Sunday, September 24, 2017

Cleaning the Castle

Not like Dame Beth-Man actually does any actual castle cleaning but I do clean out the dungeon once in awhile to erase the evidence, I mean old files, and you just don't know who you'll find tied up somewhere that you completely forgot about.

I have repeated this before, that Howard Stern would barely have any guests without the celebrity scientology endorsements when they parade onto his loser satellite dish to plug something but we know they have been a bit miffed since Howard allowed the opposition to have a voice on his show, which was Leah Reminini post-scientology when she got into a big fight with everyone after her TV sitcom was thrown off the air and her pay to play club dumped her since she was not marketable anymore so enter the Revenge of Leah and she got an Emmy award for her cable TV show exposing the apparent evils of the group.

But I suppose Howard needs to let both sides of the debate on his show and he has hosted many closeted science lovers on his show as well as the not-so-closeted ones like Leah [when she was in and out of the religious group of studio hair systems].

So, what about this current multiple Emmy award winner? When will she parade into the Stern satellite radio studio to be asked personal questions by the aging pervert who fantasizes about having sex with Heidi Klum and Jen Aniston, claiming he "could have gotten" those stars since, according to Howard as spouted on his radio show, that they seemed to have propositioned him in a secret way I guess, no details are ever given by Howard. His scripted banter about his personal experiences always have giant holes in them, kind of like the holes in his ears that he suddenly had to plug up since wearing those earrings didn't work with the new weave and wax works system that he is investing in for his headwear nowadays. Yep, Howard talked about that on his satellite radio show, that he suddenly doesn't have his pierced earrings anymore due to Howard's Boob [Beth] saying he was too old for that or something when everyone knows Howard is bobbing just above that water line of fake stories. Howard is obsessed with his health and all that gun metal leaking into his ears have caused him health concerns along with whatever he looks like he is suffering from other than being the King of all B.S. stories scripted by some demented idiot who got evicted from the studio as on-air staff since Howard is stealing chunks of his staff salaries like there is no tomorrow. The only on-air staff that now exists is Howard Stern. Howard can't face it his budget has had Sirius cutbacks over the years he's been on a satellite dish trying to keep the closeted natives happy.

Item posted by Janet Charlton on September 18, 2017. 
One wonders when Elisabeth will do the Stern show.

Filed under an oldie but goodie, everyone wondered who Suri's real dad was since Tom Cruise's ex-wife Mimi Rodgers publicly claimed Tom was physically incapable of fathering children. An even older rumor was that allegedly Howard Stern could only father those Trust Fund leeches via medical intervention. No one knows what the deal is with that scary Beth Ostrosky he married since she is a victim of the Three-Mile Island radiation fallout leaving many people sterile. Allegedly, it was the biggest cover-up operation of the time, where officials stated the nuclear power plant meltdown had little to no adverse effects on people or the environment. We don't know, but it has been alleged Miss Beth O gave birth to some amphibian with two heads but others claim that was her pet after her dad ran over her cat in the driveway.

One wonders the plot William & Nicole were hatching
 that never saw the light of day.
Tom dumped Nicole for allegedy losing not
 his baby or William's, but Ewan McGregor's.

Time to dispel an old rumor because Beth needed some drama when she was first butting into the Stern show and wanting her face on the E Channel before Howard's face got evicted from that channel and he has been floundering ever since trying to get some sucker to air his radio show on TV so Howard can get paid twice for each live broadcast, one audio version and one video version. Howard TV was defunct in 2013 and he is still struggling to line up another sucker to pay for the loser Howard TV show but he was evicted from the E Channel in 2005.

So anyway, if you've heard this before you can skip it. But Big Beth liked the idea she was the blonde in the "Miss America" book to stir up controversy for herself since she was/is that desperate for fame and gossip; that somehow Howard was allegedly cheating on his first wife Alison with her, when the rumors were that Howard split from his wife circa 1996/97 when he thought he was being launched into super stardom with his books and movie deal. Howard skated off to Cannes with his movie wife that were closer than this, Mary McCormack, to plug their film "Private Parts" and also escorted her to a movie at Cannes called The Ice Storm. Howard was seen all over Cannes with his movie wife as one wonders where Alison was.

So the E Channel aired the Howard Stern infomercial when he was selling that garbage book called "Miss America" [later Howard posed for three different covers for the paperback edition in three different drag queen outfits]. In that infomercial, they aired the filming of some of the photos that appear in the book and Beth was nowhere in sight. Ralph Cirella was there of course [Howard's longtime, constant companion] because he was a stylist working with a legion of real drag queens who did the hair, makeup, and styling for the photoshoot when Howard mandated every one of the main staffers of his radio show to cross-dress for a photo in the book. How fun to work for a closeted transvestite. Anyway, it was a good try for Beth, she had a few suckers going for awhile. We know she loves working behind Howard's back and has him spinning and spinning - right?

Howard has been searching for his alter ego and he finally found it in Beth. You will notice Mary McCormack is similar to Beth, a big woman with a creepy face. But it's no secret Howard has a cross-dressing fetish as is plainly evident by the dozens of times she/he has appeared in drag. We don't know why he can't admit it. No one forces him to appear in drag yet he loves it, fine, admit it Howard. You've got a fetish where you have to get into women's clothing and makeup. Big deal. Oh, he appears in drag at private parties too as alleged by partygoers. I have not been in attendance at these parties so it is only hearsay. I hear it and say it on this blog. Funny thing is, no one seems to want to post any photos of Howard at these parties, let alone his wife Bethie O Nobody, who would be even more unfamous had she not married the radio dinosaur. She doesn't care what he does but it might be in her retirement plan to reveal it in her old age.

Oh, so what was the rumor? That Beth was one of the girls in the group shot photo appearing in the book Miss America, in the sort of S&M scene with Howard and some of the girls in white mask-like makeup. No, it wasn't Beth, it was another girl as shown in the screenshots from the YouTube video shown below.

We all loved it when Howard Stern launched his giant nobody Beth Ostrosky as a model for FHM magazine, a now defunct magazine as is usual after these magazines kept featuring Howard's old girlfriend Beth. No one is launched as a lingerie/bikini model at 30+ years old. No one wants to see a giant weird girl playing model that was never famous for anything but having a lipo stomach and stubby legs and weird breast implants. Below are screenshots from the photoshoot from FHM magazine which quickly went bankrupt after pushing this monster in everyone's faces.

Howard and Beth had better step up their rumor mill game and get going with some fresh gossip to stir something up since they have become moldy and stale with no new stories to spin. They need to hire some fresh talent that isn't getting their ideas from "I Love Lucy" reruns, like getting on pointless meaningless bullshit lists claiming to be influential, most stylish NY'er, best dressed or whatever, or getting into stupid dress fights in trashy tabloids. 

#missamerica   #privateparts   #cannesfilmfestival
#howardstern   #bethostroskystern   #FHM
#elisabethmoss   #howardhasmossinhishead

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