunk [deceased] and Leon Bear [next up to
bat for the grim reaper Beth].

9-15-17, Money Bags Maloof points to
her dog on the AHA rescue mobile bus
that will sit parked somewhere until
 a disaster happens in CA and someone
has to pay the mobile gas bill.
Oh yes, a bunch of aged rich hags showed up to stare at a bus, including that dull minded Beth Stern who thinks she is actually famous for anything but being married to a sinking satellite disc jockey whose producers have to sell Howard's airtime to any advertiser that will purchase time for Howard to shill for them, aside from Howard's constant on-air product placement ads where he takes a sip of this or a bite of that and talks up the product pretending he isn't paid to do it since he is embarrassed he has to do it in the first place to pay for his loser channels on Sirius satellite radio.

Beth never heard of the AHA or attempted to support any service dog association before she was hired to host the awards show and was paid to attend. Suddenly, a shot at a TV appearance made Beth a big dog activist while Howard Stern Buchwalsky gets on the horn to badger people to hire Beth. Well, the only taker was the loser Hallmark Channel as we wait for Beth's big Instagram show to be made into a cable TV series. I guess we won't hold our breath for that to happen.

9-15-17, when everyone stared at the new AHA mobile bus in L.A.
They all trotted to the AHA Hero Dog Awards on 9-16-17
to pat themselves on the back.

Miss Jackson snubbed the AHA
Hero Dog Awards and instead supported
the Wags and Walks 7th Annual
Benefit Gala in Beverly Hills on
I have yet to see any A-List celebs attend this annual debacle where the AHA pretends to be do-gooders by honoring a few service dogs. 

So where was that new supermodel A-Lister Miss Jackson? Oh, only at another animal event on Saturday, 9-16-17, snubbing Miss Beth's dog awards show.

You remember Miss Jackson. The supermodel who just signed with the celebrity super agent and power manager Arnold Stiefel. Gosh, how come Paris didn't sign with the Stern/Buchwald Agency featuring a stable of aged hagathas and fat child stars? It's a mystery.

Paris with her super manager Arnold Stiefel [left].

Oh, and who was front row during this last fashion week in New York? Beth never got a shot at a seat but was photographed standing in front of plastic grass and trees [note the sidebar of this blog] on 9-12-17 when Miss Jackson scored a seat in the front row at the Calvin Klein show on 9-7-17 with the former supermodel Brooke Shields who could have been Paris's stepmom before she was born.

Hilaria scored with her husband and she
even still has boobs unlike Beth O'NoBoob.
Of course Beth and Howard Stern have never been invited to the Emmy Awards that was broadcast on Sunday 9-17-17, but the Emmy Award winning Heidi Klum is always there and was nominated for a Creative Arts Emmy. She lost this year to the former supermodel and current superstar RuPaul in the category of Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program.

Yes, that's Hilaria on another big Emmy Awards red carpet on Sunday night with her super famous husband while Beth was allegedly seen being tackled and stuffed into a cab taking her back to the airport to New York and her dull life of staring at cats and calling it charity work.

But, gosh, we just love that pair...of earrings on the gorgeous supermodel Heidi Klum:

Heidi at the Emmy Awards 9-17-17.

Congrats to the gorgeous RuPaul on another Emmy win.

#newyorkfashionweek #parisjackson
#AHA  #brookeshields   #loispope
#rupaulsdragrace   #sashayawaybeth

1 comment:

  1. DBM -- You are so right that there is no need for disabled dogs to be dragged to the Hero Dog Awards. Haven't they suffered enough?
    And good catch about there being no photos of Beth actually in a seat at New York Fashion Week. She may have scored a seat at that one fashion show, but photographers are not taking telescopic photos of people in the back row.
