Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Beth's Foster Fiasco

Anyone who follows Beth Ostrosky Stern's public Instagram site knows that she snatches a bunch of feral cats and pretends to foster them for about 10 days while she uses them in endless selfies and as photo props since not one person would look at Beth's social media sites unless animals were stuck in them.

Beth has been stuck with this gig since her dog Bianca died in 2012 with her personal foundation set up in 2013 called Bianca's Furry Friends (BFF) which collects donations and gives a portion to the North Shore Animal League to build a cat adoption center at its existing shelter, all with Beth and Howard's name all over it but it's funded by the public and corporate donations [like that Rachael Ray Nutrish pet food junk she sells to the public and has donated about one million in profits from that company to BFF]. 

Beth has a hard time coming up with kittens and enlists bogus fly-by-night cat club organizations, mercenary cat hunters, and suspect cat snatchers to come up with kittens which are hard to find, since kittens are already adopted first and what's left over are the grown cats. Beth doesn't want to be stuck with these grown cats because she already has her own and pretends they are her pets when they are only let out of their room for meals and photo shoots with Princess Do-Nothing and Desperate for Fame so she has content for her Instagram site.

The problem is that Beth has zero basic knowledge of cats or how to foster them. She obviously skips fostering dogs since the Sterns' Hamptons home is in a neighborhood surrounded by people who would complain if Beth fostered dogs that barked 24/7 and had to be let out all the time for walks and stuff, and taking care of cats in cages is much easier of course.

However, since Beth knows nothing and barely has any brain cells left inside that huge banana head, she thinks she needs to create a kitty cat Disneyland inside the foster room at her Hamptons home because she thinks that is "fostering". She is clueless on how to socialize any cats and simply bothers them when they are eating or are zoned out after they have been spayed or neutered and throws them around and man handles them, where some have been rushed to a vet's office at all hours of the day and night since Beth is the one causing illnesses and sometimes [as she has documented herself on Instagram] her rough housing has caused a cat to fracture its leg. Of course Beth only said that somehow, the cat fractured its leg. 

So when Beth does her drive-by cat dumping onto whomever gets stuck with her spoiled rotten brats, the cats have no clue that your curtains are any different from climbing cat trees or climbing bulletin boards that were carefully placed next to cat furniture to teach them these bad habits of climbing the walls.

[Ref: Beth Fan Page, 5-25-17 "Schwenk It To Me"]

Beth has purchased [via funds from BFF/NSAL] or just had the stuff dropped off at her house from the NSAL delivery stooges, tons of cat toys, trees, shelves, houses, hutches, you name it and these feral felines have it. So when these monsters get to your home, they wonder where the party is. They find zero of this stuff in a normal person's home save for one cat bed and one litter box and maybe one scratching post. So they treat your furniture, couches, carpets, drapes, etc., as their personal playground. Good luck, since Beth has only admitted that a few of her feral fosters were returned to her and she was in a fit, furious, yet many are returned, oh not to her personally, commoners are not allowed behind the stone walls of Stalag Beth in the Hamptons, Beth will not be returning any phone calls either, so the cats are dumped back at NSAL or onto some county municipal shelter where there is little hope the cats will be re-adopted.

Back in April 2015, Beth got these cats returned and covered it up by deleting them off Instagram at the time, but failed to delete them from her BFF Facebook site. These cats were ripping up this woman's curtains but Beth said they were returned due to allergies of the adopter when it was due to the fact she was allergic to having her curtains shredded by Beth's little monsters. Beth has since tried to cover up the real stories behind the ones that are returned and simply tries to quickly dump them onto someone else.

[Ref: Beth Fan Page 4-15-15 "Habitually Stupid"]

Beth has created a mess since she is an
 ignoramus that has no business fostering
anything but her bitchy attitude. Expect a wild
feral to enter your home if you adopt from
Beth Stern. Better to adopt from your own
local animal shelter.

Beth is desperate to change the image of her prison camp called Stalag Beth to pretend it isn't a bunch of ignored cats stuffed in cages waiting for their turn at a photoshoot with Beth as they take a piece of chalk counting down their days waiting for freedom. So she stocks it now with a ton of stuff to turn it into a cat camp playground while you hope to tame the beast once it gets to your humble abode where humans live. 

The former Stalag Beth:

After the Feline Prison Reform Board took over and mandated Beth schedule playtime for the cats, Beth has gone overboard since she has no clue how to properly socialize cats and they have taken advantage of the situation.

The solution? Beth should be providing kittens with a safe environment of an enclosure with food, water and litter boxes with a daily schedule getting them used to being gently handled. They need a few catnip toys and that's it. Beth is to teach them basics only and allow the new owners to NAME THE CATS aside from acclimating them to their permanent home.

No one wants your stupid pet names Beth, that you and Howard give them since you think all pet owners are retarded dullards who want little kiddie names or stupid food names. Beth and Howard have no clue about pet ownership, none. Even their dog Bianca had a stupid long name so Howard could get some stupid press attention out of it. Oh they are so clever! They are two bored idiots who can hardly get arrested and no one noticed when Howard Stern went AWOL on May 10 from his own satellite radio show until Stern got Marci Turk off her duff to press release that Stern didn't show up for work when he was scheduled to be on the air because he took a personal day off. Ha, no one noticed Howard, you had to get it press released and stick your stupid wife out in front of the building where she houses a few cats during the work week to spout nonsense about how you took a personal day off and everything was fine or whatever. How pathetic.

Bombshell Heidi Klum was at the CFDA Fashion Awards in New York on June 5 and Beth was a no-show as we think she is spending her publicity budget on other things as Howard pretends to drop in on a local NY deli and imagine he has a conversation with a bologna boy about when he was a judge on NBC's America's Got Talent. Oh yeah, the Sterns are having problems with facing reality and it might be time to quietly retire to a group home for people who think they're famous.

Contributing material today was guest blogger
Sir Scott S. Fold:

#stalagbeth #curtains #torn
#feral #nsal #bff


  1. Re the contraption that made you ask WTF, Beth posted on IG that "This tunnel is a must for all kittens."

    Most cat owners know they have to be thoughtful about the type of food or furniture given to their cat because that will be the cat's standard -- cats don't like to downgrade. So as you point out, cats are being set up for failure in their new homes because of Beth's ignorance of a cat's nature. Maybe that's why there's been no "Oh My Cat" book ...

  2. I wish the SPCA would investigate her. Just recently, as documented on her pubic Instagram, she had two kittens "mysteriously" die while in her care. Take that for what you will.
