Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cracking the Egg

Howard Stern had the nerve to show up again for the start of yet another boring year of the stale Stern satellite radio show where he bragged about doing nothing over the holiday break but break into a party where he only stayed for 10 minutes since security was called after guests kept asking how Mr. Hillary Clinton got into the Republican party in the first place. 

Howard forgets Donald Trump was invited to his own wedding with that horsefly he couldn't swat even after purchasing her the apartment beneath his at the Manhattan man cave, nope, the bitch wanted her own kennel club papers and she got them. The Trump gimmick only went so far and New Yorkers wanted Hillary and they got her but that's about all they got with the Electoral College choosing Trump after his checks didn't bounce.

Howard was dodging spotters and only got to speak with Dr. Desperate for Fame
for only a few minutes at a holiday party as the dyed wig doctor asked if
Robin Quivers was planning on staging anymore cancer death scares
anytime soon so he could invite her again on his old fart daytime talk show
that's designed for housewives waiting for their female breadwinners to
come home with the bacon that Robin now eats along with the whole hog.

Michael Cerveris and Beth O doubled
their wardrobe.

Also on Tuesday's satellite radio show, Robin Quivers mentioned going to the Broadway show Othello starring Daniel Craig over the holiday break and met a friend of her standard Broadway buddy Ralph Cirella who knows all the backstage banter between the stars including Daniel Craig who is running from the scientologists who still want a piece of Bond as his wife fights off rumors she's a high ranking member of the group with a nose job. Beth Ostrosky Stern is a big Babe of Broadway and the only person we know of that she's dated before Howard was Michael Cerveris. How do we know? Well, not from Michael but from an article designed to insert Beth in the public eye to make them aware that Beth dated the two time Broadway Tony Award winner who loves to wear tutus while performing with his band. This is the guy Howard Stern talked about on his radio show that Beth knew, stating he was the guy in the Broadway musical Tommy when Beth is only photographed with Cerveris when he did the Broadway musical "Titanic".

Funny thing happened on the way to writing this blog, is that it's online that Cerveris and Beth only dated in 1997 according to the website "Who's Dated Who". That's when Cerveris performed in the Broadway musical "Titanic" not "Tommy". Yet everyone might remember backstage Bethie participated in an amateur awful video about stalker fans of the musical Tommy called irritatingly stupid "A Vague Haze of Delirium".

On Monday's satellite radio show, Howard
again talked about his fantasy character
in the movie "Pretty Woman". Poor Howard,
never found his Knight in Shining Armor.

But let's digress. It's a new year and we still do not have any evidence of when Harry met Sally, i.e., when Howard met Beth. 

Ralph Cirella claims he introduced Beth to Howard around 2000/01, whenever that fake Mercer Kitchen story happened where they first met.

Beth has gone on record in a video interview on the Huffington Post site where she said she has been with Howard for more than 15 years bringing the date to pre-2000 as when they actually met [ref: BFP January 30, 2015 and February 1, 2015]. 

There was that phony Mercer Kitchen story where Beth can't remember the date of the actual dinner when she met the man of her dreams Howard Stern. You would think she would have had the date tattooed on her forehead since he was the one that made the pudgy pariah from Pittsburgh famous to cat club association members on Instagram.

Howard and Beth never provide dates of anything and Beth only knows her history in relation to her age, not dates of events, which is a tough egg to crack. I guess she has to memorize that phony age inside that enormous head of hers since she shaves off more than her private parts. For example, if you ask her when she worked in the film "Flirting With Disaster", instead of saying it was 1996 she will yell "I WAS 24 YEARS OLD!!!!" because she's trying to remember her fake age.

Well, that's enough of digression, time to move on with more important things like waiting to see who gets stuck with Beth's latest round of feral cats that she won't touch. All she does with Fig and Dumpling is throw food at them and run as they plot their escape from Stalag Beth. 

#bethostroskystern #dawgshed #titanic #tommy #egg #crackedeggs
#howardstern #robinquivers #danielcraig #michaelcerveris
#watchoutcatowners   #cerveris #stalagbeth #howardhorninskyisapartycrasher


  1. But wait!! Didn't Beefus date (her words) "tons of rich and famous guys"? Sigh...I guess those pics were burned in her apt fire along w/ the Euro model pics & perhaps are only available are the Darknet. :rolleye:
    So the inter webs show only a short "arrangement" with Michael Cerveris, who 70% of people voted they thought he was gay, and some other dude that dumped her tout suite for Amanda Peet.
    She also added that she "cheated on every one of her boyfriends". Howard started to stammer when she said this about "how they deserved it". Howie, sweetie...doesn't that "cat emergency" you recently mentioned where Beefus had to run out to LI at 9:30pm seem a bit suspicious to you? It does to everyone else #clueless But hey, keep up those rinse & repeat photoshopped "love shots" on Instagram. They are the only humor you provide these days b/c your stale radio show certainly doesn't.
    PS I nominate Beefus to replace Joey Boots as a Wackpacker b/c she certainly qualifies.

    And one last thing, seems John Popper's recent autobiography stated that Beth approached him when he was on Letterman & she was a chorus girl (his words) and told him she was Stern's secret girlfriend. We suspect that was in 1998, while he was still married to Alison. When called out on twitter, Popper backpedaled and said he got the timeline wrong.

    And cheers DBM!! Love your blog!!

  2. So it seems Bobeefus has been signed with every top agency. Isn't that really really strange? Why all the problems with management? No campaigns absolutely nothing but low end catalogues but all the agencies signed it?

