Thursday, September 28, 2017

Flicker & Fade

It might be time for Howard Stern to flicker and fade away because he again had as a guest on his stale satellite radio show on September 25, Jerry Seinfeld, the former scientologist who was dumped by his teenage ex-girlfriend's super rich family during his Seinfeld sitcom days, and was told to move along and ended up with the unknown nobody wife Jessica, who dumped her ex once she saw Jerry on the list at her swank gym in NY and she hired an agent/publicist to help with the transition from her first marriage to that Broadway theater scion family member, Eric Nederlander, to Jerry Seinfeld. Oh, but wasn't Jess a year late and millions of dollars short getting Jerry down that aisle and has zero legal right to Jerry's TV sitcom money? Poor thing. I guess that's why she keeps racing to the doc to try to get pregnant with more eventual Trust Fund kids that will keep her safe through her old age whether or not Jerry stays with her.

You'll remember that Jessica had a different name and changed it completely [ref: BFP July 31, 2017 "Shelved Much, Bethie?"] when she set her sights on her meal ticket to fame with her target being Jerry Seinfeld who was in need of a straight, clean married image or his already dwindling audience [post-Seinfeld sitcom] would have disappeared completely along with his horrendous Cialis standup comedy routine that send audiences running to the door. Gosh Jess, how much did you get from Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? I bet just tip money. What a boring Internet show that was with a car company sponsoring it. My gosh, Jerry is sure trying to not dip into that Seinfeld sitcom money. Jess looked funny taking all of those quarters to the bank for deposit and hopefully some return.

Miss Jess almost immediately set up that bullshit Baby Buggy foundation once she became Mrs. Seinfeld that was dead on arrival since no one knows what it does or its purpose other than giving a used baby buggy to an African American woman. So, she revamped it recently calling it the Good Plus Foundation [with a vague purpose nobody can figure out] while she still pushes those awful cookbooks onto the masses of nobodies who actually think Jessica is famous for something. Well, Jessica bought more bleached hair extensions and she is as frightening as ever on her own Instagram show featuring herself as well as an obscure YouTube channel where she cooks up some of that shit in her books that looks like something you would use to catch rats in a basement.

In Jess's YouTube video, she shows her fan
how to make a Glory Bowl for breakfast. Jerry
must feel very lucky.
Jess is another Bethie O'Stern, they wanted to be famous, not just married to half of a fat bank account, they wanted to be married to a famous person so they would automatically get the book deals, get on TV, and hook up with some bullshit foundation they invented to appear to be do-gooders and not golddiggers and to gain access to celebs. Yep, good ol' Jerry Seinfeld has stated a few times in the past that he paraded around the Celebrity Centre in Hollywood and decided it just wasn't his bag since he still had his own hair back in the day and really didn't want a commitment to the Scientology Studio Hair System for Men, who are desperate to hide the facelift tape under the hair glue hair. Seinfeld thought he could make it without them and I guess he showed them up although don't go looking in any dark corners, you might find something.

Well, the post-America's Got Talent (AGT) TV judge Howard Stern has had nothing but boring guests on his stale satellite radio show with even Hillary Clinton booking Howard's private bathroom for her staffers when she appeared at the Sirius studios this week to be interviewed by anyone who was not Howard Stern. Howard also again failed to score a guest judging job on AGT with Simon Cowell saying that the same judging line-up will return for Season 13 of the show even though everyone knows Howie Mandel has overstayed his welcome and should be replaced next summer. Simon is reportedly secretly searching for a replacement and is courting Ryan Seacrest who is flatlining on the Kelly Ripa daytime TV talk show but Andy Cohen has thrown his high heels in the ring but Simon is not sure he wants to go in THAT Direction. Kris Kardashian is in the background thinking she can choose the talent on AGT but Simon is looking for a judge of talent that can be shown on a family program. With all the rumors swirling, I guess we will see how everything turns out on that front. Some reviewers hated the new host Tyra Banks and said she takes the job too seriously when everyone knows that Tyra is operating with a few screws loose under her wigs.

We are still waiting for Season 2 of "Howard's Boob", that new series originated by the Beth Fan Page in January 2017 that was on a summer hiatus featuring the antics of Big Beth Ostrosky because Howard is trying to script a personality for her. Most dumbos like Beth who are on the prowl for steady income without having to put out, have no personality, it's just whatever you tell them to do, they do it without question, like, sit, stand, stay, and go away.

Howard wished Beth looked
like this since putting
her on the payroll of
his company booking guests
for their annual office
xmas party at a bar that
resembles Howard's
sinking ship.
Beginning primarily this year, Howard has been trying to appear normal to Beth's cat club crazies that she communicates with via her Instagram show, so a headless Howard poses for hand selfies or foot selfies or newspaper selfies pretending to interact with a few temp cats housed at Stalag Beth(s) in Manhattan and the Hamptons. Beth also plugs Howard's radio show to that group of dullards who follow her IG show and have no clue that cat food is not lunch [even though it looks like Jessica Seinfeld's recipes include a can of Fancy Feast] since they are saving their food stamps to trade with people in the back alley for liquor. How her IG followers could afford Sirius satellite radio subscriptions is a whole other issue. I guess they could pretend they listen since they think Beth is a big star who plays with kitties all day and is rarely vertical like her followers.

That being said, it is that time of year when Dame Beth-Man skates off to follow other leads and take a break from the dullfest called the Howard and Beth Stern Show, where they are on a treadmill of doing the same old boring bullshit year after year. 

Gosh, I hope I don't miss upcoming episodes of "It's Time to Plug the Seinfelds" ! We need status updates of Jessica Seinfeld's cat food recipes she passes off as human food. We wonder how much Howard pays to play with them. Oh plenty, just check out those checks he wrote to the newly revised Good Plus Foundation and now Jerry can hog a couch on Reaper Radio whenever he wants.

What about that Jimmy Kimmel? Oh Howard has deemed himself a big democrat now latching onto that late night TV talk show pariah Jimmy since David Letterman served his time and ended his late night TV talk show so Howard is on to other game. Jimmy's now got the newly facelifted wife who looks like a blowfish who is still on Jimmy's payroll in more ways than one. Good luck with those ratings Jimmy, we hear the Oscar ratings have dipped to a new low once they signed you as the host. But you have proved to be a team player and that's all that matters in Hollywood; gotta diss the scientologists and pay your dues to the Lavender Mafia and you're good to go for a few more seasons with your late night talk show borefest while hosting the Oscar borefest. 

Maybe Nicole Kidman will parade on Jimmy's show again hoping to not break a bone when she tries to raise her osteoporosis leg up that little stair to her chair to be interviewed by Jimmy, the shill for the dems. Good thing his aged wife decided on another baby that was born with a hole in its heart so Jimmy could banter about that democratic health care plan for the nation and take jabs at the current President. Otherwise, Jimmy would have been replaced already on his late night talk show with a millennial with a pogo stick.

Beth can never get back on television with a real series [not counting those one-shot cat bowls for the Hallmark Channel where she throws toys at kittens and has a total of about 10 minutes of screen time shouting something before each commercial break] and Howard is desperate to sell Howard TV to some suckers but he hasn't been successful for four years and counting.

Howard will always try and get his own facelift back on TV but we think that's just an inside joke in Hollywood as everyone scrambles to set up fake accounts to give to Howard that go into a spam folder and since basically, the Sterns are probably the definition of spam. They badger people for money for their foundation, Bianca's Furry Friends, and badger the big time producers for a job on TV. It will never end yet Howard thinks an old fart lusting after men and pretending to fight off hot girls is somehow marketable to the people in Middle America.

Howard just falls into the same schtick he has used forever; that he is a tortured married man with all the hot girls chasing him - oh but this time he is happily married and never fails to infer his first wife with all the kids was a torturous existence. He now imagines he is married to a hot model when no one heard of the plus-sized Beth O before Howard pushed her into our faces when she was already over 30 and hardly a pin-up model. You need a pretty big wall to pin up one of Beth's big bikini photos. I guess if you were stuck on a prison island for your entire life, you might find Beth appears female and attractive. I don't know any prisoners stuck on an island so I can't conduct that study.

Howard claimed recently on Reaper Radio that he could have gotten
Heidi Klum during his years on AGT. Pretty funny that when he
was single, he got stuck with Beth with those stubby
Charlie Chunk legs and a fat ass instead of a Heidi type, as in
a real model with a perfect body; not an aged photoshop model with
crossed eyes.

The vultures are already gathering on the hill. Can't
Dame Beth-Man ever get a break from fame? Apparently not.

Howard Stern's personality is splitting what with his fantasy that Heidi Klum was chasing him, and then he has naked guys parading into his satellite radio studio pretending he is not seeking out connections to hire cute male photography assistants, coffee boys, bagel boys, stylists, and helpers for his longtime companion and faithful house guest who has his own bedroom at all of Howard's posh properties, Ralph Cirella, the guy who has Howard wrapped around his little bow, port, starboard, and stern of Howard's sinking ship of fools. 

Goodbye for now. 
Peace & Love, from Dame Beth-Man.

#bethfanpage   #bethblogger   #damebethman   #hiatus
#howard stern #reaperradio   #bethostroskystern
#heidiklum  #jessicaseinfeld


  1. DBM - While I will hope against hope that the Sterns will do something worthy of your return, I do realize that with Howard's studio now being used as SiriusXM's VIP bathroom, that it does make the possibility of your return look very bleak.

    Thank you for being the fearless voice of reality and hilarity in the delusional world of Howard and Beth Stern.

  2. As always....brilliant

    Back late 80's I saw many a standup comedian (As my roommate worked in a CC) and without a doubt the worst was Seinfeld, not even close, a complete hack. You nailed again.

  3. Hello Dame Beth-Man. I’m not sure if you heard this, but on Andy Cohen Live (On Demand- the show Live from the Hamptons) Andy interviews Beth Stern and she tells the complete bullshit story of how she met Howard at Mercer Kitchen when she was 26 in 1998. It is at the very end of the program at 1:17. First Beth talks about how she found rescue dogs for Bethenny Frankel. Beth name drops constantly-she is so important and knows so many celebrities. Be sure to have a barf bucket handy- you will need it!
