Monday, February 6, 2017

Moving Target

Yep, the day Beth Ostrosky actually met Howard Stern for the first time is a moving target. As already documented on this blog, whenever you ask Beth when she met Howard, she keeps saying, well, it was 15 years ago, or more than 15 years ago, ummm, you've got to do the math depending on the date of her big press releases that have pushed back that original big meeting date to 1998 and before into infinity. 

Big shocker that when this item hit the news wires, the rumor was, Howard Stern was already divorced from his wife Alison. It was a hush hush secret divorce since he didn't want the tabloid vultures tipped off anything was wrong on that Long Island Fairy Boat called the Stern fortress with the basement vault where he and his long time male companion Ralph Cirella used to cavort planning Howard's daily radio show when he was on terrestrial radio for a million years. 

Howard's PR man turned movie director turned
insufferable fathead.
Contrary to what Mr. PR Man said, it was reportedly not an amicable separation or divorce and a mediator was called in to break up the fight and have all parties go to a neutral corner. Supposedly, the first wife got about three quarters of the Stern pie with Howard left with that doughy mess called a Beth O. Miss Alison was a bit miffed when her husband Mr. Peanut had to cough up some of his own cash to push that borefest movie Private Parts over the last hurdle and get it into theaters. Sony Pictures [obviously] was not interested in pursuing a sequel and Howard was left with an option of Go Fund It yourself or forget it. Howard's big movie debut about his borefest life as a radio morning zoo host who is now a radio morning zoo host with nothing to do but worship the numerology gods hoping something will take root on that peanut shell head of his. Since being pushed onto a satellite, he now struggles with coming up with D List entertainment personalities who will consent to an overly long and drawn out interview rehashing their life stories until Stern finally lets them leave so he can read some more commercials on the air.

We can't wait for the Howard & Beth show. Howard now
talks to an empty studio save for the occasional
appearance of Robin Quivers and the constant fixture of
Fred the sound effects irritant. Yep, Georgette's mom was
all upset when she announced she was marrying that
obnoxious on-air personality Ted Baxter. Howard adapted
the story for he and Beth since Howard doesn't
have an original thought in his head.

Since Howard's divorce, he has been struggling with coming up with a new persona and a storyline that will entertain his fan so he copies from other people's stories and TV shows. Just an example, when the Mary Tyler Moore show featured the couple Ted and Georgette, Ted was a TV news broadcaster and Georgette tells Mary about breaking the news to her mom that she was marrying Ted. She said she phoned her mother and told her, and Mary asked what happened. Georgette implying her mother was furious, said "I can marry whoever I want" and ended the call. Much like Howard and Beth's same ol' storyline that has been press released and talked about on every daytime talk show ad nauseam whenever the Sterns get a chance at hogging a TV camera, about when Beth phoned her mom and told her she met Howard Stern and he was it, she was "done", and mom was upset and slammed down the phone and hung up on Beth.

Another instance was when Howard tried to claim he bedded the supermodel Angie Everhart and she related it in the press and years later repeated it on his radio show that it was the best sex she ever had. No one mentioned at the time, she was trying to get Howard to produce a reality show for her about being a single mom having a baby on her own. The show never happened since 112 Productions produces nothing but Howard's own 60th birthday bash since no one was paying for that thing on their own, Howard had to fork out some dough. The celebs that did show up were paid for their time.

Howard also copied a Donald Trump story about his second wife Marla when she said it was the best sex she ever had:

There are more examples of how Howard just copies the stories from other people or from television sitcoms and adapts them to himself and that nobody he married that was a struggling pudgy model from Pittsburgh who landed a divorced dope on the radio. Good for her. Otherwise, she would have ended up in a pub selling booze to out of work cubmasters.

Hey, did you hear the rumor about how Howard really met Beth? She saw him coming and jumped in front of his limo and it smashed into her body, sort of like what happened to Heather Mills [McCartney] when she was walking on a busy street in London and a police motorcycle slammed into her and she ended up with one less leg to shave. Beth and Heather share a similar life story in that both of their fathers were convicted of fraud, both tried to be legit, famous supermodels and both ended up with old crone tightwads [Heather divorced hers and supposedly lives in the Hamptons like Beth]. 

Yep, the big opinions of Mr. Peanut Head. I sure hope the President of the United States
listens to a guy who started out on a radio dial only to end up on
a radio dial doing nothing but having his studio shut down
about 18 days per month to save on expenses while
he pontificates to a regular on-air staff of one doing sound
effects and pretending to pay attention to Stern when everyone is listening to Radio Andy.

So, we find that XM satellite likes Hillary but Howard never mentioned how much he actually donated to Hillary's presidential campaign but he was very vocal about supporting her for President while she paraded in front of green screens pretending to have fans show up to her press conferences.

Has anyone checked the birth certificates of these two? 

#melaniatrump #donaldtrump #howardstern
#bethostroskystern #vulcanempireinvadewhitehouse

1 comment:

  1. I love the shot of a very jealous monster glaring at real runway model. We need to really examine the cousin that looks like a beefus/wiggy breeding. Too many coincidences.

    Happy Valentines day DBM

