Friday, February 10, 2017

Shields Joins Sirius - Stern Secretly Steamed?

While Howard Stern runs and hides back to his darkened man cave to save on expenses and hide from reality that he's a washed up radio joke, a laughing stock who thinks he's a talk show host, it's been press released that Brooke Shields will have her own weekly LIVE talk show on SiriusXM satellite radio beginning at noontime on Monday on the Stars channel - yes, like in stars, as in real stars and not an aged DJ who keeps getting his face lifted and new hair glued to that receding peanut shell head who is rarely live and only takes pre-approved callers into his stale satellite radio show. At least Brooke, as well as a host of other celebs on the SiriusXM dials, have the courage to take live callers unlike the scared Stern who can't function unless a script is in front of him. Oh, we witnessed that live on television when we only saw the top of his head because his face was buried in his index cards filled with his scripted lines during his embarrassing stint on NBC's America's Got Talent.

Oh, but Howard can't stand Brooke who has always snubbed his goofy morning zoo radio show while Stern's satellite radio channels are further mothballed and gather dust since Sirius honchos own Stern yet have no idea what to do with the aged stable boy who is attracting zero A List celebrities into his barren, dark and lonely studio consisting of one sound effects fossil who has to be woken up with his blinking phone whenever Howard wants to take a commercial break and his former regular sidekick Robin Quivers is rarely live inside the studio what with no free coffee, no full kitchen and only one bagel allocated to the tubby tugboat who is mainly docked somewhere on the Jersey shore. Howard is seeing his end in sight. But since the old fart won't actually, physically leave, the Sirius execs just continue to pack their talk radio channels with genuine celebrities who will attract genuine celebrities into the studio for an interview and thereby attract new "paying" subscribers, meaning, not these freebie corporate blocks of subscriptions Sirius hands out to boost their popularity.

It seems the Sterns, as usual, were a no-show at the major New York amfAR gala event on February 8, that featured a bevy of A List models like Heidi Klum, Iman, Naomi and the ever gorgeous Andreja Pejic [pictured left]. 

Gee, and Howard has that big mouth on that radio dial spouting how much he is in support of all kinds of social causes yet I suppose has no interest in making AIDS history. Well, no freebie tickets I guess were offered by Sirius and Beth Stern hasn't had her red carpet selfie fix in quite some time so she's got her iPhone camera on an automatic click feature to make herself feel important.

Fashion icon Donatella Versace and the House of Versace Muse Naomi
were at the amfAR gala in NY. Gosh, didn't Donatella wonder
where that internationally famous invisible European model
Beth O was? Well, she married a cheapskate plus she's plus sized
and never modeled in Europe since none of her photos
have ever surfaced above a sea level of lies.

Flawless Heidi Klum with Kenneth Cole, have always
supported amfAR while the Sterns run and hide their wallets.

Have a happy weekend Beth Fans as we watch what happens on those Sirius dials as Stern is steaming up more than those veggies he pretends to eat.

#amfar #heidiklum #bethostroskystern
#howardstern #siriusmothballedstern

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