Friday, January 6, 2017

Flying Nun

Anyone who might be interested is probably following the saga about the perfectly timed deaths of Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds where various reports report conflicting information and supposedly Todd Fisher has an episode of "Debbie Does Death" already filmed for an upcoming special aside from the HBO production that was already filmed when she and daughter Carrie were still alive. Debbie supposedly died at her son Todd Fisher's home when she really died at her own home since that was where all the emergency medical trucks were seen parked outside and were seen leaving through the gates with Debbie dying inside. It was reported she finally met her maker at the hospital. Well, didn't Toddy say Debbie came to his house to make funeral arrangements for Carrie? Don't know but the confusion is on purpose to keep the nosy detectives at bay.

Princess Leia didn't know that spaceship
had launched. Close those legs honey, put
down that dress, no one was interested.

What very few probably know, is that Debbie could fly as well as sing and could be seen flying all over the LA area high as a kite and mad as a hatter wondering how to spend her cash since selling off that white elephant she had, called her collection of Hollywood costumes. She sold them off [except for a few precious items] after being pressured by her precious kids to sell the collection since cash is King [I know, Howard Stern is the King of Cash he doesn't have]. 

Debbie portrayed the true life character of a singing Catholic nun who dumped her convent and escaped on a world tour as soon as her records hit the charts and she was off and running on her singing career, flying around the globe desperate for fame until the novelty wore off and she fell out of the sky like rock and hit planet earth.

It appears Debbie died at her own home on Coldwater Canyon as you can see that is what the sign says and the emergency truck is leaving the estate. Todd needs a bit of confusion to divert attention away from the fact no one dies on demand by just willing it themselves [how many times had Todd screened the old movie "The Little Foxes"?]. But Todd is now famous and his wife has changed her mind about filing anything in the courts because you know, he found his "Beth".

Debbie's estate on Coldwater Canyon.

You can see the emergency medical unit approaching the gate,
leaving the estate of Reynolds.

All aged stars become gay icons and Debbie was no different. She had her loyal gay boy living with her just like Martha Raye had in her final days on this earth when Howard Stern's distant cousin Mark Harris actually married Martha. Audiences had to suffer through his incredibly bad singing during the many boring and horrid appearances he made on the Stern radio show years ago since he was related to Stern. Like Debbie, Martha liked the ladies and supposedly had an affair with many Hollywood stars including Joan Crawford.

Beth Ostrosky Stern and her hubby are back to doing nothing since being ignored over the holiday break while Howard is on the horn badgering old lady Lois Pope to not fire Beth as the host of the Hero Dog Awards since Howard went on record as supporting Hillary Clinton in the Presidential campaign instead of Pope's friend Donald Trump. The only way the Sterns had been allowed inside the Trump estate and resort club Mar-a-Lago was via Pope or their openly gay agents Mullet and Bloomfield. We see that appears to have ended, no invite to the Trump Resort for Beth or Howard. Lois Pope sponsors the annual Hero Dog Awards ceremony along with that bogus faux animal and human welfare organization, the American Humane Association funded by Hollywood production companies to purchase a seal at the end of productions using live animals, saying they were not harmed during the production as they are carted back to the county animal pound providing they survived the filming of the show or movie.

Howard Stern looks like he loves showing off his Pot Paunch while
his John is taking the photo. Yes, they are the Ponch & Jon
of the Hamptons old fart group of nobodies trying to be famous.

Beth's big fan base of cat club followers are wondering the status of the boob. Sometimes that left breast implant is there and sometimes it's deflated like Beth's big hopes of being a real model and celebrity.



  1. Carrie should have gone to Katie Couric's plastic surgeon. What a miracle worker that surgeon is- Katie is 60 years old, too., but you could bounce a dime off her jaw line.

  2. Sometimes her boob is deflated "just like her hopes of being a real model & celeb" Hahahaha!!! Great line DBM!

    Have you seen her latest pretend NSAL ad on her IG account? Dolt can barely read the cue cards and can't pronounce the word animal....she says animoes. No wonder she flunked out of U of Pittsburgh as an English major. Perhaps she should stick to speaking the 5 other languages Howard claims she is fluent in, she would be better off. What's that? All she remembers is how to say "A BJ is $500" ?. Oh well...
